"Don't forget the business."

In the end, even Yang Lei couldn't stand them anymore, so he quickly reminded: "Didn't you say you want to discuss the strategy of the boss? How did it become a commonplace chat?"

During the meal, everyone only focused on eating delicious food and laughing loudly, and they all forgot about the business. It was not until Yang Lei mentioned it that he finally remembered, yes, they still have business that they haven't had time to do.

"Cough cough."

Klein coughed dryly and put on a serious expression, which explained the information they had obtained.

The guild of Fenglinhuo was originally very powerful in the original book. Now, after some changes in the plot, even the original protagonist Kiritani and Ren have been absorbed by them, and their strength is even stronger.

Moreover, after Yang Lei and Asuna, most of the other players who first logged into the [-]nd floor were from the Fenglin Volcano Guild. From this, it can be seen that they can be called the strongest guild. .

And after staying on the [-]nd floor for so long, it was impossible for the strongest guild not to go to raid the labyrinth area, and while leveling up, they also explored the boss room by the way.

Unfortunately, after some attempts, they found that although the boss on this floor would not make them feel hopeless, if they wanted to conquer the past, they should not be able to achieve it without a little sacrifice.

If this is an ordinary game, it's fine, but this is a death game. If you die here, you are really dead. They definitely don't dare to mess around, and no one wants to be the one to be sacrificed.

With no other choice, they had no choice but to plan to continue leveling up for a while. It would be great if they could update their equipment a little during this period.

And just yesterday morning, they happened to pass by near the teleportation point on their way out to level up, and saw Yang Lei and Asuna and their wife who had been waiting there for three days in a row.

They had already received some news, but they never knew that the owner of the incident was Yang Lei and the others.

And this unexpected reunion, while they were pleasantly surprised, they also came up with an idea. That's right, since the mysterious powerhouses who have connected more than a dozen levels are Yang Lei and Asuna, why not ask them to cooperate?

That's why they came here today.

As for their later challenge to Yang Lei, it was really just a joke between friends. After all, it was really boring to wait all the time, and I didn't know where the bastards who angered Yang Lei went, so they just looked for it. a pastime.

What makes Feng Linhuo and the others sad is that Yang Lei has always said that they do not regard them as friends.

How can it be repaired, obviously they had cooperated on the first floor before, mainly because basically all of them had been helped by Yang Lei, but the hot faces they kindly got together actually stuck on the cold fart gu, So embarrassing.

Well, probably this is how the plot developed, because the rhythm ahead was fast, I was afraid that you would be a little dizzy, so I opened the perspective of God a little to explain the cause and effect to you.

Now back to the point.

Klein is still very reliable and serious when it comes to business, and the others are no longer fooling around. After all, this involves a boss battle, so it's very dangerous.

"That's it."

After revealing all the information he had in detail, Klein asked Yang Lei, "How? Do you have the confidence to defeat the boss in a short time?"


Yang Lei hesitated. Of course, this is not because he is concerned about the strength of the boss. Asuna knows him best, and she knows what he is thinking without guessing. Will Klein's gang be hit?

Even though Yang Lei had been so vicious before, he still felt and accepted Klein and their kindness, so he took their feelings into consideration.

"That's good."

Asuna smiled, thinking that Yang Lei is still very gentle, and immediately expressed her thoughts: "My husband and I got a lot of rare items when we conquered the dozen or so floors before the boss."

"And we also got a lot of equipment and materials when we farmed monsters."

"Well, let's see if these things can strengthen your overall combat effectiveness, and then let's go to the boss to 'play', how?"

Ma'am, what should I say, your last words hurt more than your husband's direct words.

(PS: Keke...Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me,...!!! I'm one year older, and I wish you all the best of luck at this opportunity...).

0835 Desert Butcher Renekton?

After getting a lot of aid materials and various advanced equipment from Yang Lei and Asuna, the rest of Fenglin Volcano did not rush to set off immediately to challenge the boss, but went back to prepare.

After all, the newly replaced equipment always needs to be run-in, otherwise it will not be able to exert its due strength.

In addition, there are materials that need to be forged before they can be used, as well as some low-level equipment, which must take some time to prepare before they can be truly transformed into their strength.

Then a few days passed in a blink of an eye. During these few days, Yang Lei and Asuna never went out. Now they are celebrities, and they don't want to go out and be watched as rare creatures.

Does it mean that the action of celebrities being chased by fans is this kind of onlookers?

cough cough.

Then this morning, Yang Lei received a message from Klein-.

"We're ready on this side, everyone is going to go to fight the boss at ten o'clock. After the fight, you can just eat the lunch box prepared by your wife, so I want to ask Mr. Yang Lei, how is your preparation on the other side? ?"

"That's what he said."

Yang Lei read out the contents of the letter, then turned to look at Asuna, and finally laughed together.

"Mr. Klein is really interesting."

"As well as Mr. Agil, and Mr. Kirito's sharp complaints, etc. Sure enough, joining this union is the right choice."

The couple commented on the members of the union with a smile, and as expected, they made a bunch of sizable lunch boxes according to Klein's request.

. . . . . .

Near the town on the [-]nd floor, Yang Lei and his wife met with the rest of the union.

"How is it? Mrs. Asuna, are you really ready for the lunch box?"

The first thing everyone cared about was the issue of lunch boxes.

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