It's been a whole morning of fighting here, and it's time to get used to the bullshit of these guys.

"The harvest is not bad."

After checking the item column for a while, Yang Lei turned to look at Asuna: "I got a total of eight bear gallbladders, four pairs of bear paws, a bear skin and some fangs and other materials. Woolen cloth?"

Asuna was also checking the item column, when she heard Yang Lei's inquiry report the number: "I am about the same, I have nine bear gallbladders, six pairs of bear paws, three bear skins, and fangs."


Yang Lei was surprised: "Why do you have more than me in every material?"

Asuna pouted her head and smiled: "Because basically every monster in the morning was killed by me."

Indeed, in order to train Asuna, Yang Lei was only in charge of defense in the morning, and then let Asuna go to attack, no wonder there was a difference in the harvest between the two.

In the game SAO, the final blow to the monster will get more benefits.

Especially when attacking BOSS, in addition to experience and Cole, that is, money will be divided equally, the person who gives the last blow to the BOSS can also get additional special rewards.


Therefore, although Yang Lei and Asuna are in a team relationship, Asuna still has the bulk of the material acquisition.

This means that Yang Lei's luck is super good, otherwise there will be less.

"Going back should be able to sell a lot."

When the two of them were thinking about how much these materials could be worth, they couldn't help but look expectant.

Yang Lei was second, mainly Asuna.

Not only did she want to change to some new equipment quickly, but most importantly, she didn't want to sleep in the park or the street anymore.

"Let's eat something first."

After resting for a while, Yang Lei went around to pick up some firewood and came back, and took out a bear paw to greet Asuna.

There is too much energy in bear paws. If you add a bear paw, it will be very large, about the size of a normal person's stomach. If you eat one together, you will be able to satisfy your appetite.

And as I said before, now that I don’t have any materials on hand, and the cooking method is only fire roasting, even eating bear’s paw is too unacceptable. It’s greasy and fishy, ​​and only one is really enough. .

Yang Lei was in charge of lighting the fire, and Asuna was in charge of cooking the bear's paws.

After all, this is the game world, and it can't be too slow.

Otherwise, if you really want to eat bear's paw, unless Yang Lei, the super food god, does it, there are still many steps to complete the cooking of bear's paw.

After taking a simple bite to deal with the lunch, the two took a short lunch break, and then got up and prepared to fight.

When the show started again in the afternoon, Asuna's performance became smoother and more skillful, and she became more and more courageous.

In the end, this girl even took the initiative to let Yang Lei stand aside, and actually singled out a big black bear by herself.

It's also that they both have a level of ten, while the black bear's level is only about eight. In fact, it's already possible to fight one-on-one. It was Yang Lei who didn't want Asuna to suffer and get hurt, so he kept following her closely to protect her.

Therefore, it has to be the eagle's parenting scriptures to cultivate an eagle.

If you don't push the little eagle off the cliff, how can it spread its wings and soar?

Just like Asuna, she already has the strength to fight a black bear one-on-one, the only difference is some courage and experience.

If she had been hired earlier, she would have been an apprentice long ago.

But it's not too late.

. . . . . .

In the evening, two people who had worked hard all day set off on their way home.

"Today was really enjoyable."

Asuna walked beside Yang Lei with her hands behind her back, her delicate little face seemed to be radiating light, as if she was so happy to have found a new world.

Feeling funny, Yang Lei rubbed Asuna's head with his specialty, and then suggested, "Hey, after fighting the black bear for a day today, why don't we go and play with the tiger on the other side tomorrow."


Before Asuna's expression of enjoyment from Yang Lei's stroking dissipated, she hummed angrily: "It seems that you are still thinking about that tiger and tiger whip, right? Yang Lei H .".

0820 boss's strategy meeting (2)

Before I knew it, more than a month had passed since the official operation of the death game SAO.

During this period, some high-level players have reached more than [-] levels, which is already the upper limit in Novice Village.

Again, after all, this is the game world. Once the player's level exceeds that of monsters by too many, they will basically not gain any experience~.

It's just because no one has been able to clear the first level BOSS, so everyone is stuck here and cannot go to the next level of higher level.

And on this day, a battle meeting was held.

A high-level player summoned other players of the same high level by broadcasting, right here in the square of a higher-level town on the first floor.

The first floor is not only the initial town, but also other towns near the advanced monster spawn area. For example, this town is the safe area near the highest level monster spawn point, and it is also the town closest to the guard boss area.

Yang Lei and Asuna are also here. Their level has now reached level [-], and they are also the highest level among the high-level players.

There is no way, Yang Lei's speed of killing monsters is too fast, but no one else can match it.

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