The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body text 098, the first sight of Bai Xueku

So after school, Nie Kong's spirit was shocked, and he completely recovered from the shock of being elected as the chairman of the committee.First persuaded Mengxiang to go to the club activity classroom alone, Nie Kong secretly came to the date place with the three girls on his back.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon when I came to the dry woods, because the letter said "after school", so I don't know when the other party will come.I was spinning around just now, but Nie Kong did not see anyone hiding.

About half an hour passed in this way, but Nie Kong still didn't notice any girls coming.Nie Kong was a little depressed, but it was the first time he received a love letter. Could it be that he was really fooled.

Just as Nie Kong was about to go back, he suddenly found that there was someone hiding behind a dead tree ten meters away.When Nie Kong looked at it, the figure inside shrank.

"Is it already here? I didn't find her. It was a failure."

Nie Kong strode forward and stretched out his hand to pull out the small body hiding behind the dead tree.In a moment, all the lovely girls hiding behind the tree were presented in front of Nie Kong.She has light blue hair, fair skin like snow.The light blue pupils and light blue hair set off each other, everything is so attractive.

Caught by Nie Kong, the innocent snow-white face showed a faint crimson, like an azalea standing in the snow-capped mountains, a little red in the white!Even Nie Kong, who was used to seeing girls like Mengxiang, was fascinated by the shyness of the girl in front of him.

I have never seen a face before, wearing a skirt like Yanghai Academy on his lower body, a pure white sling outfit on his upper body, and a lollipop in his small lips!

What, what's going on?She... isn't she Bai Xuegu, what is this girl for?Could it be that Bai Xueque was the one who sent the letter?

Nie Kong was thinking like this, and Bai Xuegu slowly took out his hand from behind: "Look, this is a photo I have secretly taken all the time, Nie Jun!"

The Bai Xueku in front of him was blushing somehow, and he was squeezing and uncomfortable since just now.The hand holding the photo couldn't help trembling, as if it was about to hold it.

Yes, it's like—like just confessing to the boy you like.Is there any special meaning in sending photos to people?

Is it possible that Bai Xueku in front of him is the person who wrote the love letter?It’s just that it’s the first time I have met her, how can she like herself?

Nie Kong stretched out his hand in doubt and opened the photo!Day, why are there all photos of me alone together? There is one of them, why am I taking a shower without clothes?

This, this Bai Xueyu, where is it hiding to peek at me, I won't be caught by the peeking mad.

Nie Kong's head was sweating, and she didn't notice other people's peeking. Is it possible that she has reached the point of peeking at the master.Nie Kong kept flipping through the photos, each one with densely written words.

"Did you decipher the meaning of the sentences in the photo? Those are my feelings, and every word instantly expresses my feelings."

"Meaning-does it mean'ILoveyou'?" Nie Kong took a closer look at the photo and found that this sentence was written next to him on the photo!

The girl blushed again, but nodded gently.

"My name is Bai Xueyu, and I belong to the same class as Nie Jun. But I almost never came to class in the first semester, and I am not good at socializing with people. But...only the one given to me by Teacher Mao Mujing The newspapers and magazines I made friends surprised me! Especially the last few questions in the newspapers, they all clearly expressed that Nie Jun, your way of thinking is very similar to mine. You are also very lonely, I understand. !"

"I have always wanted to see you, Jun Nie." The girl plunged into Nie Kong's arms and hugged him tightly. Her very slender figure and delicate body exuded a cool breath from time to time.

It turns out that Bai Xuepi fell in love with herself after seeing that newspaper. No wonder that, she must be very interested in the topics of these friends when she is alone.Isn’t the purpose of creating the Friends Department to attract these girls?

"Since you don't have any friends, then Xiao Kui can join our Friends Department. If you are in the Friends Department, absolutely no one will discriminate against you." His great harem will finally be perfected.

There were tears in Bai Xueguo's watery light blue eyes——

"Don't... Nie Jun, do you still want to go to Chi Ye Mengxiang? Until now, do you still think of them in your heart?"

Nie Kong nodded, "They are my friends, I will naturally care about them."

"If you want to go, Jun Nie, I don't know what to do to the three girls! No, maybe it's too late now, I hate them now! Nie Jun's words are just mine alone Okay, don't leave me!"

Bai Xuegu's voice became lower and lower, and then suddenly raised his head and stared at Nie Kong with a firm look: "If you make Jun Nie into an ice sculpture, you can't go anywhere. In that case, you are. I am alone and no one can take it away! Nie Jun, this encounter is the fate of you and me."

A feeling of icy cold came from her soft body, causing Nie Kong to shiver involuntarily!At this moment, between Nie Kong and Bai Xuegu's touch, it began to freeze quickly!In a blink of an eye, Nie Kong was turned into an ice sculpture by Bai Xuegu who was holding him!

Shirayuki's true character is the famous Yuki among Japanese monsters, who can freely manipulate the power of ice!

"That's great, so that Jun Nie is mine alone!" Feeling affectionately at Nie Kong, who was frozen into an ice sculpture, Bai Xue said softly and happily, "Then we won't leave forever!" With gentleness Slowly sticking her face up, feeling the sense of security Nie Kong brings to her.

"How come, why is there no sign of Nie Jun's heartbeat fading?" Suddenly, I felt like the sound of drums in his ears, and the strong heartbeat shook Bai Xuegu's mind.Just listening to Nie Kong's heartbeat, you can feel how powerful his vitality is!!

At this time, Nie Kong’s ice sculpture slowly shattered, and one hand touched Bai Xuegu’s face: “I can’t be yours alone! It’s really a pity, then I’m going to participate in the activities of the Friends Department, you Do you want to go together?!"

Bai Xueyu murmured: "It's a good match, why did Nie Jun leave me?"

"Hmph, it's unforgivable to seduce Jun Nie! I didn't say anything about Nie Jun being yours alone. Do you think it's your turn." Suddenly a figure shot from the side and kicked instantly. He kicked out Bai Xuegu who had kept Nie Kong.

"As my regular wife, Hu Meng, I haven't spoken yet, is it your turn for the snow girl to come and behave?

"No, right? Nie Jun said that he wants to marry Mengxiang from now on!" Mengxiang pushed hard and pushed Hu Meng who was haunting Nie Kong away.

"Hehe, your ice puppet has been crushed by us. But we forgive you, after all, you are so lonely like me before. But Xiao Zi, will not give you Nie Jun Oh." Xiao Zi bounced around and hugged Nie Kong from behind.

"You are too much, you don't even leave a place for Jia'er!" Jia'er's voice also came from behind.

At this moment, the members of the Friends Department have gathered!

"Okay, my business is finished, let's go back to the club classroom together." Nie Kong left with Bai Xuegui with the women.

Friends? Bai Xuegu, who fell on the ground, looked at the happy people in front of him in confusion, and felt a little envious for some reason.

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