The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 094, resolution

"Concubine Ru!" Although the owner of Concubine Ru is usually indifferent to Concubine Ru, he treats her like her own daughter in her heart.Seeing Nie Kong hurt Concubine Ru in this way, her heart burned with anger!

"Don't think that vampires are great." At this time, a dozen vines of plants appeared on her body and threw them towards Nie Kong.

"Sure enough, the older you are, the greater the magical power you have accumulated. The power of this magic is much stronger than that of Xiao Zi." Nie Kong was surprised, but his body did not evade anything.When the dozen or so vines were about to restrain Nie Kong, they were all diverted strangely, all entangled, and a few knots were tied.

"How can my magic be out of my control, impossible!" The cloak witch yelled in surprise, her voice full of disbelief.I don't know how many times I have used my magic, but she used it at my fingertips, and it is impossible to make a mistake.

"Such simple magic is far from me!" Nie Kong snorted, the blood whip in his hand turned into an afterimage and hit the cloak witch.

Countless blood spurted from the cloak witch's mouth, and her body flew more than ten meters away.Although she was seriously injured, she still struggled to stand up, her eyes staring at Nie Kong filled with madness.

Although the magic of witches is quite powerful, their melee combat power can be said to be inferior to ordinary humans!!

Seeing Nie Kong preparing to get serious, Xiao Zi, who was bound and unable to move, begged, "Jun Nie, please, don't kill them. They may be one of the few people in Xiao Zi's clan. There are so many mistakes. It's all Xiao Zi's fault. If Nie Jun gets angry, just punish Xiao Zi."

The cloak witch said coldly and sternly: "You underestimate me, do you think I only have this strength! I can make me come true, I will make you regret it."


Just as the cloak witch's voice just fell, in the ground of the sunflower garden outside, countless flower monsters with hideous mouths and terrifying teeth appeared strangely.

Under the control of the witch, the flower demon approached the castle. In the blink of an eye, the space of several hundred meters around the castle was covered, densely packed and looked terrifying.

"I'm sorry, Concubine Ru, I have nowhere to go now. I want to kill all humans, destroy cities, and avenge humans! The demon fits!"

"No, the master begs you not to use that trick."

Originally, Concubine Ru, who had fallen on the ground, saw this scene and wanted to rush over to stop her master, but it was a pity that Concubine Ru just had no strength in her body due to being too excited.

The demon fit is the forbidden magic that the cloak witch has researched for a hundred years, using herself and the monsters to become one, swallowing the power of other monsters for her own use.The more swallowed, the stronger the strength.Once activated, it can never be restored.

"Does the demon fit? It is really an amazing skill if you get rid of the malpractice! But as long as you prevent your fit, you have nothing to do!" Nie Kong didn't want things to become more and more troublesome, so he wanted to prevent the witch from transforming. .

"Night demon flying!" Countless black bats appeared in front of Nie Kong, instantly covering the surrounding space of 100 meters. As the black bat group passed by, all the flower demon disappeared strangely.

The Night Demon's flying attack can swallow any creature and convert it into energy to supplement Nie Kong's body!The strength of the flower demon was not strong, so it was easily defeated by the group of bats.

After the bats circled around, they flashed directly into Nie Kong's body, replenishing Nie Kong's physical strength and energy!

"How can this be, the flower demon that I have cultivated so hard, the flower demon that I plan to destroy humans, is there anymore?" The cloak witch stared at everything in front of her, her eyes became hollow.

If I can't avenge humanity, what is the meaning of my life?

"It's all you, it's all you who destroyed my dream, you return my flower demon!" After a daze, the cloak witch stared at Nie Kong hatefully, wishing to tear him.

Nie Kong said with a weird smile: "Aren't you very arrogant, aren't you trying to destroy the human world? What do you want to do with this strength. Come on, I haven't played enough yet." The cloak witch gritted her teeth and finally rushed. In the past, Nie Kong threw a whip on her again.

The corners of her mouth were biting with blood, and she struggled to stand up.

Nie Kong stepped on her back, looked at her stern eyes when she turned her head, and said coldly at the corner of her mouth: "You're just a fragile, injured poor bug. I will beat you back today. Prototype." Nie Kong slapped her a dozen times in a row, which made her shine.

"Please beat me, beat me, don't beat my master." Concubine Ruan anxiously watched her master being beaten, wishing to take the pain instead of her.

"Even if you are looking for death by yourself, don't pull up all the witches. If all the witches are extinct because of your impulse, it would be really sad." Nie Kong pulled up her collar and pulled her up to face him. By yourself.

"I...I'm going to kill you." When the Cloak Witch was caught by Nie Kong, another blood spurted out, and the look on her face became even more languid.Faced with human hatred at this time, she had already transferred to Nie Kong, who had shattered her dream.

"I just said that your strength is too weak, it is impossible to destroy the human world. But I have a way to improve your strength, do you want to try it?" Nie Kong looked directly at the witch's face, his eyes flashed playfully. .

"You...what are you going to do?" The hateful eyes of the cloak witch showed a gleam at this time.

"Swallow this drop of my vampire blood and become a vampire like me. Then you will have infinite life. Destroying the human world is only a matter of time."

A drop of golden blood condensed on Nie Kong's fingertips.Just look at it from a distance and you will know that it contains terrifying vitality.

"I... can I really destroy the human world?"

The witch stared at the drops of blood in front of her, and finally made up her mind to stretch her head and gently open her mouth to suck Nie Kong's fingertips.

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