A month has passed, and Dragon Ball's CD time has long since recovered.

"My first wish is to let Asuna's body enter the game and merge with her soul."


As Yang Lei's first wish came true, another thin-looking Asuna appeared in front of Asuna out of thin air.


Asuna was startled, but before she could react, she was already fused with her body.

"How could this be?"

It was not until the fusion was completed that Asuna had time to speak, and asked, "Why do you want to do this?"

Yang Lei shrugged: "How long we will stay in this world, I don't worry about whether your body will be touched by others outside, and, in this way, you can also say that you are pregnant. "


When Asuna heard Yang Lei's words about pregnancy, she immediately retreated.

After all, she's just a newly-married little daughter-in-law. She's definitely not at the point where she doesn't care about anything, and she can't stand just talking to her husband.

"My second wish is to give Asuna the strongest physique."

After easily defeating Asuna, Yang Lei made persistent efforts and made a wish with Dragon Ball to obtain the strongest physique for Asuna.

Of course, the so-called strongest will definitely have an upper limit, at least it cannot reach the level of Yang Lei, which is almost the same as Beerus, the God of Destruction in the Dragon Ball world.

"Then, the third wish is for Asuna to have immortal youth."

"The fourth wish is for Asuna to have an eternal life of immortality."

"The fifth wish is to give Asuna a super vitality (resilience) that will never die."

After five consecutive wishes fell, Asuna was a little dumbfounded, because the values ​​on the attribute panel she opened were not too scary.

"Well, I've become a boss?"

After thinking about it, Asuna could only find the word BOSS to describe herself.

Indeed, she is more like a real big boss than those little bosses who are not in the mainstream.

Yang Lei just smiled and shook his head, and after taking the Dragon Ball that was caught in the cooling time back into his personal space, he reached out and hugged his little daughter-in-law into his arms.

In other words, don't forget that today is their wedding day, and it's time to enter the bridal chamber.

One thing I forgot to mention, because Yang Lei stealthily stole the highest management authority in this game world, and the ability of Dragon Ball has no so-called common sense. Akihiko didn't find anything on that side either.

To be honest, it may have been impossible to monitor Yang Lei's scene from Kayaba Akihiko.

On the other hand, even the physical body has been brought into the game world, and most people will definitely not be able to imagine and believe it.

Even Asuna couldn't come back to her senses for a long time, is this true?She did feel the sensation of having a body, but it was too incredible, right?

But on second thought, she could only accept this fact, after all, her husband is not an ordinary person, but an existence beyond God.

Then the words come back.


Between entering the bridal chamber with Yang Lei, Asuna couldn't help but complained about Yang Lei on her body: "Did you have a bad heart with me since the beginning?"

Indeed, otherwise it would be impossible to explain the meaning of Yang Lei pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger...  

"Isn't that of course?"

Yang Lei nodded generously and admitted it, then bit Asuna's mouth lightly, and murmured, "Didn't I say it at the beginning? For me, meeting you is like a gift from God. My gift is the same, how could I not cherish the encounter with you."

Asuna had the urge to roll her eyes, and after enduring three hundred rounds of battle, she really rolled her eyes.

. . . . . .

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, more than three months have passed since the game started. During this period, players have even experienced Christmas and New Years.

The day the game started running was November [-], [-] in Japan. If it was more than three months, it would be March [-] now.

"Should we catch up with the progress of the strategy team?"

On this day, Asuna and Yang Lei were walking among the various attractions on the first floor when she suddenly said this.

They have never left the first floor since they conquered the first floor BOSS.

After such a long time, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, it should be tired of seeing it.

And the two of them have also agreed that they want to save money and buy a small home. After all, they are married, so they can't stay in a hotel all the time, right?

However, the amount of money lost in the first floor is not much, and the lost materials can't be sold for much, so they have no savings in their hands, and it is time to fight a little bit.



Yang Lei nodded, thinking that it was time to change the dungeon, otherwise let alone him and Asuna getting tired of it, even the readers should be tired of it.

"I heard that the strategy team is currently researching the boss on the sixth floor?"

Yang Lei told the news he got, and then suggested: "Why don't we go quietly and kill the boss? It's called cutting Hu, how about it?"

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