The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 092

092 The Night Attack

Unknowingly, it was night. After dinner and bathing, Nie Kong and Mengxiang went back to their rooms to rest!Of course, today's Jiaer slept with Xiao Zi who was a little scared.

Lying in bed and waiting until ten o'clock in the middle of the night, Nie Kong thought that the women were all asleep, and when he thought it was about time to go out, the door of the room opened.The one who secretly opened the door and came in was the dream demon Hu Meng.

Hu Meng didn't even have a bath towel around, and appeared as if he was just born!Even if I know that I am here, don’t try to hide my body!This Hu Meng is so bold that he is going to attack me at night.

By the way, in the two-dimensional clubs, aren’t all boys attacking girls at night? When did the situation turn around?

"Nie Jun! Only during this time, Hu Meng can have time to be alone with you, let's not waste time." Hu Meng lightly pads his toes, and slips into the quilt covering Nie Kong with a sigh. inside.

"Wow, Nie Jun's bed is so comfortable and warm." Hu Meng moved his body, pressed it up, and slightly propped up, stretched out a hand and passed Nie Kong's body tightly. quilt.After compacting the quilt, Hu Meng's hand took advantage of the trend to hug Nie Kong's strong fitness body, and his entire body was attached to it.This movement of her caused her tall and plump breasts to rub against Nie Kong's bare back several times, and then the whole body was pressed tightly there.

The fire in Nie Kong's heart was completely detonated by Hu Meng's soft watery body.No one can blame others, but Hu Meng's physical charm is too great.

"Hu Meng, ready to go in." Nie Kong picked up Hu Meng's elastic buttocks and was about to carry his gun in.

"DaDa!" A light footstep sounded, and the door of Nie Kong's room was pushed open again.Under the moonlight, Mengxiang's shy face was shown.

"Mengxiang's head is so dizzy, she looks like anemia. Nie Jun will definitely help Mengxiang."

The shy Mengxiang, the cute Mengxiang... would she take the initiative to attack herself at night? I'm not dreaming.Although the action was interrupted, Nie Kong was not much depressed, and even more anticipation in his heart.

When Nie Kong was about to speak, his mouth was again blocked by Hu Meng's small mouth.

"Nie Jun is mine tonight, I won't let that guy Mengxiang succeed!" Hu Meng thought that Mengxiang would leave here regrettably without getting Nie Kong's reply.But Mengxiang's next action directly scared the two people in the bed.

"Did Nie Jun actually fall asleep!" Mengxiang's face relaxed, but she felt even more embarrassed if Nie Kong was awake.So her face suddenly returned to normal, and she stood on tiptoe and quietly lifted the quilt and got inside.

Fortunately, the bed is really big enough to accommodate three or four people!But it was so, the three of them were tightly wrapped in quilts, which brought unprecedented excitement to Nie Kong!

"Dead Mengxiang, dare to grab the time alone with Nie Jun with me, and see how I can fix you!" A demonic smile flashed across Hu Mengqiao's face, and gradually moved his leg over Nie Kong's side of the body. Just kick on Mengxiang's belly.

"It hurts, Nie Jun's sleep is really ugly, kicking like a child." Mengxiang rolled out of the quilt and fell under the bed after being kicked by Hu Meng.

But Hu Meng was not discouraged. She straightened her body and continued to stick to Nie Kong. Just as she stretched out her hands to hug Nie Kong's waist and fall asleep, she bumped into the little feet that stretched towards her.

After being touched by Mengxiang, that little foot shrank in shock, and then moved back.Mengxiang was surprised, she reached out her hand and touched Nie Kong's thighs, and found that Nie Kong's legs hadn't moved at all!!

"This time I was discovered by Mengxiang. It depends on what you do. It is not enough to treat her once, but I want to do it several times." Nie Kong said helplessly, he wanted to push the two women to sleep together.

Mengxiang opened the quilt in shock, and the goal was that Hu Mengguang's slippery body was wrapped around Nie Kong's body like a tree root, and the two were closer than ever.Even half of Nie Kong's lower body has entered Hu Meng's warm body!

Hu Meng glanced at Mengxiang, not surprised, and smiled and said, "It turned out to be Mengxiang, why didn't you sleep and came here?"

Mengxiang snorted angrily: "Hu Meng, you are really hateful, you dare to sneak on Nie Jun at night, you just kicked me just now."

Hu Meng smiled beautifully, and said: "I'm enthusiastic with my dear Nie Jun, why, Mengxiang wants to share a piece of the pie too."

"Get up for me, Nie Jun is mine. You must not let you seduce him." Mengxiang angrily took Hu Meng's hands and pulled outwards forcefully.

"Why, I came first tonight. According to the principle of first come, first served, Nie Jun belongs to me alone tonight!" Hu Meng clamped Nie Kong's waist with his legs and insisted.

"Don't fight, since we are here, let's sleep together tonight." Watching the two girls dangling naked in front of them, even Liu Xiahui would become obscene.

Nie Kong stretched out his hand and took it to the side. Mengxiang didn't pay attention for a while, and tore off every word of horse.A child was pressed on Hu Meng's chest.

"No, I will never let Hu Meng stay by your side Nie Jun. If... if Nie Jun was taught by Hu Meng, it would be bad." Mengxiang wanted to struggle, but the bed was still not big enough and the three of them rolled away. Made a ball.

Being entangled with Nie Kong's body, Mengxiang's resistance gradually lost, leaving only the feeling of love with Nie Kong before.

Hu Meng was not much better, his body was extremely sharp developed by Nie Kong.Just being touched by Nie Kong, his body softened.

Just as Nie Kong was thinking about which one to push first, Jiaer's anxious voice came from outside the door.

"Dad, daddy, it's okay, Xiao Zi was taken away by bad guys."

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