The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0100, Bai Xueguixin

Bai Xue had closed her eyes in despair and waited for the boundless pain to arrive, but suddenly realized that her plummeting body had stopped falling strangely!

"Am I dead?" She opened her eyes, but found that the blue sky was still not the dark hell she had imagined in her mind.

"I'm not dead yet, but it will be hard to say later." The familiar voice caused Bai Xue to tremble in body and mind. She turned around in disbelief and greeted her with that familiar face.

That face was so familiar, Bai Xue thought she had an illusion.Because in the previous period, she was secretly observing that person in the dark all the time.

"It's Jun Nie..."

Teacher Xiaohu on the cliff saw that Nie Kong who was holding Bai Xue floated up, his face changed drastically.

"Student Nie Kong, why do you need to save her? It's not a shame that this kind of woman died! Not only did I almost killed two of my football club students last night, I just came here to persuade her that she wanted to hit me hard! This time! Change her to pester you. I advise you not to be fooled by her appearance. She fell in love with a teacher in the first semester. Of course, her love affair was fruitless, so Baixue set a trap to chill the teacher because of resentment. That’s why she was suspended from school last semester and didn’t come to class. In short, Bai Xue is a student who hurts others at will, so don’t you think it would be better for her to disappear in the college? All the mistakes were directed at Shirayuki alone.

"Nie Jun is not. I didn't hurt those two students last night! Before I left, I already thaw them!" Bai Xue was said by Xiaohu teacher with a bloodless face and explained everything anxiously.

"Does Nie Kong believe you, a bad student, and doubt me as a teacher?" Teacher Xiaohu sneered.

"Yeah, it's really unforgivable!" Hearing Nie Kong's low and cold voice, Bai Xue shook her head helplessly, feeling more painful than before.

"Student Nie Kong deserves to be the chairman of the third class a year, I believe you will not be deceived by her! Come on, give Bai Xue to the teacher, and the teacher will deal with her." Teacher Xiaohu was very proud, even if someone was someone How about coming to save you, a student, do you still want to beat me as a teacher?

"If a girl as cute as Bai Xueku can like you, it's already a blessing you don't know how many wooden fish you've broken. But you have the heart to hurt her and kill her. You really can't forgive you!" Nie Kong tightly hugged Baixue with a gray heart, and gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Since I first saw Shirayuki, I knew Shirayuki was a lovely and kind girl. I believe she would never do anything that hurts others at will."

"Nie Jun, only you... would you believe in Xiao Kui?" Bai Xue Kuo's eyes showed an unprecedented figure, and she couldn't help but burst into crystal tears, but her face burst into a renewed smile.

"Student Nie Kong, although I don't want to hit you, it was Bai Xueguo who injured the classmate last night. Everyone in the school knows about this!" Teacher Xiaohu roared in anger.

"What happened last night was that you wanted to frame classmate Bai Xue to drop out of school. It was not done by classmate Bai Xue! Everything you have can't escape my eyes." Listening to Nie Kong's constant reproaches, Xiao Teacher Hu kept backing away.

"Hmm... Bai Xueku, do you think that Nie Kong will be much better than me? If you become friends with him, he is afraid that he wants to do more violent and nasty things to you than I do! Did I say something wrong? What, classmate Nie Kong!" The backing teacher Xiaohu didn't give up yet, and wanted to provoke the trust between Nie Kong and Bai Xueku!

"Nie Jun, is it really like what Xiaohu teacher said?" Bai Xue in Nie Kong's arms, her weak heart can no longer withstand any blows!

"Haha... you are right. I do want to do that kind of Happiness to Baixue more than you, but at the same time, I will give her 10,000 times more likes than you. This is my determination!" Nie Kong Speaking frankly.

"If it's Nie Jun, it's Nie Jun, no matter what you do to Bai Xue!" Listening to Nie Kong's words like a confession, Bai Xue held back tears and kissed Nie Kong's lips actively.The love in her heart is like a burning torch, warming her lonely and cold heart.

"It's so ice, so soft! Is this the first kiss of Xue Nv Bai Xueyu?" The jerky kiss had an icy breath, but Nie Kong felt his body warmer.

"Asshole, asshole! I didn't have that kind of treatment before. You took Bai Xue's first kiss so easily, and I can't stand it. I'm going to kill you!" The fire of jealousy in my heart burned in Xiaohu teacher's body!

Bai Xue left her red lips, her cheeks condensed with a little pink, shyly, she lowered her head and glanced at Nie Kong secretly!

"I won't forgive you, I dared to hurt the lovely Bai Xue again and again!" Staring at the real body of Teacher Xiaohu, Nie Kong's right hand condensed a bloody whip burning with raging fire. .Bai Xue pressed against Nie Kong's body, not daring to get too close to the flame that was about to melt her.

"Suffer!" The huge octopus stretched out a dozen disgusting tentacles and swept towards the two Nie Kong in midair.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Bai Xue would never believe that the disgusting monster in front of him would be the little pot teacher!Think about it last semester, I didn’t know what I was going crazy, I would like this monster!

"Nie Jun, be careful!" Bai Xue just wanted to help, but the angry blood whip on Nie Kong's right hand had already swung down at this time.

The roaring fire dragon cut off the stretched tentacles one by one, and the temperature of the whip cooked them all at once.From far away, you can smell a strong smell of takoyaki.

"Ah, it's impossible!" Seeing the fire dragon rushing towards his face, Teacher Xiaohu's huge and clumsy octopus body couldn't hide it!There was only a scream, and the huge octopus was instantly grilled into takoyaki.

"Nie Jun, you... you killed him, he is a teacher, and he will be suspended from school." Bai Xue said worriedly.

"It's okay, the chairman will be aware of it! You and me will not be suspended from school." Kill and kill. If the chairman is ignorant, don't blame me for cooperating with the anti-school to destroy this place.

"That's good! If Nie Jun is suspended from school for me, Bai Xue will be upset." Bai Xuekui breathed a sigh of relief, and Bai Li's red cheeks smiled again.

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