The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 089, the battle before the holiday!

"It is absolutely forbidden to act against the will of the Public Security Committee in this school!! Give it to me and let them know the horror of our Public Security Committee." Jiu Yao burned with anger, and Nie Kong was intent on killing.

"Haha, you are so courageous! Do you guys deserve to be a campus police officer? Don't laugh out of your teeth!" Although Nie Kong was laughing, he was already transformed into a vampire.

"What a terrifying monster, no wonder that he dared to provoke our Public Security Committee so boldly, it turned out to be the legendary monster of power!" Jiu Yao's eyes flashed with a trace of surprise, but he was not afraid.

"Never forgive the guys who dare to despise our Ministry of Public Security!" A dozen cadres in black surrounded Nie Kong and the five people surrounded by a brush.

"If Nie Jun wants to fight, then Mengxiang, I will never back down!" Biao Mengxiang's face flashed firm, and then a roaring monster burst out, and the cold silver-haired red-eyed vampire Ji Yili stood on the spot!

The monsters of a male and a female were entangled and swept away. The dozen monsters around them all stepped back with changing expressions.

"Our newspapers and magazines have taken a long time and spent our countless efforts to condense. No matter who you are, I will definitely not spare you." Hu Meng was unwilling to show weakness, and then she became her real body.

"Jia'er, Jia'er also helps Dad defeat the enemy!" Jia'er wanted to help Dad very much, but it was a pity that Nie Jun directly stopped Jia'er's impulse.Although Jia'er had one-tenth of Nie Kong's strength, it was obviously not enough to deal with the opponents.

Perhaps the strength of the ultimate body in the Digimon world is only the strength of an A-rank monster when it comes to the cross.Other extremely powerful ultimate bodies are calculated separately, such as the celestial beast, the demon beast and so on.

"How come, there are two S-level big monsters!" The dozens of young men who surrounded them kept backing away, and didn't dare to rush forward.

The difference in strength suddenly appeared. The dozen or so people were solved without even touching the corners of Nie Kong's clothes, and they all lost their combat effectiveness under the mental impact of Hu Meng's enhanced version.

"Hehe, love and love with Jun Nie can not only improve your strength, but you can also be so happy, you really love Jun Nie." If it weren't for the fight, Hu Meng would have already rushed into Nie Kong's arms.

"Not only did you become stronger, but the magic power on Xiao Zi's body also became stronger." Xiao Zi holding the magic wand didn't chant a spell, and suddenly a dozen or so several meters of stones appeared in the sky.

A huge and solid stone fell from a height of more than ten meters, smashing a dozen or so people who had passed out into a coma with blood on the ground, without knowing life or death.

Even Li Mengxiang had to admit that Ai Ai with Nie Kong was not only comfortable, but could also accumulate energy to break the seal of the cross at any time.So every time after Biao Mengxiang was about to die, she would come out without authorization and continue to work with Nie Kong.

"Look at my spider spinning silk." Faced with Meng Xiang, the spider woman Ying Si spit out a dozen slender spider silk directly from her mouth.

"Looking for death." Li Mengxiang allowed her spider silk to wrap around her hands, but with a strong pull, the Yingsi's body was dragged by Mengxiang's terrifying power.Li Mengxiang, who had already prepared, kicked her right leg on her chin.

Ying Si screamed, and her body was kicked out more than ten meters by Li Mengxiang, and dozens of bloody teeth fell along the way.

"Dare you actually resist? What you did is rebellious for the academy, and it is enough to be sentenced to death!" Jiu Yao faced the two vampires in front, his proud face did not seem to be afraid.It's no wonder that, the original Jiuyao can be said to have faced the S-class werewolf Moriqiu Silver Shadow and the S-class vampire, Mengxiang did not fall behind.

"Scumbags, let me purify you and your bones with flames!" With Jiu Yao's anger, his body began to burst out with a terrifying hot monster air.

With a bang, Jiu Yao's body exploded with huge demon power, which crushed the floor, and countless fragments fluttered.A flash of fire flashed, and a four-tailed demon fox full of flame appeared in it.

"Yes... a demon fox?" Li Mengxiang's cold face flashed a little solemnly.

In Japan, once a demon fox is in a high position, it will be regarded as a great demon worshipped by the gods, even vampires can't match it!!

"It's horrible, is this Jiu Yao's true body? No wonder he can dominate Yanghai Academy with force." Hu Meng's body broke out in a cold sweat. Although his strength has increased a lot through double repairs, it is obviously not the same level of monsters as Jiu Yao.

The fox with four tails said coldly: "Accept my Jiuyao's anger! Aow..."

At this time, Jiu Yao shook his four tails quickly, and as his tail swayed countless flames like boiling, spinning a huge fire wheel and smashing it head on.

"You are not his opponents, give me back!" The strength of these women is not at the same level as Jiu Yao, and going up is just going to die for nothing.The only one who could resist him was Rimeexiang and a girl.

"Haha, I don't care about any big monster at all, let's solve one first."

"Blood whip of sin!"

Jiuyao's strength is still much larger than that of Dongfang Undefeated. Naturally, Nie Kong will not be afraid of such a powerful monster!Suddenly he grabbed a blood-red fire dragon with his right hand, and drew it at the impact of Jiu Yao!!

"You actually used flames to deal with me, you really don't know how to live or die!" Jiu Yao was dissatisfied with the blood whip of sin, and rolled over with the terrifying heat.

"Do you think my whip can handle it so easily? It would be too small to look down on me." The blood red flame dragon was directly drawn to Jiu Yao. Although the flame did not hurt Jiu Yao, the power contained in the whip was similar to The angry emotions penetrated directly into his body.

"Boom!" The body of Jiu Yao's three or four meters tall demon fox was directly drawn out more than ten meters.

"Wow!" Jiu Yao got up embarrassedly, but at this time his eyes had lost his reason, all filled with endless anger.

"Kill, kill, I want to kill you all!!" A huge fireball sprayed out from Jiu Yao's mouth, covering a dozen meters of space around it.The soil on the ground was directly cracked by the fire!

"Resolve the moves!" Nie Kong didn't avoid it, and even rushed towards the fireball.But when the fireball touched his body, it disappeared completely strangely.

"Beast, die!" Jiu Yao never thought that anyone would be able to rush through his super flame attack. Before his angry eyes had time to recover, he felt a sharp pain in his neck.

"Kacha!" The sound of broken bones sounded, and Jiu Yao, who was grabbing his neck by Nie Kong, broke his neck directly.Before he died, his eyes were still confused.

If it weren't for the angry blood whip, it is estimated that to deal with this Jiu Yao, a soul attack would have to be used.Because after Jiu Yao lost his mind, he failed to carry out the second stage of transformation-forming a human body.

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