The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0101, convinced

"Let's go Baixue, I'll take you back! Take a good rest today, and remember to go to school tomorrow." After solving Teacher Xiaohu, he looked at the sky and Nie Kong knew that there was no time to take Bai Xue to report to Teacher Mao Mujing today. I can wait until tomorrow.

Baixue nodded after hesitating, but when Nie Kong let go of her in her arms, she felt a sense of loss in her heart.One after another, the two came to a dormitory building not far from the teaching building.

Sending Baixue back to the room where she was, Nie Kong just wanted to leave and heard vaguely as if someone outside called his name!Although it was vague, Nie Kong was quite clearly called Nie Jun.It is estimated that he disappeared all afternoon, and the women of Mengxiang were looking for him worriedly.

"It seems that someone is looking for me, I'll go back first." But before Nie Kong unlocked Bai Xue's door, a soft body was stuck behind him.Although trembling, the hands around Nie Kong's waist were hard.

"Nie Jun don’t leave Baixue, okay? Baixue is so afraid that she will become lonely again! In order to get Nie Jun 10,000 times more like Teacher Xiaohu, please...please do those dirty things with Baixue, just follow That's what Nie Jun did to Chi Ye Mengxiang!" It turned out that Bai Xue had peeped at Nie Kongzhong some time ago, and Bai Xue probably saw the battle between Nie Kong and Mengxiang!Seeing Nie Kong's care and love for the women, Bai Xue wanted to get the same treatment as the women.Even... now I want to grab Nie Kong from the hands of the three girls!!

If it was said that I peeked at Nie Kong some time ago because of his curiosity and light liking, then what happened today, Bai Xue's feelings for Nie Kong have been sublimated!

No, Mengxiang outside seems to be looking for me.Bai Xue, you said this kind of incitement to me, didn't you intentionally cause me to commit a crime!Especially when doing this kind of thing in a female dormitory, Nie Kong felt very excited.

"Do you already know my relationship with Mengxiang and others, then why do you want to get involved, Bai Xue?"

"If you give up at the beginning and don't work hard to win over Nie Jun, what's the point of being alive! Although hard work may not succeed, if you give up early, you will definitely fail!" Bai Xue's eyes flashed firmly, the kind that is bound to win. firm.

"So Nie Jun, let's do that kind of thing. Snow Girl will have a hard time getting pregnant once she is over seventeen years old. The purpose of coming to Yanghai Academy is to find someone who Bai Xue was destined to do in her life."

Bai Xue gently pads her feet, closed her shy eyes, and suddenly kissed Nie Kong's mouth.After one experience, Shirayuki's courage became very big.The cold breath poured into Nie Kong's stomach from his lips.

"Bai Xue..." Thank you three bosses, thank you for leaving me in the two-dimensional world, so that I can taste the beauty of the young love and body!

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