Thinking about it, if it went well, they would have gotten through the [-]nd floor long ago, and they don't need to win over, and they won't even meet Yang Lei and Asuna.

"Prepare for battle."

Because it was not the first time, everyone quickly prepared for the battle.

The crocodile man doesn't seem to have the ability to summon his younger brother. The previous roar was really just a simple roar and "one two seven".


Klein and the others also knew this, so they didn't need to be on guard, and they attacked after the battle was set up.

"What shall we do?"

At the back of the team, there were two people who were out of place, it was Yang Lei and Asuna.

At this time, Asuna looked at Yang Lei a little worried and at a loss. She had already drawn the long sword in her hand, but she didn't know whether she should rush up with her.

If it was her, the crocodile man would definitely be killed in seconds without any accident. In this way, wouldn't it seem that Feng Linhuo's people were too useless?

After a short contact, she felt that these guys were not bad, they should be some very interesting people, so she took their feelings into account.

"Stand by."

After thinking about it, Yang Lei didn't rush to take action, but greeted Asuna to move to the flank of the battle group, and said, "Don't worry, let's go up when they are about to die."

There's no way, the two of them are too powerful, and they don't want to deliberately suppress their power. It can be said that the end of the shot is the end.

But the current situation is that other people are fighting in full swing, and they really can't bear to attack the confidence and dignity of others too much.

In this way, without Yang Lei and Asuna and his wife, more than [-] people from the Fenglin Volcano Union and the crocodile people fought back and forth.

"Tooth King, Agil, your two teams are in charge of blocking."

"Kirito, you and my team are responsible for the offense after the switch."

Under Klein's methodical command, the boss battle went smoothly.

After all, they had escaped from the boss room without casualties before. Now that their overall strength has been strengthened, it will naturally be much easier to deal with.

As for the crocodile man, although he couldn't stop howling, he couldn't do any effective damage to the players at all. Even if the attack was not blocked in time, he could only hurt some people, but couldn't cause an instant kill.

In this way, watching the crocodile man's blood line began to slide, and soon entered the danger zone, almost turning into red blood.

"Boss wants red blood."

Everyone noticed this and shouted warnings to others who might not have noticed.

"By the way, what special effects will this guy trigger after the red blood?"

As the trade union president, Clay asked this question without the slightest bit of consciousness.

"You are the president, right? If you don't even know it, how can we know."

Unsurprisingly, all the members were madly complaining.

"What should I do?"

Klein felt a little helpless. Generally, the most dangerous stage is when the boss has red blood. Don't look at the last blood, but most people will fall into trouble at this stage. For example, Diabel is dead. Is it a rampage in the red blood stage of the BOSS?

"Do not worry."

At this time, Yang Lei on the side spoke up and promised everyone who was still fighting: "If you can't bear it anymore, we will take action at that time, and we don't need the rare items dropped by the boss, so don't worry about it. ."

This guy's speech is so impeccable, and even some words that could not be put on the table to say directly spread out, so how can others be embarrassed to complain in their hearts.

The most anticipated part of the BOSS is the final blow. Now everyone knows that the BOSS will drop rare items for the last striker.

As for other things like a lot of experience points, and a lot of kohl (game currency), these don't matter.

Although the former also belongs to the team that defeats the boss, it is not important, because you can also gain experience by brushing mobs.

As for the latter, that is, Cole, everyone is equally divided.

In other words, if there is a gap, it must be related to the rare items dropped by the boss.

As a result, Yang Lei directly said that they don't want rare items, even if they drop them, they will take them out.

Thinking about the high-level equipment and materials provided by the couple for free, it really makes them feel ashamed.  …

Fortunately, they really didn't have any thoughts of complaining about Yang Lei and Asuna watching the show before, otherwise they would really be embarrassed.

"Come on you guys."

Not to be outdone, Asuna brushed a wave of her presence, and she didn't know where she got it from. In each hand, she held a ball of colorful hand-cranked flowers, the kind you often see held by cheerleaders. At this time, he is cheering for everyone who is fighting.

"We're not playing competitive games."

All the members who were still fighting couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, this lady is really accidental and mischievous sometimes.

"Red blood."

When they communicated, the battle at hand did not stop.

As another round of attacks passed, the BOSS's blood finally turned red completely.

"Everyone must die."

And at the moment when his blood line turned red, he heard the crocodile man suddenly roared in a hoarse voice, and then, it started to burn on its body, as if it was a demon hunter who opened a sacrifice. .

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