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""Okay, no hurry."

Luo Yun took a deep look at Shaquille, and without saying anything, he walked aside. There were already more than one group of people surrounding this Jianzui Beach.

In addition to the people brought by Shaquille, the others should be buyers.

Luo Yun took a general look. These buyers were scattered, and there were about a dozen who came alone!

Most of the others were in groups of two or three.

These people tried their best to hide themselves in the dark and minimize their presence.

After all, they were weak, and if something happened after playing for a while, a low sense of presence meant that the safety was slightly higher.

But there were also a few waves of people, and there were also quite a few people who came, which seemed very eye-catching.

Luo Yun observed carefully. There were three waves of large forces.

One of the waves had about a dozen people, all of whom were strong, wearing uniform black suits, and looked indifferent.

The waist was bulging, and it was obvious that they did not follow Shaquille's rules. The group came in with weapons.

The leader was a middle-aged man in his forties, who looked kind, but he must not be someone who is easy to mess with since he could lead such a group of strong men.

I just don’t know where this force is from.

One of the waves was all dressed in ronin costumes.

But this ronin costume was different from the ronin costume in Sakura Country.

It was a more shabby ronin costume.

There were about a dozen people, and everyone stood with their hands behind their backs.

And they were even more blatant, each of them directly carried two samurai swords, one long and one short.

Under the leadership of a muscular leader, they were silent.

It seems that Shaqui’s so-called rule of not allowing weapons is probably aimed at individual travelers like Luo Yun and Liu Yubai who seem to be alone and have no strength.

For the stronger forces, they did not dare to be too harsh, and directly let them bring their weapons in.

After all, they are not weak chickens that can be slaughtered at will.

"Boss, these should be descendants of pirates from Jianfu and Dongguang during the Ming Dynasty, called the South Sea Pirates. Over the past few hundred years, the power of these people has sometimes gathered and sometimes dispersed. In my time, I heard that the South Sea Pirates were gathered together by a man called Leng Dao. I wonder what has happened in the past hundred years."

Liu Yubai, who was standing aside, saw Luo Yun quietly looking at these gangs, and Liu Yubai also explained to him in a low voice.

Then he scratched his head again:

"As for those guys in suits, I can't tell where they came from. After all, there is a gap of nearly a hundred years between me and the present era."

"It's okay, just wait and see."

Luo Yun nodded slightly, and what he was most concerned about was actually the fourth force besides Shaqui, the suit forces and the South Sea pirates!

This force was not large, only., but they all had sharp eyes, and they were all good fighters!

The leader was a strong man who was over 2.2 meters tall and strong!

His muscles bulged all over his body, and he looked fierce, as if he would attack at any time!

In his hand, he actually held a huge iron rod about 1.8 meters long.

Luo Yun estimated that this rod would be enough to break a car in half!

""What a strong man! With this man's strength, I am afraid I will have to deal with him seriously!"

Looking at this strong man, Liu Yubai couldn't help but feel a little horrified!

Apart from anything else, just looking at this man's body shape, he is definitely not an easy character to deal with!

And looking at the huge long stick in his hand, Liu Yubai was even more alert!

Although as the saying goes, a month of sticks, a year of swords, a lifetime of guns.

It means that as long as you practice with weapons such as sticks for a month, you can almost wield them well.

But on the battlefield in ancient times, there were very few armies that used sticks as their main weapons.

The reason is that it is easy to practice a weapon like a stick, but it is difficult to practice it!

In the martial arts world, a warrior who uses a stick as a weapon will always make others wary!


Hearing Liu Yubai's evaluation of the sturdy man, Luo Yun couldn't help but take it seriously.

However, Luo Yun could see that although this group of people seemed to be led by this sturdy man, this group of people and this sturdy man had a feeling of enclosing a small area in the middle.

And in it, there was also a slightly hunched figure holding a walking stick.

It seemed that he should be very old.

And at this age, coming to such a place in person, I'm afraid his identity should not be simple.

And the purpose is very likely to be for the sea ganoderma!

After all, the older people are, the more they desire this kind of panacea!

And as if sensing Luo Yun's gaze, the old man suddenly bypassed the sturdy man in front of him, and a pair of turbid old eyes seemed to have crossed countless time and looked over!


Luo Yun was slightly stunned when he saw this look, and then nodded with a smile.

He meant that he had no ill intentions.

The old man first looked at Luo Yun, and then glanced at Liu Yubai next to Luo Yun. His pupils shrank and he looked extremely surprised!

Soon, the old man said something to the sturdy man in front of him. Although the sturdy man looked a little puzzled, he obeyed the old man's orders very respectfully and ran directly to Luo Yun.


Liu Yubai's eyes suddenly turned fierce when he saw this, and he immediately moved in front of Luo Yun:

"What are you going to do?"

As he spoke, Liu Yubai even raised his hands slightly. If the opponent showed any intention to harm Luo Yun, he would immediately take action with the most fierce moves to end the opponent's life!

"Old man, I'm telling you to go!"

However, the strong man did not show any hostility, but said with a silly look on his face.


Liu Yubai was stunned. What was going on?

How come this big man couldn't even speak clearly?

"Yu Bai, it's okay."

Luo Yun, who was behind Liu Yu Bai, smiled and patted Liu Yu Bai on the shoulder, signaling him not to be nervous.

Then he took a deep look at the eyes and earlobes of the sturdy man, and a hint of understanding flashed in his eyes.

Then he smiled and said to the sturdy man:

"Did the old man ask you to come over and ask us two to go over?"


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