
In the end, Yang Lei and Asuna went to the lake to swim in the rain.

Although not many players have come up on the [-]nd floor, everyone has to raise their level before they dare to come to the higher level.

However, as long as there are places like lake water, they generally have the function of fishing and swimming in the lake, and there is no need for staff to look after them. The two rent a boat out of thin air when they find the corresponding place.

And despite the fact that this boat is open-top, after the two of them spent some money, the rain can't get in. This is really a strange sight.

It's just that even if it doesn't rain, the two of them still haven't experienced the fun of swimming in the rain.

Still the same sentence, the rain was too heavy that day. I have never heard of anyone swimming in the lake under the heavy rain. That would be too stupid.

Fortunately, this is a game, so no matter how big the rain is, the water in the lake will not rise, otherwise, they may be in danger.

As for the current situation, the two of them ate something and drank a little wine in the lake under the heavy rain, and then they took advantage of the fun and returned.

"Yang Lei lied."

On the way back, Asuna sat on Yang Lei's shoulders like punishment, and couldn't stop grabbing Yang Lei's ears with both hands, her face full of resentment.

"Sorry sorry."

Yang Lei apologized insincerely, and then tried to save it: "That's good, how about we swim in the lake after the weather is clear? Also, fishing is actually very interesting."

"And there's more, isn't there a waterfall over there? We can go there and play..."

In the rain, the two walked away while whispering softly. .

0831 Yang Lei was provoked

It's been more than a month, nearly two months, and it's almost May, and another player finally came up here on the [-]nd floor.

Yang Lei and Asuna were too fierce before, and jumped directly from the sixth floor to the twenty-second floor, with a dozen floors in between. In order to avoid accidents, players will only choose to continue to the next level after reaching a certain level. On the first floor, it took so much time.

And just recently, as the first batch of players came to the [-]nd floor, gradually, the number of players on this floor began to increase.

And recently, even Yang Lei and Asuna's small home has also seen players leveling up.

And ah, because there are many lakes and other environments on the twenty-second floor, making this layer more popular than the other layers for those fishing enthusiasts.

The other layers at most are one or two small puddles on the entire map where you can practice fishing proficiency, which is naturally incomparable to this.

"[-]" In this way, the beautiful twenty-second floor was quickly welcomed by the majority of players.

After a high-intensity battle, you can come to the lake to relax your body and mind, and you can also enjoy fishing and other leisure activities. It is a great pleasure.

For this, Yang Lei and Asuna were speechless.

There were more and more people, and gradually, their lives became somewhat inconvenient.

Especially on a certain day, there was a group of people who wanted to come and confiscate their house, saying that they were the frontline raiding group to free countless players from fighting, so they needed Yang Lei and their house to be used as a rest area. , which makes leveling easier.

watt?What a joke.

I remember that Yang Lei was rude at that time, and directly attacked people.

Although the neighborhood is a residential area, it is included in the circle, which means the safe area.

But don't forget that there is a duel system, you can fight even in the safe zone.

Without the slightest hesitation, Yang Lei directly invited the group to a duel, and he challenged everyone in the group by himself.

I'm too lazy to go into details about the process, anyway, it's a very clichéd pretending to be X who is not counter-productive and being slapped in the face by Cao's pretending to be X.

The group of people who were still arrogant were beaten away, and this ending is very happy.

However, not only did those guys not reflect on their actions, but they spread rumors everywhere to denounce Yang Lei and Asuna.

"What a bunch of self-righteous little people."

Yang Lei was provoked.

They said it was okay, but they should never have done it. Even Asuna slandered and smeared it together.

"Looks like it's time to become a savior."

On this day, in a passive situation, Yang Lei made a decision to take the initiative to show himself and become the savior. Only in this way can he ensure that the so-called justice is in his hands, rather than becoming a weapon for some wicked people.

Asuna was also very angry, so she did not persuade Yang Lei, but supported his approach.

Their husband and wife are not the kind of people who are very happy, let alone the kind of people who will enjoy the admiration of others.

But now, obviously they have made a lot of contributions to everyone, and as a result, a group of people actually smeared them with the so-called 'merit' that there is nothing to write about. This is a bit too much.

In this way, the two of them finally stopped living a life of idleness and wild cranes like the masters of the world, but returned to the crowd again.

. . . . . .

"Is it them?"

"That's right, it's them, the little white-faced swordsman with short black hair, and the blond bitch..."


A sharp blade suddenly appeared out of thin air, cutting off the foul language in a certain player's mouth.

"What did you just say?"

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