"I want red blood, I want red blood, come on, come on."

Seeing the victory in sight, the players couldn't help but cheer up, and the offensive in their hands became faster and sharper.

However, just when the BOSS's blood volume really turned into red blood.

"Go back all."

Diabel suddenly issued an unbelievable command, and for the first time rushed from the rear to the front line, holding a shield in his left hand and a one-handed sword in his right hand, maintaining a posture to concentrate his sword skills.


The boss didn't attack again at this time, because it would trigger an effect when the blood was red.


With a big hand, the Minotaur suddenly threw away the shield and the big axe, and then reached out and pulled out another weapon from his waist.


At this moment, I heard Kazuto Kiritani shouting from the other side: "Quick, everyone step back, the boss took out not a machete but a wild sword, which is different from the time of the beta test."

Unfortunately, Kiritani Kazuto's warning was too late.


Before Di 137 Yabel hit the final blow to take away the boss's head, the Minotaur slammed into the ground and flew up.

"Shh, shh."

Between the pillars on everyone's heads, the Minotaur shuttled back and forth quickly, making it impossible to guess its next move.


Finally, it fell back to the ground and was right in front of Diabel.

In the game SAO, no one knows how the monster's hatred value is calculated, only that Diabel is now being targeted by the BOSS.

"not good."

The others in the back also felt bad, but they didn't wait for them to act.


Without giving Diabel a chance to react at all, the huge wild sword held by the Minotaur at this time has already slashed down.


Diabel let out a miserable cry, feeling as if his stomach had been ripped open.

The fact is also true, that wild sword is simply too big, this is because it is in the game world, otherwise Diabel will even be cut in half.


The BOSS's attack has not ended yet. After a heavy blow to Diabel, he opened his mouth and roared and slashed out the second knife (bgcf), the third knife, and the fourth knife.

At this time, the Minotaur seemed to be endless, and it completed a super-fast combo in an instant. When it finally stopped, Diabel had already disappeared into a pile of fragments.


The nearby players have long been dumbfounded. Is this still the BOSS they suppressed all the way before?

Coupled with the death of the commander, all of a sudden, the temporary formation of the strategy team collapsed.

"Don't be too arrogant."

At this moment, Yang Lei, who was still watching the play, finally made his move.


With a loud drink, he rushed over from a distance in three or two steps, and because the boss had his back to him before, when he was approaching the boss, he also took advantage of the situation to cut a few times on the boss's legs. Knife.


Maybe it was really painful, the Minotaur couldn't help but raised his head and roared, and then he waved the wild sword in his hand, aiming at Yang Lei.

Yang Lei could have easily escaped, and then he could also take advantage of the situation to attack the Minotaur who had just been arrogant.

But when he saw Asuna who followed up without hesitation, he changed his mind.


It was just a random block, Yang Lei not only blocked the boss's attack, but also knocked his wild sword into the air.


As Yang Lei shouted to switch, he saw a beautiful figure killed in time.


The mouth was tender and drinking, Asuna didn't hesitate, holding the already shining rapier in her right hand, and leaping high to aim at the Minotaur's heart, it was a flashing triple strike.

"Puff puff."

In the three soft sounds that seemed to overlap, the BOSS's blood volume finally bottomed out, and only the last trace of bloodskin would die.

"Let's all go together."

Yang Lei suddenly put away the knife, and stretched out his hand to take the fallen Asuna into his arms. He did not continue to shoot, but shouted at the person behind him: "The boss will drop rare items, everyone shoots together, whoever gets it will be the one who gets it. who."

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