This guy is really a bit stingy. If he takes action to kill the boss in seconds, and then quietly gets the benefit, others will be fine and won't say much.

But as soon as Yang Lei said these words, the players who were still feeling lost by the death of the captain all looked at each other in dismay, and finally understood why Diabel risked his life to rush out at the last moment.

It can only be said that once Yang Lei misses you, not only will I want you to die, but I will also want you to be ruined.

There is no way, who said that Diabel's appearance is too ugly, of course he can't let him leave with a good name, he has to let the living people see his true face clearly.

"Don't you want it? That rare item or something."

In Yang Lei's arms, Asuna struggled to get used to her body, but found that Yang Lei was holding her tightly. She gritted her teeth and stopped struggling. Instead, she asked Yang Lei curiously. It's so easy to get it, why does he still invite others to take the shot?

Moreover, Yang Lei had already put away the knife. It seemed that he had absolutely no intention of taking a piece of the pie.

"I'll let it go."

Yang Lei shook his head, watching the players who no longer hesitate to besiege the dying BOSS again, and said, "I have no interest in these things. Instead of fighting for those junk, I might as well take the opportunity to give you more hugs."


Before Asuna could react, Yang Lei continued: "After all, it was everyone's joint efforts to beat the BOSS to rudimentary blood. I can't just let me get the benefits."

Listening to Yang Lei's words, Asuna let out a light snort and turned her head away. She found that the boss was already dead, and the guys who had been in great trouble before were now happily gathering and cheering, smiling and no longer struggling, but instead. He also quietly leaned his head on Yang Lei's shoulder, enjoying the victorious atmosphere after the war.

Feeling Asuna's change, Yang Lei couldn't help laughing proudly.

If he followed along and grabbed the BOSS's booty, wouldn't it be no different from Diabel?

But now, compared with Diabel, he is not too noble.

That's right, this guy is deliberately trying to belittle Diabelle, just to get him.

Besides, what he said just now was the truth. After finally hugging Asuna, he didn't want to let go just for a piece of broken equipment. That would be too stupid.

"Asuna, compared to you, nothing else matters anymore, only you are the treasure in my heart!".

0825 Get through the fifth floor and get married

Finally, one month after the game started, the guard BOSS on the first floor was finally conquered.

When the teleportation point from the first floor to the second floor was activated, all players got the news and cheered.

Originally, they were all desperate. They didn't know if they could really get through this game in the future, and if there was a day when they could return to the real world.

And now, although a month is a bit long, at least they have got through the first floor. This is a big improvement, and it has brought back the confidence of people who were already a little desperate.

In this warm atmosphere, Yang Lei and Asuna's relationship finally went further~.

There is no earth-shattering reason, and there is no extraordinary opportunity, just because of Yang Lei's hug and the last affectionate confession, the two are officially together.

Very common, right?

In fact, it is understandable. After all, they have been acting together for more than a month. During this period, Yang Lei not only witnessed Asuna's growth and changes, but also personally participated in all her growth and personality changes. .

It can be said that for Asuna, at least in this world, Yang Lei is her closest and dearest person.

In addition, the two have already understood each other's feelings, so it's not so abrupt that they are suddenly together.

Even that night, Yang Lei wanted to take Asuna to register for marriage.

It's just a pity that it is said that a guild can only be created after the third floor is cleared, and then marriage can only be done after the fifth floor is cleared, which is very troublesome.

This result disappointed the two of them, but it was okay. Although they were not married yet, the relationship that should have been qualitatively changed had already been qualitatively changed.

. . . . . .

After getting through the guard boss on the first floor, Yang Lei and Asuna did not rush to leave the first floor to go to the second floor.

The two of them had just established their relationship. They wanted to take advantage of the large number of players pouring into the second floor and the first floor was empty, so they decided to go back to the spawn points of the monsters they had fought before.

During this period, Yang Lei had begun to gradually showdown to Asuna, telling Asuna as if it were an adventure story.

At the beginning, Asuna really thought this was an adventure story made up by Yang Lei.

But later, when they broke through the last obstacle one night and truly joined together, she couldn't help but feel dizzy as Yang Lei showed her his terrifying power and extraordinary abilities.


Isn't this a game world of swords?Then why is Yang Lei able to cast magic?

Also, Yang Lei made a thin sword for her with just one trick, and the style was exactly the same as the novice weapon she had been hanging around her waist.

But looking at the attributes, Asuna was speechless.

"Is this too foul?"

Asuna complained, the weapon in her hand can be called a divine weapon, is it a bit too exaggerated?

In addition, Yang Lei also created a set of equipment for her, which is a red and white set, which is very similar to the standard equipment made by the Knights of the Blood Alliance for Asuna in the original book, but it is much better looking.

As for Yang Lei, he also changed his equipment. The style matches Asuna's equipment, but the colors are different. Asuna's is red and white, while his is black with golden patterns.

Witnessing the various magical methods performed by Yang Lei, Asuna couldn't help but doubt her life.

And when Asuna finished listening to Yang Lei's experience as if it were a novel, she finally understood that her boyfriend turned out to be a being far more powerful than a 'god'.

"real or fake?"

On this day, in a mountain forest, Yang Lei was sitting under a big tree, while Asuna was lying on his lap listening to the story, she couldn't help interrupting and asked, "You said that you are beyond The existence of 'God'? So that means, you can solve this game world at any time?"

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