After Yang Lei and Asuna were born, the situation of the entire SAO world has undergone great changes.

For example, those high-level players who are still fighting on the so-called frontline will no longer dare to flaunt themselves as saviors.

It's true, Yang Lei said it so straightforwardly, how can you guys who are just trying to save themselves are so embarrassed and shameless.

And those players who are still hiding in the original town are no longer low-key, because someone's high-profile declaration will become their umbrella, and they will no longer be forced to pay some so-called aid tax money.

That is to say, although the union of the ALF army has not yet appeared, someone has already started to exploit the weak, is that enough?

And Yang Lei also said that it won't take too long, no more than a year at most, he will get through the game and bring everyone back to reality.

Thinking about how quickly he and Asuna had broken through more than a dozen layers in a short period of time, if it was his promise, people would still be willing to believe it.

In the end, even Kayaba Akihiko finally discovered the anomaly.

If he doesn't find anomalies again, then he is really a fool instead of a genius.

However, when Kayaba Akihiko wanted to carefully investigate matters related to Yang Lei, he found that once the information about Yang Lei and Asuna was involved, the system was out of control.

He finally found out that the game he had carefully designed had been silently changed owners, which was a great surprise and a surprise.

If you use a certain expression to compare it, it is a concept like being a father. . . .

After Kayaba Akihiko's repeated investigations and experiments, he finally had to admit that he actually lost.

That's right, this game no longer belongs to him, but has become Yang Lei's game world.

Now he can't even end the world early, and his authority is only a small part, not the full authority.

"Oh, what a great irony."

Kayaba Akihiko, who got this result, couldn't help laughing.

He just wanted to create a real different world to be as crazy as it is today, but when this world was created, he realized that this world didn't belong to him, he was just making wedding dresses for others.

This blow is not too big.

But it doesn't matter.

Kayaba Akihiko's purpose is to create a different world that is comparable to the real world. It doesn't matter who the owner of this world belongs to.

"Then let's continue."

It didn't take long for Kayaba Akihiko to regain his fighting spirit and murmured, "Yang Lei-kun? Just let me see how strong you are. I will wait for you to challenge on the [-]th floor."

"Although you have taken away even the highest authority, the final result will definitely end with my exit."

"But it doesn't matter, all I want is a hearty battle. I believe you will satisfy me, right?"

. . . . . .

Look at Yang Lei again.

On this day, in Yang Lei and Asuna's little home of love.

"Wow, is this Yang Lei and Asuna's home? It's beautiful."

Different from the quiet and peaceful days in the past, a group of people gathered at his house on this day. It was the same group of people who had challenged Yang Lei's Fenglinhuo before.

Because Agil and the others are acquaintances with Yang Lei and his wife, after they failed to challenge Yang Lei collectively, before the group of guys did not show up to apologize, they had a close relationship with Yang Lei.

As for the purpose they came to disturb today.

That's right, according to Klein's cheeky guy, they came to invite Yang Lei and his wife to join the union.

"We don't want to join someone else's union."

Facing Klein's invitation, Yang Lei chose to refuse without any surprise.

"Don't say that."

Klein laughed and continued to lobby hard: "After all, we are friends, and being a trade union partner can also take care of each other better."

"And if it's just the two of you and your wife, it will definitely be difficult when you reach a higher level, especially after you exceed the fifty level?"

For Klein, although Yang Lei's strength is very strong, he is so strong that even their entire union is no match for them.

But he didn't know Yang Lei's true strength, so he would inevitably be a little worried and wanted to make a little effort.

After all, Yang Lei had said it so clearly before that they fought to save themselves.

Since this is the case, even if it is just for self-help, they should do their bit, right?

"Hey Hey hey."

Regarding Klein's words, Yang Lei complained speechlessly: "When did we become friends?"


On the side, Agil exclaimed a little unwillingly: "I thought we had known each other for such a long time and have been friends for a long time."

Klein also nodded: "Yes, yes, I also thought that when you were dueling with us before, you not only showed mercy but also pointed out our shortcomings, so you are already friends."

"How thick-skinned you are."

This time, even Kiritani Kazuto, who was his own, couldn't help but complain.

"Pfft hahaha."

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