After a while, Yang Lei let go of his wife, who was a godless wife. He gently rubbed her hand on her raised face, and he didn't know if he was comforting or joking: "You are the attributes of the Virgin, so it turns out that our family is Ya. Sina is the Virgin."

"Jun Yang Lei."

Asuna pouted and stared into Yang Lei's eyes with some resentment.

Even though she was so uneasy, her husband still had the time to make fun of him.

Moreover, this bastard asked her countless times just now, she obviously didn't have the heart to do that, what a bastard husband.

"No way."

Yang Lei shook his head with a smile, spread out the hand that stroked Asuna's side face just now, and said, "I'm different from the gentle and kind Asuna, these hands are already stained with blood."

"Didn't I tell you about my experience? That's why you should know. In these years, whether it is a vicious person or a person with a reason, as long as there is a reason to take action, I will not Hesitant."

"In order to protect you, Hina and the others, and my beloved children, I can't be so weak, I have to be stronger. After all, I'm the head of our family."

"and also."

Yang Lei continued: "Don't forget what I told you, I have Dragon Balls that can make any wish come true, since you are so sad, when the game is cleared by us, I will simply put all those who died accidentally. Come back to life, including those you and I killed."

"In this way, you don't have to be so troubled anymore, right?"

Listening to Yang Lei's words, Asuna couldn't help showing a happy smile.

He said so much to worry about himself, to enlighten himself, and finally to do that kind of thing for himself.

"Will it cause you trouble? After all, it is too unbelievable to resurrect a large number of others."

Asuna became a little worried, fearing that this incident would cause Yang Lei to get into trouble.

"it's okay no problem."

Yang Lei waved his hands indifferently: "I didn't say that your husband and I are beyond the existence of God, who can deal with me?"

"However, you actually accepted the proposal to resurrect others. You are really a little virgin. Obviously, many of those who died are evil people."

"But forget it, since you are so sad and so unwilling to hurt others, I am willing to keep your purity."

"It's just Asuna, don't act with me in the future, or I'll be worried."

"I'm talking about going after the bad guys in reverse."

There was a long silence, just when Yang Lei thought that Asuna might have fallen asleep.

"Well, although I am very unwilling, since you have said so, then I will temporarily withdraw."

. . . . . .

Get up early the next morning.

"The sun is about to shine, it's time to get up, little Virgin Asuna."


Hearing her husband's call, Asuna, who had been sleepy before, completely woke up.

"Hello, dear."

With messy hair, Asuna rushed out of the bedroom without looking at the dining table where the sumptuous breakfast was placed, standing in front of Yang Lei and asked with an unbelievable expression, "What did you call me just now? Are you really going to call me by that title?"

Yang Lei casually chewed two bites of the food he had just put in his mouth and swallowed it casually. Looking at his wife standing in front of him, he started to unbutton one by one.

"That, Asuna, don't blame me, you ran out without clothes on yourself. What, we don't seem to have to go out today, don't we?"


"Beep, beep."

Faster than when she came, Asuna rushed back again.

"This girl."

In the dining room, Yang Lei shook his head amusingly, and then he fastened the buttons on his clothes one by one.

Because this is at home, Yang Lei is no longer wearing the equipment he used to fight monsters, but a set of casual clothes. If the furnishings at home are not all game props, it looks like he is in the real world. Ordinary young couple.

After a while, Asuna came out of the bedroom again after she was fully dressed.

At this time, she was no longer dressed in red and white dresses, but wore a small brown sweater and a white skirt, which looked very cute.

"Yang Lei H."

Sitting at the dining table, Asuna glared at her husband while eating breakfast, her face flushed.

After Yang Lei's riot just now, Asuna seemed to have forgotten the psychological shadow from last night, or because she knew that Yang Lei had Dragon Balls and that the people she killed could be resurrected, so she finally stopped worrying about it.

"Why do you say that?"

Yang Lei didn't want it anymore, and retorted: "It's obvious that you ran out without wearing anything. As a husband, of course I'm going to fight."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

"And I didn't pounce in the end."

Faced with Yang Lei's counterattack, Asuna snorted and muttered in a low voice, "I don't know who was so unrestrained when they were newly married, obviously I would jump up when I was cooking, H, H, H."


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