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""Fuck! Boss! Your luck is too good! ? This curly-haired guy has played too many high-end games, and he always makes predictions. Who would have thought that you, the boss, would not move! Hahaha, I am dying of laughter!"

Seeing Luo Yun motionless, but somehow avoiding the hook, ZI couldn't help but be surprised.


However, Luo Yun was somewhat noncommittal.

Just kidding!

The moment Curly's Thresh's Q skill hooked over, Luo Yun already knew that the trajectory of this hook would definitely not hook him where he was at the time!

The target was to go behind him!

And the opponent's lineup, at level 1, had no control except Thresh's Q and Spider-Man's E skill!

The spider was far away, so when he saw Curly's predicted hook, he directly pressed the S key!

Then he waited until his hook was out before walking away calmly.

But looking at his teammates who thought they had avoided this hook by accident, Luo Yun I don't bother to explain.

They will know how powerful I am when Doinb is pierced through.

Luo Yun also believes that Doinb will not be able to develop steadily when he is laning against him.

At one minute and fifty-five seconds, the soldiers arrived at the line.

Looking at the arrogant Jie on the opposite side, Luo Yun was not in a hurry. He first Q'd the soldiers and accumulated a layer of wind.

And Doinb, just as Luo Yun thought, was stuck between the melee soldiers and ranged soldiers on his side.

He wanted to consume them while Luo Yun A'd.

Sure enough, at the moment when Luo Yun A'd the soldiers, Doinb's Jie was directly activated, and the Q skill Shadow Secret! Zhuren instantly threw darts and shot at Luo Yun!

"So fierce!"

"Brother Silver Coin is really too aggressive! He wants to come up and exchange blood just after he comes online at level 1! ?"

"This Doinb, I am timid in professional games, but I strike hard in friendly games!"

Suddenly, the fans in the live broadcast room began to tease Doinb crazily.

After all, after so many years of accumulation, there are still many fans who like him, and there are also many fans who watch his live broadcasts on weekdays.

Everyone is more familiar with his laning style.

It has always been a way of realizing steady development online.

But when facing Luo Yun, he, who is usually steady, actually prepared and crossed the line to start killing people!

This is simply the sun rising from the west!

"This Q...You don’t have to dodge!"

Luo Yun glanced at the distance between himself and Jie, and suddenly the corner of his mouth slightly raised. He didn’t even move again, and took this Q skill abruptly!

Then he seemed to be slow to react and hurriedly ran back. He didn’t even kill the soldiers!

Seeing this, Doinb was a little helpless. At the distance just now, he could only Q to Yasuo, but he hit A.

And because Yasuo had a passive white shield, his Q skill didn’t knock down Yasuo’s health at all.

It all hit the shield!

But seeing that Yasuo didn’t move at all and fled when he was hit, Doinb was more relieved.

"Level 3! Must kill this Yasuo at level 3!"

At this time, Luo Yun couldn't help laughing when he saw the increasingly arrogant Jie moving around.

It was difficult for Yasuo to have the ability to kill alone at level 1.

So he deliberately showed weakness to the enemy, making Doinb think that he was really a rookie and let down his guard.

Even if Doinb was arrogant and directly learned the E skill instead of W at level 1 or 2, then his chance to kill alone would have come!

Soon, with the death of the soldiers, the experience value also came to the level of level 2!

At this time, Jie had the line right and pushed the line first!

So he had reached level 2!

However, Doinb did not continue to push the line, but retreated directly!

"Huh? Is this to leave space, to lure me forward? But looking for a chance to kill me alone! ?"

Luo Yun saw Dinb's idea at a glance.

But, isn't this his idea too!

At that moment, Luo Yun was like a budding teenager, he directly Q killed a melee soldier, maintained a layer of wind passive, and then upgraded to level 2 and learned the E skill directly E to a small soldier and slid forward one step!

As the saying goes, as long as I E fast enough, my teammates' question marks will never catch up with me!

Now Luo Yun seemed to be enjoying the endless happiness brought to him by Yasuo!

Seeing this, Doinb's mind burst out with a burst of killing intent!

He stepped forward directly and started with Q!

However, what Doinb didn't expect was that Luo Yun's Yasuo actually E to another small soldier again, avoiding his Q skill!

""What the hell!? This guy's luck is too good! League of Legends luck game!!!"

Doib was immediately shocked, but it was no big deal!

Because after Luo Yun's Yasuo used this E skill, he actually slid directly onto Zed's face....

In Doinb's opinion, isn't this courting death? ?

However, he didn't know that Luo Yun was determined to kill at this moment!

He attacked Yasuo and Zed at the same time!

Both attacked each other!

At the same time, the hacker, who had already reached level 2, controlled the spider in his hand and had already gone behind UZI's tower!

In this game, UZI's support was a cat!

Its ability to defend against tower dives was almost zero!

So when the spider appeared behind him, UZI knew that he was doomed!

Although the opposing duo in the bottom lane were not in their peak condition, they were still familiar with tower dives!

After taking a look at the position of his own jungler, UZI shook his head helplessly and said directly:

"Xigua, go to the upper jungle area of the opponent!"


Xigua was also somewhat helpless.

They wanted to finish F6 and reach level 3, and then go to the bottom lane to counter-camp.

But who would have thought that this hacker would move so quickly! He went straight to the bottom lane at level 2!

And UZI was under the tower, looking at the cat on his body, his eyes fixed!

The best result for him in this wave is to replace one of the opponents!

But this is indeed a bit difficult!

The tower-crossing ability of Spider, Thresh and Kalista is really too strong!

"Use a skill! I hope I can use a skill from the duo in the bottom lane! As for my flash, I must not use it this time! Otherwise, I can't play next!"

UZI made up his mind and gathered the gods!

At this time, the enemy's soldiers also advanced under the tower!

The VN cat, who was only level one, was trembling in fear when facing the three level two burly men on the opposite side!

Spider took the initiative!

Human form W skill!

Blast VN. Slow down!

Thresh followed with a Q skill, but was dodged by UZI with a Q!

However, after dodging Thresh's Q, it was difficult to dodge the Spider-Man form's E skill!

Cocoon, hit!


UZI looked helpless.

When being slowed down, he used his Q skill and didn't want to use flash. It was too difficult to dodge other skills!

UZI took his hands off the disk and watched Spider resist the tower, then fly into the sky. Kalista was full of spears on her body, and she took the heads off with the spears!

FirstBlood was born!

"Eh? Why is there only 300 yuan! ?"

Weiwei, who got the UZI kill, was stunned.

Shouldn't the first blood be 400 yuan?

How come I only got 300?


Wait, wait!

That's not right!

My home laner...Why did the head turn black?



The blocked chapter is under review and will be released soon.

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