The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 096, the end

After busy working most of the night, when Nie Kong took the three witches back to the house, the sky was already bright.Outside the house, a familiar bus stopped there for a long time.

"Young man, it seems that you have solved the problem here." The uncle driver's eyes hidden under the hat saw the three witches following Nie Kong, and said in a surprised tone.

The witch's resentment towards humans in the Witch's Hill can no longer be reconciled, so the method of negotiation and persuasion simply does not work, the only way is to fight to the bottom.But he looked at the three witches behind and found that they were not seriously injured at all, which made the driver uncle feel very confused.

"What a mysterious young man, I can't even see him. I don't know his existence, which is a blessing or a curse to the two worlds of shemales and monsters!"

"The solution is solved, but the two witches are already homeless, the driver, do you have a way to let them join Yanghai Academy." Nie Kong asked Ryu and Ayano behind him.

"As long as they are willing, it should be no problem to enter Yanghai Academy. I believe the chairman will also welcome them to join!" The driver was originally arranged by the chairman to solve the incident of the Witch's Hill causing a disturbance in the human world.If you can persuade them to join Yanghai Academy, I believe the chairman will be more at ease.After all, there are two witches who hate human beings outside, and I don't know what disaster will cause.

"It's really great, in this way Consort Ru can become Xiao Zi's friend." The increasing number of friends made Xiao Zi feel unreal for a moment.And all this was brought to him by Nie Jun.Thinking of this, Xiao Zi stared at Nie Kong, his heart filled with happiness.

The four women in the room heard the conversation outside and ran out of the room in a hurry!

"Jun Nie, you guys are finally back. I thought something unexpected would happen, which made me worried." Mengxiang unknowingly treated Xiao Zi like her own sister.

"Although I really want to lose a competitor, I would be a little uncomfortable without you arguing with me. Welcome back, Xiao Zi." Hu Meng stretched out his hand, wanting to hug Xiao Zi in his F cup. in.

"Dad never disappointed Jia'er, and he really saved Sister Xiaozi back." Jia'er threw into Nie Kong's arms happily, rubbing her little head against Nie Kong like a spoiled pet. mind.

"Everyone... Everyone is so worried about Xiao Zi, Xiao Zi likes you the most." Although Xiao Zi was smiling, there was a little sparkle on her face.

"Ah...Nie Jun and Xiao Zi are back. Come in for breakfast, there are so many fresh fishes!" Teacher Maomu came out carrying a plate of fresh grilled fish and kept stuffing fish in his mouth.

"Master, they are..." Ayano looked at the women with some caution. She was not used to dealing with strangers before as a witch.

"Mengxiang Hu Meng, let me introduce you two new partners. She is Ayano Orange, and she is Princess Orange, both of whom live in Witch Hill. They took Xiao Zi, but now Is already our friend."

As Nie Kong's voice just fell, the two women stared warily at the two beautiful girls standing behind Nie Kong.

"This little Zi, I am so worried about her. Who ever thought she brought two girls of the same race to help snatch Nie Jun. It really was a bad intention! Is it because you have a helper, I don't have it. I went back to see if I would not bring my mother to serve Nie Jun, Nie Jun will definitely be my Hu Meng in the future." Hu Meng was in a mess, and he didn't know where he had drifted.

"Nie Jun, what is the relationship between the two of them and you. Although this is something I shouldn't ask, but Mengxiang is...want to know." Mengxiang stared at Nie Kong eagerly.

"They have been accepted by me as servants, and Ayano is still my descendant! Could it be that Mengxiang, you vampires, can only produce offspring by birth, not by blood?" Nie Kong asked strangely.

"Is it a vampire inheritance? We have never heard of this method." Meng Xiang's heart was tense, and finally relaxed after hearing Nie Kong's return.

"No wonder Nie Jun has a daughter. It turns out that Jia'er is also a descendant of Nie Jun's blood. Now I can rest assured. If they are already Nie Jun's women, then there will be three witches that are very unfavorable to my situation. "

"Young man, are you talking about the heritage of vampires? This method has been lost before the Middle Ages. Now there is no vampire with such secret skills." Hearing Nie Kong's words, the driver was shocked by the cigar in his mouth. I don't know if it falls.In this way, even Akashia knows a little bit of fur, but the boy in front of him can actually create descendants, which is really hard to imagine.

"Dad, is she my elder sister?" Jiaer looked at Ayano strangely, and softly bit on Nie Kong's ear.Seeing Ayano's appearance, Jiaer felt that she would be robbed of her father when she gave birth.

"Don't worry! She is just my servant now. Of course, she is completely different from Jiaer." If Jiaer is a second-generation vampire, Ayano is the third-generation, and there is an insurmountable gap in her blood. .

But if swallowed by practice, the bloodline system can naturally evolve.But no matter how strong the strength becomes, they can't escape the fetters of deepening into the soul with Nie Kong.

"Please take care of me. My name is Ayano Orange, and I am the master's most loyal servant! My favorite thing is that the master gets orders to do all kinds of things with her body." Ayano said, headed. lower and lower.

"I...I'm Concubine Liu, a member of Xiaozi's family. I hope to be able to enter Yanghai Academy to be friends with you!" Concubine Ruin said softly, as if she was talking about bullying me. .

Both Mengxiang and Hu Meng introduced themselves, but the hostility between the two girls still remained.

"Hey, since you helped me complete this task, I'll make an exception and take you to the beach to play." The driver's uncle was in a good mood and directly took Nie Kong and the others to the beach for vacation.

"Okay, this is really the activities and training of the Friends Department, everyone is ready, let's go to the sea for vacation!"

Teacher Mao Mujing is especially excited, maybe she can taste more fish if she is on the beach.

The bus screamed and took Nie Kong and the others to the beach. They spent a few days of happy holidays. The figures of several women in swimsuits were printed in the depths of Nie Kong's mind.

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