On the opposite side, Asuna, who was sitting next to Yang Lei on the same sofa, couldn't help laughing a little, and finally turned to lie on Yang Lei's shoulder and said in a low voice, "Hey, dear, did you notice that you didn't? , they look like they're doing some kind of comedy show."

Hearing what Asuna said, Yang Lei's face darkened immediately.

Hey, madam, even your husband got hacked when you said that. After all, he also contributed some performances to this show.

"Hey, Yang Lei."

Yawang, who came along with him, had not spoken before, but at this time he also opened his mouth and said, "Although we only have one chance to cooperate, if it is you, I can still trust it very much."

What he meant was that Yang Lei not only revealed the drop settings for rare items at the last moment during the first-level BOSS battle, but also took the initiative to give up the boss's head later.

It's just that King Ya seems to have made a mistake. Now, it's not Yang Lei who wants to join you, but you guys who want to bring people in. Big brother, what are you going to do for being so arrogant?

Moreover, the appearance of Yawang is really unflattering, do you dare not to be such a disgusting person?


Suddenly, Klein changed to a serious expression, and the others on both sides also became serious.

"Jun Yang Lei, and Mrs. Asuna."

I heard Klein say: "Although you have the strength to get through more than ten levels of guard bosses in a short period of time, you should have discovered that too. Various attributes and levels are getting stronger, and their AI is also growing, and the difficulty will only increase."

"Now you may still have the strength to single-handed monsters or single-player bosses, but one day you will be powerless, and once that time comes, there will only be two of you..."

"It's hard to meet good-hearted people like you now, and several of my friends have been helped by you on the first night, and even I have eaten the barbecue presented by my wife, so we thought... , just treat it as helping us, how about it? Do you want to act together?"

(PS: So, the practice on the first day was not just because the Virgin was sick, but also with some foreshadowing, just to see if it was dug out...).

0834 Prepare to Raider the [-]nd Floor

"Because it's fun, let's try it out a little bit? How about it? Honey?"

Facing Klein's repeated invitations, Asuna couldn't help but feel a little tempted.

It's not that I'm really worried about myself and Yang Lei in the next fight, it's just that it's fun.

"Well, that's fine."

Yang Lei hesitated for a while before nodding. After all, it was what Asuna meant. As long as it wasn't too much, he would try to be satisfied.

As for excessive demands, if Asuna said 'Yang Lei-kun, let's get a divorce', Yang Lei would definitely refuse without any hesitation.


Klein and the others couldn't help laughing bitterly. They said something funny. Did they really take them as comedians?


Before officially joining, there is one more thing Yang Lei needs to declare: "Let me tell you in advance, our family Asuna and I will not always act with you all the time. Although we have joined your union, we will usually follow our own ideas. action."

"For example, living our own married life, and if we want to kill monsters alone, we won't call you."

In the face of Yang Lei's special statement, a layer of black lines hung on the faces of everyone in Fenglin Volcano.

They are not idiots, and they are not changing T or anything, and of course they don't want to be light bulbs.

"Of course."

As the president, Klein promised the two: "When I say action together, I mean the strategy for guarding the boss. 077 The usual leveling action is still free to move according to everyone's own will. Don't worry at all."

"In our union, it is very free, and you don't need to obey the orders of the president who has no power at all. How you want to live in this game world is entirely up to everyone's own wishes."

Yang Lei nodded: "This way I will have no problem."

"Okay, now that the conditions have been negotiated, you can invite Asuna and me to the union."

"Then you can leave. It's time for us to have dinner. It's already noon, so don't you think you're here with the idea of ​​having a meal?"

Klein couldn't resist Yang Lei's vicious tongue, and he complained after he clicked on the union page to invite the two of them: "If you know it, don't say it, let alone drive people out so rudely, as a friend. , Isn't it normal to have a dinner together?"

Yang: "So let's just say, who is your friend?"

Ya: "Well, my dear, it seems interesting to have a few more people to eat all of a sudden."

Yang: "And Asuna, you suddenly have a sense of sight of a middle-aged aunt."


Ya: "Hey, hubby, I saw a mosquito on your face."

. . . . . .

After some farce, Yang Lei and Asuna still cooked a large table of meals to entertain these people. One is that they did (bgad) come with good intentions, and their husband and wife accepted it.

On the other hand, they did have a little friendship with each other, and Klein and the others also said that they planned to take the opportunity to discuss the strategy of the guard boss on the [-]nd floor, so they had lunch together.

"My wife's craftsmanship is really extraordinary. It's so delicious. It's better than the most expensive five-star restaurant."

After lunch, everyone who had eaten Asuna's cooking for the first time praised them.


Asuna waved her hand, smiled a little embarrassedly and said, "You guys really know how to talk, but even if you compliment me like that, I won't make bentos for you every day."

"Accidentally had the same cold reaction as Mr. Yang Lei."

A group of people turned their heads and complained again.

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