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"Oh? Brother Sha?"

Listening to the description of the taxi driver, Luo Yun also began to think.

According to the business card given to Luo Yun by the lobster stall owner, in addition to the address of Jianzui Beach, there is also a name.

It is Sha Kui!

He should be the Brother Sha mentioned by the driver!

The surname Sha is not common in China. It often appears in remote areas, and is generally of mixed races.

Such people usually live a life of licking blood on the edge of a knife.

Just like what the taxi driver said, this Sha Kui has someone with a boat under his command, and usually acts at night.

The main business is probably smuggling.

As for the sideline, maybe he will do a part-time job of black-eating-black or something.

And if such a person really has something like sea ganoderma in his hands, I am afraid it is not necessarily something they salvaged by themselves!

It is very likely that the way he came is also stained with blood.

""When the time comes, we'll act accordingly!"

Luo Yun winked at Liu Yubai, who nodded in understanding.

Then Luo Yun chatted with the driver about the local conditions and customs of Sanya, and asked about Shaqui in a roundabout way.

But it seemed that the driver really didn't know more. After all, he was just a taxi driver. Although his sources of information were relatively wide, his level of contact was not that high.

It was normal to only know some superficial knowledge.

Soon, the driver brought Luo Yun and the others to the vicinity of Jianzui Beach.

After driving here, the driver said he didn't dare to drive in, not even to pay more.

It seemed that Shaqui was really terrifying in his eyes. He didn't even dare to get close to him. Dare to approach.

Luo Yun was naturally too lazy to force it, and got out of the car with Liu Yubai and walked to the depths of Jianzui Beach.

On the other side, Liu Tian also sent a message.

He and Xue De and the other four had already arrived near Jianzui Beach before.

And under the leadership of Xue De, the five-member Umbrella Team has completely investigated the area near Jianzui Beach.

According to Xue De's investigation, there were no human figures in the front half of Jianzui Beach.

But at the tip of Jianzui Beach, there were several groups of people patrolling in the shadows.

And near the shallow water, there were seven or eight small boats floating scattered.

Although the sky was very dark and the visibility on the sea was even lower.

But the members of the Umbrella Team were all equipped with night vision goggles.

Even at a long distance, they can detect nearby movements!

"Okay, you guys go on your own, find a place to hide!"

Luo Yun nodded, and took Liu Yubai to the depths of Jianzui Beach.

Soon, the two of them walked to the depths and saw the patrol personnel that Xue De mentioned.

""Stop! Where are you from?"

The patrol officers were four young men, each holding a weapon similar to a wooden stick.

In the dim light, you could see that their waists were bulging, and it was obvious that they were carrying other weapons.

"A friend introduced me to this place and gave it to me.

Luo Yun smiled and handed over the business card in his hand without any hurry.

"It turned out that Brother Xia introduced me here."

The patrolman became much more friendly when he saw the business card and smiled:

"You should know the rules of Shago, right? You cannot bring any weapons into Jianzui Beach. We will search you."

"No problem.

Luo Yun nodded.

He and Liu Yubai didn't bring any weapons.

"This fan is..."

The inspector did not take it too seriously. He glanced at it for a few seconds, then looked at the fan in Liu Yubai's hand with some doubt.

"Oh, it's just a little gadget."

Liu Yubai said calmly without changing his expression.

"All right, then you two come with me."

These patrolmen were all young. They had been on the boat with Sha Kui since they were very young, so naturally they had no experience.

They could not imagine that a fan could be used as a weapon. Without doubting him, they took Luo Yun and Liu Yubai directly to the deepest part of Jianzui Beach!

This Jianzui Beach, as its name suggests, is like a sharp mouth protruding into the sea at its deepest part!

On this sharp mouth, there were more than ten cars parked, and dozens of shadowy figures were standing.

The leader of the largest number of people was a sturdy man with black hair and yellow skin, about thirty years old.

Around him, there were more than a dozen men, who should be the real owner here - Sha Kui.

As expected, the patrol team that brought Luo Yun over took a few steps forward and came to the sturdy man:

"Brother Sha, this is the boss introduced by Brother Xia"

"Oh? Is this the person Brother Xia introduced? This young boss looks unfamiliar. Is he from the mainland? What's his name?"

Sha Kui looked at Luo Yun and Liu Yubai at the foot of the mountain, with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

Judging from the age of Luo Yun and the other two, they were probably rich young men who came from the mainland to play.

This kind of person is the best prey for Sha Kui.

In the past, he would usually choose to kidnap this kind of rich young man, and then threaten him, and then let him go after getting one or two million.

Although Sha Kui is greedy for money, he is not greedy, and rarely does things that kill people.

Because he knows that if a rich young man like this only loses some money, they may not even dare to tell their families.

He just thinks he is unlucky.

Even if he says it, the people have returned safely anyway, and the sea is so big that they are too lazy to come to Sha Kui for revenge.

But if these people's lives are taken, Sha Kui may face the full revenge of a big family!

Even he has to weigh it.

But today, for Sha Kui, there are more important things!

So for the time being, he didn't have any bad thoughts about Luo Yun

"My last name is Luo."

Luo Yun could see Shaqui's ill intentions, but he did not show any emotion. He simply replied:

""Boss Luo, please go to the side and take a rest like the other bosses. We will start tonight's business at twelve o'clock!"

Seeing Luo Yun's calm expression, Shaqui felt a little curious.

But he didn't investigate further. He pointed to the crowd next to him and said to Luo Yun


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