"of course."

With a smile, Yang Lei gently rubbed his hand back and forth on Asuna's face. The feeling of being in love and being cautious was very useful to Asuna. She couldn't help but squinted her eyes comfortably and leaned into Yang Lei's arms.


Muttering in her mouth, Asuna asked Yang Lei, "In other words, you can bring me back to reality at any time?"

"of course."

Yang Lei continued to nod, this is just a very simple little question, if Asuna wants to: "If you want, I can take you back to the real world right now."

"At the same time, I can also get through the [-]th floor BOSS in the shortest time, and bring all the players trapped in the game back together."


After hearing Yang Lei's words, Asuna shook her head without thinking.

"No, at least don't take me back now."

Asuna stretched out her hands and hugged Yang Lei's waist tightly in an awkward posture.

"I don't know if what you said is true or not, and I don't want to verify it, let alone doubt you."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

"It's just that I'm afraid that all this is just a dream. After all, the existence of something beyond God is a bit too exaggerated."

"And if this is really just a dream, I'm afraid I won't find you when I wake up."

"So, let it all take its course."

Having said that, Asuna raised her head, brought her uneasy face closer, and pressed closely with Yang Lei.


After a long time, the two separated.


Asuna opened her hazy eyes and stared at Yang Lei's mysterious eyes tightly, and whispered softly, "I heard that the raiding team has reached the third floor. After the fifth floor is also raided, we will Are you going to get married?"

"I can't ask for it."

Yang Lei smiled and nodded.

. . . . . .

When Yang Lei was in love with Asuna, the others didn't let up at all. Stimulated by the success of the first floor BOSS, they got through the first three floors in a short period of time.

After the first three floors were opened and the guild system was opened, the momentum of the players did not end here, but it became more convenient for the players to finally establish a guild and act in an organized form.

The convenience mentioned here not only refers to the strategy of BOSS, but also includes the efficiency of leveling.

It is precisely because of these various conveniences that the front-line players who have won the title of the strategy group have left other players far behind, and a watershed has emerged.

And on this day, finally, even the fifth floor boss was successfully defeated.

Without any hesitation, Yang Lei and Asuna found the relevant NPC to go through the marriage formalities immediately. From this day on, they became a real couple.

Not only in the game, Yang Lei and Asuna knew that although this relationship between husband and wife was only held in the game, the effect contained the real world.

After all, Yang Lei would never let go of Asuna. Asuna also refused to return to the real world because she did not want to be separated from Yang Lei. This relationship has already surpassed reality.

"We are finally together, Yang Leijun."

"Asuna, I will always love you."

"Me too."

(PS: Wow, ah, I suddenly feel so nauseous. This chapter, obviously I have no female votes, horse eggs, I feel that this wave of dog food is so bad, even myself was forced to feed a wave. . . ).

0826 Dragon Ball Wishing Five Parts

After finding the corresponding NPC and completing the marriage procedures, Yang Lei and Asuna are husband and wife, and the game is definitely not as troublesome as the real world.

And just after they became husband and wife, the props and personal information of the two were no longer private, but shared by the husband and wife.

For example, the item bar, two people can open each other's item bar even if they are separated from the sky and the ground.

There are also personal information and the like. If you want to see it, you can summon the other party's panel and display it in front of you at any time like opening your own personal information.

Not just these.

For example, if Yang Lei spent money to buy a property or something, Asuna could enter the room without Yang Lei's permission, or even sell the house unilaterally.

So, the relationship between husband and wife is really romantic in this game.

In Asuna's words, it's both practical and romantic.

There is also "[-]". After becoming a couple, Asuna finally saw the strength of Yang Lei directly.

This guy's attribute panel is actually full of question marks, no matter what attributes, such as strength, physique, endurance, etc., are all marked with three question marks.

That is to say, his existence can no longer be expressed by digital units.


Also, on the night of the wedding, Yang Lei also gave Asuna a gift, which is Dragon Ball's Five Wishes.

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