Yang Lei accepted his wife's kindness, nodded, and rushed out first.


Opposite, several people in the Hand of Titan subconsciously exclaimed.

At first glance, the other party has bad intentions, and they all pulled out their weapons and rushed towards this side. This is too blatant, isn't it?

By the way, who is the bad guy?

"You are?"

Because of the shock, the Hand of Titan didn't have time to figure out the situation, let alone respond, and only had time to issue such a query, and then... there was no more.

"Pfft." "Pfft..."

In the eyes of the four players who were surrounded by the Titan's Hand before, they only felt that there were two black and one white figures in front of them, and when they stopped, the people around them disappeared. gone.

"what happened?"

Just listening to the little girl with the little dragon on her head muttering blankly, she really couldn't figure out what happened.


After easily destroying the members of the Hand of Titan, Yang Lei put away the knife and walked to Asuna's side first.

"How is it? Do you still feel uncomfortable?"

After all, this was a murder. Yang Lei was worried that his wife would be a little uncomfortable. After all, she had always been so gentle and kind, so she quickly asked.

"I am fine."

Asuna shook her head with a strong smile. This is not the first time she has shot at other players. When she happened to encounter a very cruel incident before, she shot and killed someone once. Much better last time.

(bgfh) Seeing that Asuna was okay, Yang Lei was relieved.

Originally, he didn't want to take her to such a cruel activity, but he never thought that Asuna could encounter an incident just walking around, and it was cruel. There was a damn old man who cheated a small child player. To the outside of the circle, and then all kinds of..., in short, very miserable.

Since that time, Asuna has strongly requested to act with him, and said that since those who have lost their humanity have the consciousness of hurting others, it means that they themselves have the consciousness of death, she only represents the disadvantaged group The agent of , there is nothing to bear.


Seeing that Yang Lei and Asuna never meant to pay attention to themselves and others, although they were afraid, the little girl spoke again: "I, my name is Silica, they are all my teammates, may I ask, why are you right? Miss Rosalia...do that?"

"Is such that."

Only then did Yang Lei and Asuna turn around to face Silica and the others.

"They are the hands of the Titans of the Orange Guild, and that woman named Rosalia is the president of their guild."

"This is a criminal gang that specializes in robbing other players. It has also killed others. They should have wanted to attack you just now."

"As for us, my name is Yang Lei. This is my wife, Asuna. We came here specifically for them. Don't worry, we won't do anything to you."

After Yang Lei's explanation, the little girl named Silica and her teammates finally felt relieved, and finally realized that there is still such a group of players among the players, who are dedicated to hurting others for fun or something. It's okay to lose your personality.

"All right."

After explaining what happened, Yang Lei and Asuna said to the four again, "Since the matter here is settled, we have to go back."

"By the way, do you want to go back too? Do you want us to give you a ride?"

Facing the kindness of Yang Lei and Asuna, the four of Silica looked at each other.

"That, I don't need it anymore. Thank you for your kindness. We plan to practice for a while before going back."

Maybe they were still wary of Yang Lei and Asuna, because they had just taken action as soon as they came up, and their behavior was too exaggerated, which made them still a little scared.

"Well then, be careful."

Yang Lei and Asuna didn't ask for it, they turned around and went back along the same path.

"It's amazing, those two people."

Behind, Silica couldn't help staring at Asuna's leaving back with adoring eyes, and she couldn't help but mutter to herself, "When will I be able to be so powerful? Shouldn't it be related to my level? What's the matter, but because I'm too timid and too ignorant, so even if I go up in rank, I can't be like them, right?"

"Well, forget it, let's take care of my own life."

(PS: I added more updates for my birthday... I originally planned to go out, but it rained outside today, so I simply added more updates, and then wrote more...).

0840 Asuna Little Virgin (plus two)

"How is it? Asuna."

In the evening, after returning to the small house in the forest on the [-]nd floor, in the master bedroom, Yang Lei was lying on the chuang with Asuna in his arms, and he asked worriedly, "Like this kind of feeling of taking someone else's life away. bad, isn't it?"


In Yang Lei's arms, Asuna nodded and said how she felt: "I don't know why, it's as if I've committed some serious crime that makes me feel uneasy.~"

"Also, this is obviously in the game, but there has always been a kind of blood on the hands, and even the body feels a little unclean."

"However, it's obviously those people who hurt others first, so we..."


A wen interrupted Asuna's self-report.


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