The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 088, Jiuyao appears

"By the way, teacher Mao Mujing, how are things going with Jia'er?" Nie Kong asked.

"Meow, with my cat eyes quietly going out, everything is done! The chairman has agreed to Jia'er staying in the academy. Now Jiaer will officially become the fifth member of our Friends Department, and the activities of the club can finally begin. "Mao Mu Jing's little head rubbed against Jia'er, his face full of enjoyment.

"Isn't there any other activities? If you have time, it's better to deepen the relationship with Mengxiang and their three daughters." Nie Kong will not be so boring, and will really conduct club activities with the theme of making friends.

"Really, what are we going to do." But Mengxiang's daughters were out of Nie Kong's surprise, and they all looked very emotional.

"Since it is the Department of Friends, let's focus on making friends. My opinion is to publish some publications and write some methods to teach the monsters of Yanghai Academy how to make human friends." Maomu Jing did not think about it. Think, just say it.

"Really, this might be good. It will allow more lonely people to find true friends." Although Mengxiang was talking, her bright eyes looked at Nie Kong.

"That's it. Let's work hard to organize the first phase of our Friends Department!" Xiao Zi was the most excited. After a long time of loneliness, she could feel the helplessness of not having a friend.

Hey, don't ignore my decision as the head of the Friends Department, I haven't spoken yet.

Nie Kong felt a headache. Although he was seduce the lonely girl with the purpose of this friend department, he didn't plan to do anything at all.But seeing Jia'er also look so excited, Nie Kong couldn't refuse.

"Just do it. I hope that the three women will enhance their bond and feelings during this activity. I think the original Moonyin, didn't they do it like this before."

So the content of the activity was decided. After school, everyone gathered in the club activity classroom to write the manuscript.During this period of time, the three women unexpectedly did not quarrel, and they cooperated very happily.

After more than a few days of hard work by the three women, the first issue of the activity newspaper of the Friends Department was announced.Nie Kong didn't help much. Instead, he had sex with them several times while Jia'er was not together.

"Huhu, the newspaper is finally finished." Seeing the hard-wrote articles in front of them were printed into hundreds of publications, the faces of the three women were filled with joy and pride.In the past few days, apart from facing Nie Kong, the relationship between the few women has improved greatly.

Early the next morning, Nie Kong was dragged over by the three women who had been waiting for a long time, saying that he was going to sell newspapers at the school gate.Despite the soft voices of the three of them, Nie Kong could only lead Jia'er behind.

After arriving at the Friends Department, Hu Meng and Mengxiang were responsible for moving the table, while Jia'er and Xiao Zi followed behind with newspapers.Nie Kong naturally looked bored at the figure of the girl in front of him, thinking about when he would be able to make three shots.

There are two beauties who are selling, and most of the newspapers are sold at once, and all of them are busy and sweaty.Although very tired, Xiao Zi is very fulfilling and very happy.

After a while, there was less than one third of the newspaper left, and after a short break, I saw a panic in the crowd.

Several people in black uniforms pushed away from the crowd and squeezed toward the place where the Friends Department sold newspapers.Seeing their overbearing appearance, those who don't know thought they were gangsters.

In the middle of the term, one even pushed aside someone rudely and shouted: "Get out of the way, don't get in our way."


"Oh, these black uniforms are the guys from the Public Security Committee!"

"Why... why those guys are here..."

Obviously the monster students who came to buy newspapers and magazines all knew these people, with a trace of awe on their faces, as if they were afraid of them.

A man with often yellow hair walked in front of Nie Kong and the others, leaned slightly, and squared his right hand on his chest and said gracefully: "Hello, I am a cadre of the Public Security Committee-Jiu Yao!"

Mengxiang was a little uneasy and said: "Public security? Is it the person who maintains school order? What are you here for?"

"I don't think they are here to buy our newspapers." As long as Nie Kong is by her side, Hu Meng feels fearless.

"Well... Are you a member of the friends department that you just created? You are actually doing the same activities as the previous news department? Very good!" As soon as the voice fell, Jiuyao's elegant appearance suddenly became hideous: "Whose permission have you been here? Where do locals distribute newspapers like this? Don’t we remember to check it beforehand!” Kicked to the table and snorted coldly, “It’s really annoying, why are there so many people like you who break the school rules and do whatever you want? in?"

The monsters surrounding them didn't dare to watch the excitement and all burst away, and in an instant, a large vacant lot was left at the door.

"We are a committee for maintaining public order on campus. Without our consent, we must destroy it like this." Jiu Yao stepped on the table and looked at the people in front of Nie Kong with contempt.

Nie Kong narrowed his eyes, and the lazy smile on his face gradually disappeared.Everyone knows that this is a prelude to Nie Kong's anger.

I'm the best villain who wants to break this world, so why are you weak guys playing prestige in front of me?

"I'm the head of the Friends Department, what are you guys? I'm selling newspapers and periodicals here, don't you have any opinions?" Nie Kong's face was cold as he watched the things written by the women were ruined. Any expression.

"Nie Jun...I... let's not mess with them. They are the scariest guys in the school." Xiao Zi pulled Nie Kong's clothes in horror. She was familiar with the terror of the Ministry of Public Security and she didn't want anything to happen to Nie Kong. accident.

"Haha! Very good, you are still the first to dare to speak to us like this! If the News Department last year had your backbone, maybe it wouldn't be disbanded now." Jiu Yao laughed wildly, but his voice was full of anger. .

I am one of the people in the school, above the 10,000 people, like the emperor like Jiu Yao, have I ever been insulted like this?

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