Moreover, the crocodile man's body seems to have become larger, and its blood bar has suddenly increased by one bar, and it continues to be in a state of rampant red blood.

"Is this too ridiculous?"

Everyone in the Fenglin Volcano Union turned their heads and ran away.

Especially the most advanced squad leaders before, namely Klein, Kirito, Agil, and the four King Tooth.

"It's going to be cooked, it's going to be cooked, it's going to be roasted."

I just heard the four of them running and shouting, and I don't know if 2.4 was really burned or frightened. Anyway, it seems that their blood volume has not decreased.

"This guy's runaway state turned out to be like this."

Yang Lei shook his head, thinking that this guy really is Renekton.

But forget it.

"It's time for us to go out, dear."

With a crisp 'bass' sound, Yang Lei pulled out the dagger from his waist and greeted Asuna.


Asuna had already put away the hand-cranked flower she used to liven up the atmosphere, and then pulled out her rapier and looked at Yang Lei, "Is it still the old rules?"

"Of course, I'm in charge of protecting you, and you're in charge of attacking."

"It's so considerate, husband."

(PS: Keke...Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me,...!!! I'm one year older, and I wish you all the best of luck at this opportunity...).

0837 Opened the fifth floor

Sure enough, when Yang Lei and Asuna finally made their move, even if the BOSS increased their HP by one bar, it would not be enough to see.

Also, even if the Crocodile Man turned on the sacrifice mode, it would not hurt or itch for Yang Lei and Asuna's blood volume.

At the current level of players, even the members of the Fenglin Huanhuan guild, which seems to have the strongest guild momentum, can't stand the burn of sacrifice. If they resist hard, they will cause tons of damage every second, even for ten seconds. If they can't resist, they will be burned to death.

But in Yang Lei and Asuna, the sacrifice effect of the BOSS can only force a drop of blood per second, and the speed of their blood recovery is completely incomprehensible. That shocking and frightening digital unit is a bug. Bar?

"The [-]nd floor boss crusade is complete."

Anyway, after the crocodile man disappeared into a handful of fragments, the twenty-second floor was finally opened.

"Success!" "Great!"

Everyone was cheering.

"Come over and prepare for lunch."

After the crowd cheered for a while, Asuna put away her long sword, turned around and took out the lunch box she had prepared earlier from the inventory, placed it on the floor, and greeted.

Yang Lei also put away the tachi, and took out the rare item that Asuna got with the last blow from the item bar.

It was a shield-type equipment with high attributes.

"Whoever you can use can take it."

He casually threw the valuable piece of equipment to Klein, Yang Lei sat on the ground next to Asuna, and greeted the guests to take their seats as if they were the head of the house.

We will not describe the allocation of equipment. Whoever can use it will be finished. It is very simple and there is no dispute.

After all, it's not like a weapon, and the shields are generally MT-type characters. Except for Diabel, no one will hide behind with a shield, so no one will fight for it.

And when everyone sat down to enjoy the celebration feast after the war, Klein, who was nearby, couldn't help sneaking up to ask Yang Lei, "Well, Mr. Yang Lei, can I take the liberty to ask, what are your and your wife's rank? ?"

"Are we?"

Yang Lei glanced at his status bar casually, and then reported the number: "It's level [-]."

Even if they didn't specifically go to level up, but because they only have two people to share their experience, plus they fought so many bosses, and they also did hunting activities when they lived on the [-]nd floor, the level is still not too low. of.

"Are you about the same as us?"

Klein murmured, these high-level players who have been struggling all the time are also around forty.

It just made him even more confused.

Why are Yang Lei and Asuna's attacks so strong even though they have similar levels?Defense and HP are also much higher.

The previous duel was nothing, although it can be seen that Yang Lei's skills are very strong, but after all, it is not a boss fight, but a PVP, and the senses caused to him are not particularly great.

But now it seems that the reason why Yang Lei is so confident is that he has his own reasons.

And thinking about how they flew away that day when they left, this...

Can't explain it.

Thinking of the headache, Klein finally had no choice but to let it go.

"Could it be that the cheating device is turned on? It's like a plug-in or something."

Agil couldn't help but mutter something like that. It was just a casual rant, but what the black elder brother didn't know was that he was the truth.

"All right."

Yang Lei didn't want to be watched all the time, and reminded everyone: "Hurry up and eat, and after activating the teleportation point to the twenty-third floor, let's try to challenge the guard boss on the next floor. ."

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