Although there are only melee weapons such as swords in SAO, there is neither magic nor bows and arrows. Even if you try to create bows and arrows, you will not get the system's auxiliary bonus~.

But it doesn't matter, Yang Lei made a bunch of small iron nails by himself. After a simple trial, he found that this little thing can actually trigger the system's sword skill - Assist.

It was almost like discovering a new continent. The couple had a great time playing, and they soon became masters of hidden weapons.

That's why they went hunting today, intending to use those small iron nails instead of bows and arrows.

With the assistance of sword skills, and the strength of the two of them is not low, even if the small iron nails are very ordinary, it can be done in seconds if you really want to hit a monster.

The harvest was not bad at the end of the day, money and experience were second, mainly because they got a lot of various meat materials.

At the moment, the two took out various tools and materials and began to prepare for the barbecue.

When it comes to picnics, most people will think of barbecues. After all, unlike at home, it is still very troublesome to not have kitchen utensils such as pots and pans.

And the barbecue is not needed, as long as the rack is on the fire, and then you can get a little tool, all you have to worry about is whether the seasoning is ready.

After all, the setting of SAO is set in a different world. The food and seasonings are completely different from the earth. Few players can eat the food of this world.

But for Yang Lei, it doesn't matter.

Not only does he have a lot of high-end ingredients in his personal space, but also a variety of high-end seasonings, and he is a super food god himself.

Well, since Floser can be honored as the god of food because he cooked GOD, then Yang Lei is even more of a god of food.

After all, not only has he successfully cooked the entire meal on Earth, but he has also cooked millions of ingredients, and all kinds of starry sky and cosmos ingredients are readily available.

In this way, as long as he wants to, he can use all kinds of materials in this world to mix the desired seasonings that belong to the earth.

Such as soy sauce, salt, vinegar, sugar, pepper and so on.

Asuna was dumbfounded. Originally, she should have done the research on these seasonings, but now Asuna has only just started cooking, so she definitely can't do the research that was finally completed after two years.

But it doesn't matter, the two are husband and wife, and Yang Lei's research results naturally belong to her.

And it's not just the research on seasonings. Yang Lei saw that Asuna wanted to learn cooking very much, and he didn't hide any secrets at the moment, so he began to teach her hands-on.

It's just a pity that many steps in the game world have been simplified to an extremely powerful level, and even the handling of ingredients is very simple.

Even speaking, the prey they hunted directly turned into pieces of cut meat, which was enough.

"No way, I can only teach you well after I go back to the real world in the future."

After Yang Lei and Asuna made barbecue, he could only comfort his disappointed wife like this.

Asuna nodded, but could only accept this reality.

. . . . . .

Another day, early in the morning.

"Yang Leijun, Yang Leijun."

Asuna rushed in from the outside of the house at a trot, and jumped forward on Yang Lei's body, shouting incessantly, "Get up, it's raining outside today, don't you say that swimming in the lake in rainy days is a great pleasure? Let's go, let's go, I've even cooked the wine for you."

Yang Lei reluctantly opened his eyes, thinking that it's not even seven o'clock in the morning. Generally, it is noon to swim in the lake on a rainy day. Otherwise, if you can't see anything, what else can you swim?Did you go swimming?

Also, the rain outside is not small, it has to reach the level of torrential rain, right?This is completely inconsistent with the description of the lake in the middle of the rain that he mentioned earlier.

But forget it, since it is the wife's request, the husband must try his best to satisfy it.

"Let's go then."

Stretching his waist, Yang Lei hugged Asuna and got off the chuang.

This girl has become more and more cheerful recently, she feels like a child.

But speaking of it, Asuna is really just a child. Before her birthday this year, she was only fifteen years old.


"It's not Lori anymore, is it?"

Yang Lei thought strangely, he ate Huihui when she was fourteen years old, and because of this he got the title of changing T Lolicon.

And although Asuna is only fifteen years old now, the difference is that Asuna has a good figure, so she shouldn't be accused of being a lolicon again, right?

"I always feel that Yang Leijun is thinking about something very rude now."

Asuna, who was leaning on Yang Lei, frowned and tilted her head to look at her husband's face, especially the eyes he avoided, her face full of suspicion.

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"Say it."

Yang Lei quickly changed the topic, not wanting the keen Asuna to notice his rude thoughts, and asked, "Asuna, when are you going to call me by honorific title? Yang Leijun Yang Leijun all the time, it sounds very tired, It's very unfamiliar."

Asuna blushed and turned her face away, her eyes dodging and muttering, "But, I think it's embarrassing to be called my dear."

"Hey, hey, are you ashamed to let others know that I'm your husband? That's a bold enough idea."

"Don't, Yang Leijun, I was wrong, don't, it's so itchy."

"It's still called that? Forget it, I'm not going anywhere today, I'm going to punish you properly, hum hum, ma'am, just accept your fate."

"Huh? What a bastard's face..."

. . . . . .

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