Especially those union members who hadn't gone to Yang Lei's house with them before, were full of expectations at this time.

Although Yang Lei's house is a villa, after all, the space is limited, and the Fenglin Volcano Union has thirty or forty members, and it is impossible to fit all of them.

"Oh done."

Asuna smiled and responded to the expectations of the guys who had not seen each other a few times.

It's not that she is too gentle, although she is indeed very gentle, but now she is obviously cooperating with them because she thinks it is too interesting.


Even the chairman Klein, all the members of the union cheered: "Not only have the powerful equipment supported by Mr. Yang Lei and Mrs. Asuna, as well as the strong participation of the two of them, but also obtained Mrs. Asuna's" Lunch bento BUFF', this time I will definitely be able to pass the customs smoothly."

"Hey Hey hey."

Standing beside Asuna, Yang Lei complained: "Why does our Asuna's bento still have a buff effect? ​​Also, which bastard was flying the flag just now? Can you temporarily kick him out of the team? ?"

"It turns out that Klein, you bastard, is taking the lead in planting the flag. You can simply resign for me."

In this way, a large group of people started talking and laughing and set off outside the city.

The situation here has naturally been noticed by people for a long time. Soon, the news about Yang Lei and his wife joining the Fenglin Volcano Union was widely spread, especially when they were going to crusade the [-]nd floor gatekeeper. The news of the BOSS even spread to the initial town.

At this moment, I don't know how many people are silently praying for the Fenglin Volcano Union, only hoping not to play the role of poisonous milk.

. . . . . .

A large group of people are walking on the road, and when they pass through the wild area, they will definitely encounter the attack of refreshing mobs.

As the number of layers gets higher and higher, except for certain mobs, those mobs specially prepared for players to level up have become active attack types.

Unlike the first few floors, especially the first floor, most of the monsters near the initial town do not actively attack, unless you hurt them first, otherwise it will be fine even if you walk into their attack range.

It's just that the Fenglin Volcano trade union is extraordinary after all, and it claims to be the strongest trade union at the moment.

It may be a bit exaggerated to say that all the way to kill, but everyone can really say that they pushed it all the way, without encountering the slightest obstruction, and soon came to the labyrinth area on the [-]nd floor.

Because Klein and the others had entered the boss's room before, they were already familiar with it this time, so they didn't need to probe room by room, they just found the door of the boss's room.


Standing at the gate, everyone is taking a deep breath and a long breath, which is adjusting their state.

Speaking of which, they haven't fought many bosses after all.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

Forget it, they all participated in the first floor, but the real hero is actually Yang Lei. He and Asuna resisted the BOSS when the red blood ran rampant, otherwise it would be dangerous not to mention the destruction of the group.

Then, when fighting the second-tier BOSS, because the union could not be established yet, the raiding team for the BOSS was actually very messy.

I don't know what happened on the third floor. It was not until the boss of the fourth floor that the Fenglin Volcano Union was officially created.

In fact, Klein had already created a guild, but he didn't meet Agil and Kirito at first. They didn't meet until they were about to fight the fourth floor boss, and then they merged into one guild.

And counting the bosses on the fifth floor, they've only beaten a few.

To others, they may be veterans, but to the two boss bulldozers, Yang Lei and Asuna, they are just rookies, and it is inevitable that they will be a little nervous at this time.

"Open the door."

There was nothing too flashy in his mobilization speech. Klein glanced left and right at the people around him, and then opened his mouth to remind everyone behind him. When no one objected, he pushed forward with his left hand, which had been pressed against the door.

"Crack, click, click."

With an unpleasant sound, the door was slowly opened.

As usual, the room was pitch black at first, and then it instantly lit up when everyone came in.


At this moment, I heard a roar from the front, and then, a huge figure rushed out.


When the huge figure fell to the ground, people looked carefully to recognize it, it was actually a crocodile man holding a huge blade like an unfolded fan in his hand.

"Hey, hey, after the desert death god Nasus, even the desert butcher Renekton came out?"

Yang Lei couldn't help but frantically complained, because he felt that this guy was too similar to a character in a certain game.

In fact, it's more than just a question. This is simply because a certain author didn't care, and directly copied the characters from other games, okay?

This is really the most deadly official Tucao....

(PS: Keke...Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me,...!!! I'm one year older, and I wish you all the best of luck at this opportunity...).

0836 Everyone, have to die


The crocodile man was roaring, as if annoyed that the Fenglin Volcano Union had invaded his territory.

This crocodile man is different from the previous kobolds. Apart from the head of a crocodile, even his body is basically in the shape of a crocodile, just because he is standing on both feet, and he also holds a strange The giant weapon, that's why we call it the Crocodile Man.

"Meet again, stinky monster."

Klein gritted his teeth and cursed. It seemed that their previous tentative strategy was not going well, and they must have suffered a lot.

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