The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 0982, synchronization failed

"Huh, what a damn! He is a teacher, someone who only cares about his own people and forgets the overall situation, he is not worthy to be a teacher of Genettix, he will teach students badly." When she left, Xia Lulu looked a little bit Angrily said that she would never admit that her adoptive father would be wrong.

"Hehe, you are wrong, he does have the qualifications of a teacher. And if he comes forward, he will definitely get the support of many people in the world." Julia Monbelk, who had always been cold-faced, flashed in her eyes: "Xia Lulu , Don’t you know his other identity?"

"What, isn't he the teacher of Sigene? What's so mysterious?" Xia Lulu pouted her cute little mouth, but her eyes flashed with curiosity, who on earth was he.

"Before he became a teacher, he was a graduate of Sigeneticus' previous students. What's more, he is the master of Pandora's hero Aoi and Ye, and he has an indelible feat." Julia said softly.

Xia Lulu's pretty face was startled, and she said inconceivably: "He will actually be the master of Pandora's hero Aoi and Ye, right?" Except for her adoptive father, there is only one person who can be respected by her-Aoi and Ye.She transplanted He Ye's Ying Mark, and the reason for her strength was this.

"Didn't you realize that the mark on the back is resonating with the stigma on the back of his hand. It must be very difficult for him to be the master of Aoi and Ye." Julia sighed.

Although the eyes that see through the heart are wrapped in a layer of gentleness, Nie Kong casually stares at her, making her feel heart palpitations, as if she has no secrets.Rumor has it that he won the eighth NOVA shock because of his relationship with Aoi and Ye.

"So, it's no wonder that when I was in the second grade when I was looking for a master, the Yinghen on the back would resist, because Qingjing and Ye's Yinghen were tied to him." Her eyes were complicated, and she seemed to be very distressed. .

"Maybe we and him will become trustworthy comrades in the future, and the day of harmonious relationship will come." Julia said briefly, seemingly comforting.

"Well, I want to see if he only talks big words." Of course, the premise is that the E plan must be successful, not like he said.Everything my father taught, I firmly believe that it will be correct.

The moment Ohara spoke about the use of the stabilizer, Amelia couldn't wait to request a meeting with Ohara and asked her to give up the use of the stabilizer.

"The use of stabilizers is a matter of the committee's personal decision, there is no room for negotiation." Ohara said without any room for negotiation.

"But the No. 4 stabilizer is an improved product of No. 3. Why, didn't that medicine fail? The possibility that the stigmata stabilizer can be completed with the current technology is very low. It is something I have personally experienced. Nothing." Amelia patted her chest and said in a deep voice.

"No. 4 and No. 3 are completely different things, because they were developed using Pandora’s body, so there’s no need to worry about reckless reinforcement and strong side effects as before. It’s better than No. 3 in terms of safety and The effect is another matter." Ohara explained lightly.

"But...but it's more risky than adapting to the stigmata for a long time, is it really okay? Is there really no danger to life?"

"Shut up to me. In order to plan, you have to accept whatever requirements are required. You signed the contract voluntarily. I decide whether there is danger or not. You only need to fulfill your obligations." Facing Amelia's endless questions, Ohara coldly drank impatiently.

"I understand, from the moment we came here, it is not something we can say. Until the end of the contract, I will take any orders. It's just that the number three has left us with too much mental damage. I can forget the horror of death at that moment, so I will fall into anxiety. For us, don't even have the full force of the fear of death." Amelia said excitedly.

"Yes, even if the plan has the possibility of death, the plan will still unfold. But do you think I will let you die easily, because you are my important experimental subjects." Ohara said lightly.

"Understood, I will persuade other partners, thank you for saying this to me." Amelia recalled her previous experiment. Dr. Ohara was indeed worried about their safety and tried every means to save herself.

"For the time being, let's trust you again. Dr. Ohara, don't let us down." She bowed, turned and left Ohara's office, not seeing Ohara's face full of hideousness.

The experiment is unfolding, and E Pandora who volunteered to participate will actually be Gina. She does not want Amelia to bear all the dangers alone. She feels that she should do something for her partners.

When Amelia understood by then, things had already been arranged and could not be changed.She suddenly felt a sense of fear, as if she would lose her friend.The use of stabilizers is bound to be very risky.

The experiment of the synchronization plan began. Pandora who participated was the first third grader of the Korean branch, and E Pandora was Gina. The density of the stigma of the two began to synchronize.

Before accepting the experiment, Xiubalier reported a lot about the E Pandora Project, and presented the results of the research in the eyes of the people of the world.

Gina's performance has indeed improved a bit. Now that she can realize her own star weapon, Amelia seems very happy.Two more days passed quietly, and the Alaska Institute was completely silent after the report.

And one of the buildings is much more tightly guarded than before. It is the core research institute of the Synchronous Project.Three days later, at eight o'clock in the night, the laboratory made a loud explosion.

"Boom..." The walls of several rooms were pierced one after another, and the sirens of the Alaska Institute rang steadily. It seemed that something very serious had happened, which alarmed all Pandora.

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