Yesterday, she was still full of negative attitudes such as fear and confusion about the future, as well as lack of confidence in herself.

But today, the smile on her face has never been broken, and even the scenery that she had dismissed yesterday was very beautiful.

It can only be said that mood does determine a lot of things, just like the first impression of a person. People who look good to the eye think that what he does is good, and people who do not look good are really dissatisfied and unhappy with what they do.

Looking at the wild and outside, the monster refresh areas today are not as deserted as yesterday, and the newbies finally got out of the psychological predicament. At this time, the mobs refresh area is almost full.

At this time, I can only praise Kayaba Akihiko. Fortunately, he only kidnapped more than [-] players. If it was more than a million people, I am afraid that the monsters that were refreshed would not be able to distinguish.

Yang Lei took Asuna without stopping, and walked directly across the novice monster area to go further.

The level of the tiger and the black bear is higher than that of the wild wolf, and the wild wolf is already a high-level novice monster, far from being comparable to the rabbits, pheasants, and wild boars.

It is conceivable that the monsters Yang Lei and the others are looking for will definitely not be refreshed here in Novice Village.

Along the way, Yang Lei and the others also met many people with good intentions to greet them. This is the person who received help from Yang Lei and the others yesterday.

Yang Lei and Asuna didn't have much air, they just smiled and went home when someone greeted them, and they couldn't get tired of a lot of meat.

Among them, there are people who want to return the money they made today to Yang Lei.

Yang Lei refused all the good words, and let them keep it for emergency. After all, it is still a novice period, and even a penny can make a big difference.

It was not until Yang Lei and Asuna came to the wild wolf monster refresh area again that the number of novice players they encountered finally dropped a lot.

This is basically a watershed moment. Only those who regained their fighting spirit yesterday can play here. As for those players who have played during the beta test, they have already moved to more advanced areas.

Yang Lei and Asuna didn't stop, they crossed the wild wolf area directly, and continued to walk farther away. After walking for a long time, they finally reached their destination.

".ˇ Ouch."

Only to hear the roar of a tiger from time to time in the forest on the left.

And in the mountain forest on the right, there are also bursts of low-pitched beast roars one after another.

This is really a dangerous area where wild beasts roam. .

0819 Asuna's Growth (1)


"Om." "Pfft."

In a clearing in the forest, there was a beautiful girl dancing with a slender sword, but in front of her, a big black bear that was nearly two meters high could only be beaten passively, and she was constantly on her body. One blood hole after another was pierced.

That beautiful girl was Asuna, and after a morning of entanglement and timidity, she was finally able to take action.

As for the black bear, of course it would not be so obedient and only passively beaten, it also wanted to fight back.

However, whenever the black bear wanted to wield a huge bear paw or counterattack with its fangs, Yang Lei, who was standing by the side, would always block all attacks for Asuna in the first place.

As he said, he won't let Asuna suffer any damage, because he is her strongest shield and can block all attacks for her.


Finally, with a cry, the black bear fell to the ground.


The next moment, the black bear's body turned into a handful of glass fragments and shattered.


With the death of the black bear, a white prompt box appeared in front of Yang Lei and Asuna.

"Exp: 150, Col: 200, Items: 1."

(PS: Interjection, I said earlier that Items represents the number of monsters slain, but I seem to have made a mistake. It seems that it represents the material items that drop 077 from monsters, such as the wolf meat dropped by Yang Lei when he fights wild wolves. .)

"Not bad, very beautiful."

Putting away the sword in his hand, Yang Lei praised Asuna with a thumbs up without hesitation.

Indeed, Asuna was just an ordinary little girl before the morning, even standing in front of the black bear, she couldn't hold the sword in her hand, and her feet were trembling all the time.

But now, after just one morning, she was able to skillfully attack the black bear's key points without the slightest hesitation, and the progress was not too big.

Also, after Asuna's research, she has found out how to use her sword skills, and now she has the style of a shining Asuna.

It's a pity that the weapon in her hand is just a novice weapon. She really can't let her exert too much power, otherwise there will definitely be a lot of bonuses.

Moreover, after a morning of fighting monsters, although the progress was slow due to the need to train Asuna, the two of them still rose to level [-], and they gained a lot of materials, and they had roasted bear paws for breakfast.

In other words, because there is no seasoning, it can only be roasted with fire in the wild and outdoors, and the final taste should not be too greasy or fishy.

At least Asuna said that in the future, she must develop seasonings in the real world, otherwise she won't be able to eat such a delicious bear paw.

This awareness is still quite big, Yang Lei expressed his support.

Now this guy even thinks Asuna's fart is delicious, right?

. . . . . .

"Take some rest."

The battle continued until noon, and after the two successfully defeated another black bear, they turned around and walked out of the field refreshed by the black bear monster.

Walking through the woods to a mountain path outside, listening to the roar of the tiger from the left and the roar of the black bear from the right, the two of them sat on the ground without showing any sign of it.

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