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"What the hell!? What’s going on!?"

"First blood is not a smile! ?"

"Mid lane! The first blood in the middle lane! ? Doinb's Zed is dead! ?"

"What the hell! ? What the hell! ? What the hell! ? Doinb was killed by a single player! ?"

All the audience was shocked!

The two commentators invited to comment on this game, Gu Gu and Wang Duoduo, were also confused!

Originally, the two of them were passionately commenting on the extremely exciting tower dive in the bottom lane!

Suddenly, the first blood from the middle lane made the two of them instantly like two dumb people.

It took them a long time to react.

"What the hell is going on!? The first blood came out in the middle lane, and...Or was Doinb killed!?"

Wang Duoduo, the commentator who was originally known for his speaking speed, even stumbled a little at this time:

"How is this possible? The information shows that although Luo Yun is also a very famous online celebrity anchor, he is not a LOL anchor."

"Yes! Luo Yun is a very famous piano player on Douyin, and many people like him very much!"

Gugu also nodded, and even showed a little bit of infatuation in her eyes.

Obviously, she herself was also among the"many people"

"That...How did he kill a professional player's Zed with Yasuo alone?"

Wang Duoduo's tone was filled with great doubts:

"You know, as we all know, Yasuo is not very good at fighting against Zed in the early game, and he is a professional player! ? How did he kill him! ? Did Gragas come to the middle lane to gnak! ?"

"No! No, you see, Gragas is now countering Spider in the upper jungle! This is a solo kill!"

Gugu's eyes were almost shining:

"Could it be that Luo Yun is also so good at playing League of Legends?"

GuGu, one of the new female commentators in LPL, has gained a lot of fans due to her outstanding appearance.

When the male fans who were watching the live broadcast heard her call Luo Yun like this, they immediately felt heartbroken.

At the same time...

""Fuck!! League of Legends luck game!! My Q missed!! Otherwise he would be dead!! Why does his Q skill recover so quickly!!! League of Legends garbage game!!!"

On the blue team, classic Dinb-style crazy BB rang in the ears of teammates!

And Wei Xiao and others were also confused!

"Doinb, how are you going to respond, Doinb!? You were killed by a gold player!? Retire quickly, Doinb."

Hacker and Doinb often queue up, so they have a good relationship, and he started to mock him!

"Ahhhhh!! I am so pissed off! I am so pissed off! I am only one step away from the target! I used my flash QA and I am only one step away from the target!"

Doib was so mad that after he was resurrected, he bought another 350-level white sword and rushed out:

"I made a mistake just now! I must fight back this time!"

At the same time, UZI, PDD and others on the Red Team were also confused!

"Boss, what's going on? Did Doinb try to kill you at level 2 and then made a mistake?

UZI thought he was going to get the first blood.

Who would have thought that the opponent Doinb died earlier than him?

But how did Luo Yun kill Doinb alone?

"Yeah! Brother Luo Yun, this is too unscientific! Level 2 Yasuo kills Zed alone!?...I can't think of any other situation except that the opponent was killed by the tower!"

PDD agreed with UZI's idea and nodded seriously.

He was currently in the top lane and had been forced to only farm tower soldiers. He had no energy to pay attention to the situation in the middle lane.

"No, it wasn't a tower dive!"

At this time, Xigua spoke up.

Just now, PDD was pressing down the tower, and UZI and Dai Xiaomei were being dived.

They didn't have the energy to watch Luo Yun's situation in the middle lane.

But Xigua was different.

While brushing the jungle, Xigua was paying attention to the situation in each lane!

So he watched the whole process of the fight in the middle lane!

How to describe this process?...

It is indeed very intense....

It's really strange....

"Okay, the director carefully brought us a replay of the first blood burst in the middle lane!"

In the live broadcast perspective, the director also directly gave Wang Duoduo, Gugu and all other fans who watched the live broadcast a replay! In the middle lane fight, it was Luo Yun who took the initiative!

After the passive white shield was fully charged, he directly slid forward with the E skill!

Then Doinb naturally couldn't give in, and displayed an EQA to directly hit the electric shock! The instant burst damage, even with the passive white shield, Yasuo instantly lost about one-third of his health!

And at this time, Dinb directly made a fatal move and instantly hung up Ignite!

He wanted to kill directly!

However, at this time, a scene that everyone did not expect appeared!

I saw Yasuo, whose health was instantly reduced to half, directly used a set of AEQA moves, and a blood-red afterimage appeared behind him!

The blood blade effect was triggered!

At the same time, the two layers of wind of the Q skill were also accumulated in his hand!

Then after two extremely fast flat attacks!

Directly another Q!

Instant wind!

The cooldown time between the two Q skills is only about one second!

"What the hell!? Is this cheating!?"

"What's happening here!?"

"Didn’t Yasuo just use Q? Why is the CD of Q ready again?"

"Yes! When Yasuo was at a low level in the early stage, how could his Q skill have such a fast cooldown! This must be cheating!"

All of a sudden, all the fans watching the live broadcast were stunned!

This Yasuo's Q skill, D is too fast!

"What a fast knife! This! What a fast knife!"

The commentator Wang Duoduo has some understanding of this game:

"Luo Yun's Yasuo is equipped with Hail of Blades! Triggering Hail of Blades increases the attack speed, which can greatly reduce the CD of Yasuo's Q skill in an instant! In addition, the EQ combo itself can reduce the CD of Yasuo's Q skill! So Cai played two Qs in one second!"

"There is actually such a detailed operation! ?"

Gugu, who was standing beside Wang Duoduo, was also surprised when he heard his explanation:

"Doesn't that mean Luo Yun's gaming skills are actually very high? Otherwise, how could he have come up with this trick?"


Wang Duoduo scratched his head, not quite sure.

And from the playback, it can be seen that Luo Yun relied on the super fast wind blow accumulated by the double Q in one second to catch Doinb off guard! He didn't even move to avoid the wind and was blown directly!

Then Luo Yun used two basic attacks again. Then another EQ, instantly reducing Jie to low health!

Then he directly used Ignite!

But at this time, Dinb's skills were about to cool down!

Seeing that he might be killed by Ignite, Doinb was not too nervous!

He calculated the blood volume a little, krypton a bottle of medicine first, then Yasuo, pretended to walk back to distance himself, and then flashed EQW to instantly kill Yasuo!

As long as these three skills hit, Yasuo will definitely die!


At this moment, Yasuo actually used E at the soldier beside him!

Doinb's Q skill was missed!

At the moment of E, I don't know if it was Luo Yun's control or Yasuo's automatic attack. It just happened to hit the last bit of Zed's health!

Then, Doinb could only watch himself being burned to death by the ignition....

FirstBlood was born just like that!


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