The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 093, Xiao Zi was caught

093Small purple got caught

"Master, I have brought the young witch back." In the castle deep in the sunflower shop, a charming girl hugged the struggling Xiao Zi, half kneeling in front of the old woman sitting on the chair.

"Who are you anyway?" Xiao Zi kept making useless resistance in her eyes with horror.

"Don't be afraid that we are not humans, but are witches just like you. As family members, we want you to be our partner." The old woman in front of Xiao Zi turned around, revealing a somewhat old look face.

Although she looked very old, she still couldn't conceal the beauty of her face, showing how beautiful she was when she was young.

"My name is Concubine Liu. I am a witch who lives in Witch's Hill with my master. I caught you here because I wanted to make friends with you." Concubine Rui let go of Xiao Zi, embarrassed on her face.

"What do you want Xiao Zi to do?" Although she was very happy to see two of her fellow Xiao Zi, she still asked the most important question.

"Humans are the enemies of our witches! Concubine Ru has grown up in human society, so it is clear. Humans will only gather to destroy incompetent races like lice. You know that when you come to this world, witches and humans cannot There is no need to understand each other. Those hateful humans intend to destroy the beautiful hills full of sunflowers this time, so even a little bit, we want to use your power in order to fight humans." Concubine Ruu's face flashed A trace of hatred, hatred for humans wanting to destroy her home.

"Your name is Xiao Zi, right? Can you fight side by side with us and fight for the complete elimination of mankind." The old woman's face turned around, looking at Xiao Zi with a touch of expectation.

"Nie Jun once said to me that the enemy of our monsters is human beings. Xiao Zi said it was really happy to be a partner with you, really happy! But Xiao Zi... Xiao Zi didn't want to leave Jun Nie and the others." Zi's ​​voice was getting lower and lower, her eyes didn't even dare to look at the two women opposite.

Compared to fighting with them, Xiao Zi hopes to be able to stay with Nie Kong's people and live happily.If time can be paused, Xiao Zi even wants time to stop at that moment.

"The witch has no friends, anyone will only laugh at our bloodline! Xiao Zi, wake up." Concubine Ru persuaded Xiao Zi from the side.

"No, Nie Jun and the others are very good to me, and they don't mean to laugh at me." In the face of Nie Kong's question, Xiao Zi did not give in.

"It's because of those human beings, Xiao Zi, are you not willing to become partners with us. In this case, Concubine Yu, go and kill them for me." The old woman's face became more and more ugly, and she gave an order.

"I thought you would understand us, but I didn't expect that the mere witch would be entangled with them, which disappointed me too much." Concubine Ruan sighed, just about to leave.

"No, if you dare to hurt Nie Jun and the others, I won't forgive you." Xiao Zi's teary eyes were firm.

"Huh...Xiao Zi, you will know our good intentions in the future. Master, in order to save Xiao Zi, they will give it to me." Concubine Ruin's eyes condensed murderously, absolutely cannot forgive the humans who cheated Xiao Zi.

"I don't need you to look for it, I've already come." As Xiao Zi's familiar voice sounded, a group of black bats flooded into the castle through the window.The black bats gathered in a group, and then gradually showed the appearance of Nie Kong.

Following Jia'er's talk, Nie Kong finally knew what happened.It turned out that when Xiao Zi and the others were asleep, they broke into a big sister who used magic from the outside and took Xiao Zi abducted.

Nie Kong, who is familiar with the plot, doesn't need to think too much. He already knows who captured Xiao Zi.Soothing the three daughters, let them wait for themselves, Nie Kong came here alone.

Had it not been for Hu Meng's sudden night attack, Nie Kong would have long wanted to come here and grab a trembling slave Concubine Yu and go back to play.

"Is it a big demon vampire? I didn't expect that such an arrogant vampire would actually be a witch's friend. It's really rare." The old woman who was the master of Concubine Ru looked at this scene in surprise.

"Nie Jun is actually worried about Xiao Zi, Xiao Zi is really happy." Xiao Zi's eyes were hazy, but this time she cried with joy..

"Do you want to destroy the human world based on your strength? Don't daydream. I don't want to watch Xiao Zi die with you. Hurry up and return Xiao Zi to me." A mockery flashed across Nie Kong's face. With smile, do these two witches want to destroy mankind? If it were that simple, I would have destroyed it.

"Could it be that kind of thing, do you want to stop us?" The old woman sitting in the chair stood up and looked directly at Nie Kong.The magic power accumulated for a hundred years burst out instantly, and a strong wind was rolled up.

"To be honest, like you, I hate the human world very much, so if you can destroy the human world, I am too happy, how can I stop it. But your strength is really not enough." Nie Kong directly shook his head and rejected The strength of their two women.

"Unforgivable, dare to underestimate the strength of our witch clan, my concubine Yu will now let you see how powerful our witch is."

Concubine Liu pushed hard and waved six black wings into the air.He turned around and shot at Nie Kong with six wings. Nie Kong shook his side easily and avoided him.The sharp wings hit the wall behind and were cut into countless pieces.

"Do you want to fight? Come on! If no one teaches you, you really think the world is invincible!" Nie Kong's right hand was instantly condensed with blood whip, and he drew towards Concubine Ru in the air.

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