The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0981, hit Xia Lulu Bonamar

Following Ohara's introduction, Amelia's eyes showed strong fear, and no one could understand the terrifying effect of tranquilizers better than her.Because of the last experiment of voluntarily taking the No. 3 stabilizer, she had to walk away from the gate.Those tranquilizers did not exert their intended effects at all, but would aggravate the heart-piercing pain. If they continue to be taken, they will definitely sacrifice their partners.She was hesitant and frightened, looking at the woman on the podium with incredible eyes.

"From the point of view of common sense, it is really strange to say. Obviously transplanting stigmata from ordinary people is already a very heavy burden on their bodies, and now it is forced to increase it to the same rate as our adaptation. Can the body stand it? ?" Elizabeth asked in surprise.

"In order to prevent that kind of thing, so use the No. 4 stabilizer she said." Xi Feng replied.

"What people care about is the effect of the medicine. Compare our situation with Pandora. When the density of stigmata increases, the body will not be able to stand it, so the number of stigmata transplantation will be different based on the individual body itself. Not to mention it is not. The stigmatized E-Pandoras use medicine to suppress the collapse of the body in activation, and there must be a limit to chaos." Elizabeth ridiculously said.

"Let's not talk about the probability of success, let me talk about the problem of stabilizer potions. If there is really a potion that can restrain the body and improve the fitness rate of stigmata, the potion should be applied to the real Pandora earlier, and then it should be applied to ordinary people."

"Well, I feel the same way. I don't need to talk about the budget now, and there is no plan to get the approval. If you think about it, there are too many suspects. Well, the government people do things like this... …" Roxanne, the beautiful oncoming mistress, continued Elizabeth's words.

"Zombie girl, that's not something you should be worried about." Their conversation seemed to attract a lot of people, and two of them leaned forward.A blond loli with arrogance, a mouthless blue-haired beauty with a cold expression.

It was the blonde loli who was talking, her name was Xaluru Bonaparte, and she ranked third among the top five in the third grade, below the immortal Roxanne.

"Who did I say, it turned out to be Xaluru Bonaparte and Julia Monbelk from the top five in the world, what did you mean by what you just said?" Roxanne dissatisfied.

"We are students of Genettix. We are responsible for unconditional obedience to the above orders. Let's leave all the judgment to Xiubaliye." Blonde Lolita said.

"Oh, what a representative of a good soldier. What the hell did Xiubalier give you to speak for them like this." Roxanne slapped Xia Lulu mockingly.

"As always, there is no lower limit." Xia Lulu shook her head and continued: "Although it is difficult to understand for you as a zombie girl, it is relatively simple for you, the unworldly monster-Xifeng· Fei Achard! We were born as human elites. It is impossible not to consider everything compared to our own personal thoughts. And with the spirit of adapting to the times and sacrificing the ego to complete the greater ego, this is our Pandora. Could it be you Isn’t that what you think, Miss Monster in Japan."

"You... why do you call people such a bad name for monsters? Am I so ugly? How can I say that people are quite confident about their looks."

The serious atmosphere completely destroyed Xi Feng's soft whispers, causing Xia Lulu and the others to almost fall to the ground.

"Stop your dangerous behavior of pretending to be cute." Elizabeth said in a cold sweat.

"Hehe, if you have our Genettix teacher, don't you ask, what am I doing?" Xi Feng laughed.

"Huh, are you a teacher?" Xia Lulu finally noticed the existence of Nie Kong beside her, and looked at Nie Kong curiously.A handsome person, people can't stand to watch more.

"No, halfling kid, teacher Nie Kong is a famous person in the world, would you actually not know?" Roxanne exaggerated.

"Shut up, you zombie girl, let the teacher express your opinion." Xia Lulu cursed back.

"Well, let me talk about my opinion. Let’s not talk about the success rate of synchronization, let me talk about the medicine. If it can restrain the body and improve the fitness rate of the stigmata, the medicine has been applied to the real Pandora early, and then it is used. In ordinary people. It means that the medicine is not mature. It is estimated that E Pandora's body is used to verify the efficacy of the medicine..."

Hearing Nie Kong's words, the women felt cold all over.How cruel it is to use human bodies to test the effects of medicines. Once they fail, the body of the experiment will inevitably face collapse.Xia Lulu wanted to refute, but couldn't say anything practical, because what Nie Kong said made sense.

"If this is the case, it's no wonder that Gengo Aoi will strongly oppose the E-Pandora plan. It's terrible..." Roxanne patted her swollen chest, and said with lingering fear.

"It's not too early to speak of, please wait carefully for the results. I am looking forward to the plan to succeed, not only do not have to make E Pandoras sacrifice for no reason, but humans will have one more way to save themselves." Nie Kong calmly Said.

"But... maybe, but even if they sacrificed, they would pay for all mankind..." Xia Lulu still insisted on making sacrifices for the self.

"Don't be kidding, you can figure out the definition of sacrifice. Sacrifice refers to those who have made contributions and died, and if they died while testing the drug, what does it mean that the drug can't be used? In order to test one It is extremely stupid to have a person die because of the nature of the medicine." Nie Kong shook his head.

Nie Kong's status as a teacher made Xia Lulu unable to refute.

"That's right, you halfling kid is naive." Roxanne hit Xia Lulu with a mocking tone.

"Whatever you say, but my belief won't change, huh..." Xia Lulu hummed and took Julia Monbelk away, leaving them a beautiful back.

"Bonamar's surname seems to be the surname of a famous politician in Xiubalier." Elizabeth said softly.

"It is indeed, and it is a politician who supports the E-Pandora plan, so she has to maintain it." Roxanne exclaimed.

"Don't think too much, now you just obediently cooperate with the researchers to perform synchronization." Nie Kong ordered.

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