The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 097I received a love letter

With the end of the happy study trip, Yanghai Academy finally ushered in a new semester. With the help of the bus driver, both Ryu and Ayano can stay on campus and serve as the faculty of the college!

And the witch Concubine Ru, under Nie Kong's many abuses and abuses, gradually only reacted to Nie Kong in her physique, which means Concubine Ru has become Nie Kong's exclusive slave to her!

On the morning of the first day of the new semester, Nie Kong walked towards the school as usual, and the three girls had been waiting there for a long time.After seeing Nie Kong appear, the three women again tirelessly clamored around Nie Kong.

Nie Kong felt that if it hadn't been interrupted by Xiao Zi's sudden incident, now it is estimated that he would have been able to establish a harmonious harem.But in this noisy atmosphere, the women seemed to enjoy it.

With countless students in the school with a look of envy and jealousy, Nie Kong and a few women came to the shoe box, ready to change shoes and enter the teaching building.In the second dimension, Japanese colleges and universities are like this, they need to change their shoes when entering and leaving the teaching building.

Just as Nie Kong opened the shoe cabinet to change his shoes, something unexpected appeared in it!

Pink envelope.

Heart-shaped stickers.

A faint perfume smell-"Is it love, love letter?"

My God, I am surrounded by three girls every day, and there are girls who write love letters to myself.However, Nie Kong, who received a love letter for the first time, felt unspeakable joy in his heart.

Wait a minute, it was not one of Mengxiang and their three daughters who wrote to me.

Nie Kong secretly aimed at the three women, and found that the three women were changing shoes normally, their expressions basically unchanged!

"What's wrong with Jun Nie, why are you looking at us with that look?" The keen Hu Meng suddenly noticed Nie Kong's strangeness, and asked in confusion.

"No...nothing!" Nie Kong's expression pretending to be calm, secretly taking advantage of the few women not paying attention to collect the love letter into his dingtian ring.

"Hurry up, I'm going to be late." Nie Kong changed his shoes in a few strokes, and then hurried to the classroom first, leaving only three girls with weird faces.

"Isn't Nie Jun the least time-conscious person? Today is so strange why he cares about being late." The three girls looked at each other in confusion, not understanding what was going on.

The class bell rang and Nie Kong sat quietly in the classroom. Teacher Maomu twisted her sexy body to the podium.

"Hello, everyone! The summer vacation is finally over, and we are now entering the second semester!" Teacher Maomu took out his pointer and pointed to the blackboard: "Let’s start the new semester activities!"

Hearing Teacher Maomu's speech, the noise suddenly started. Teacher Maomu smiled with satisfaction and raised his fingers and counted: "Then the second semester leader will start first. Let's study the election of chairperson!"

"Don't be wrong?" the students below clamored.

Teacher Maomu saw the surprise of the following people and explained: "Because there are cultural festivals and other activities in the second semester, there must be a leader!" Pointing to the options on the blackboard: "One chairman, vice committee member One longer and two secretaries! Do you have anyone you want to recommend?"

Nie Kong went to listen to Mao Mujing's nonsense, his mind was completely attracted by the love letter just now.Taking advantage of this time, Nie Kong secretly took out the pink envelope he had just received, and gently unfolded it!

"All the time, I secretly like you.

Connect with me, go deep into the bond of bone marrow!

After school today, I am waiting for you in the dry woods outside the campus. I must come!"

In the letter that Nie Kong believed to be a love letter, only these three lines were written, and there was no sender.In the scribbled handwriting, it is difficult to recognize who wrote it. The only certainty is that it does not seem to be someone’s prank.After all, who wrote this letter?

"Report to the teacher!" Teacher Maomu saw someone raise her hand and motioned to her to stand up: "I recommend Nie Jun as the chairperson!"

"It's Nie Jun, the teacher also feels that Nie Jun is very masculine, and he will definitely be the chairperson of the class! Mengxiang, your suggestion is very good, does anyone have any other opinions?" Maomujing smiled. Sweeping around, the students below all cheered and said they all agreed to pass!

"Congratulations, Jun Nie, are you willing to be the chairperson of the class?"

"I'm going!"

The quiet voice of the cat awakened Nie Kong who was still dreaming. Nie Kong thought he was asking him if he wanted to go to the appointment, so he agreed without hesitation.

"Wait a minute, why are you applauding?" Nie Kong asked strangely, scanning around the classroom.

"Hehe, Congratulations Jun Nie, you have become the chairman of our third class a year, are you happy?" Mengxiang smiled playfully at Nie Kong.

Nie Kong woke up and said angrily: "Quickly stop, I won't take it, I don't have time to do this kind of thing at all!" I don't have time to pick up girls, so how can I do this kind of thing in pain.

"But Nie Jun, who are you wrong, are you the most suitable candidate for our class?" The female classmate sitting next to Yueyin said, "He has a good reputation and strong fighting ability. He is the head of the friend department of the school's most welcome department. Experience in handling things, so you are the right one!"

"Then it is so decided, and now we will start to elect the vice chairman!" Mao Mujing didn't seem to see Nie Kong's opposing look, and started to work on the second part of her own accord.

Not surprisingly, Moe Xiang became the vice chairman of the class, specializing in assisting the chairman in class activities!It turns out that all these are things that Mengxiang had expected long ago!In the class activities, the conspiracy to be alone with Nie Kong!

After class, Nie Kong went to teacher Mao Mujing's office.

"Teacher, I really don't want to be chairman of the committee. I still have the club of the Friends Department to manage. How can I have so much time!"

Teacher Mao Mujing stayed for a while: "Ah! Really? But, Jun Nie, you are a bit late. I have already submitted the approval documents. Now that the documents are down, take a look!"

Speaking of handing some documents to Nie Jun, Nie Kong took a look at it. The document read: "There is a large seal on the back of the application document, and two large letters of approval are written! It is signed underneath, Chairman of the Board!"

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