Yang Lei turned his face away in embarrassment, this time it was his turn to look into his wife's eyes.

No way, Asuna's counterattacks were all real damage, because he was really unrestrained at that time.

But he didn't want to, because when he first got Asuna, he couldn't control himself, even if Asuna walked over in a well-dressed way, he would be excited, who could do anything about it.

It can only be said that it is fortunate that this is the game world, otherwise Asuna would definitely suffer a lot at that time.

"It's not that you are too attractive."

Yang Lei could only fight back like this.

... ......

They are both old and married, and they are open enough on this matter. I really want to go to the scene and listen to it. It would be even better if there is an image demonstration or something, ahem.

The two chatted for a while, and in the end they both blushed, and just before she almost went back to the house to 'sleep', Asuna finally managed to gain the upper hand.

"and many more."

Holding her husband's hand on her body, Asuna said, "I'm sorry dear, I have an appointment with Liz today, so fortunately, let's go back tonight and continue."


Yang Lei was dumbfounded: "You're going to run away if you provoke me? Isn't that a bit bad?"

Asuna shrugged and grimaced provocatively, "Who told you to use that name to call someone? You deserve it, hehe."

After that, she really ran away.

And Yang Lei's words.

After watching his wife leave the house quickly, Yang Lei took out seven beads from his personal space.

"Dragon Ball."

"Creator, what can I do for you?"

"Well, I'm going to add a little setting, that is, record the bad guys that Asuna and I killed, as well as the bad guys among the other dead people, and when I want to resurrect them one day, you secretly record them. Do some sleight of hand and turn them into a vegetative later."

"Anyway, because you were asked to record them before, isn't their soul with you? It's simple isn't it?"

"Follow the orders of the Creator."

Although for the sake of Asuna's mental health, Yang Lei had to take the initiative to promise to resurrect those who died.

However, what he said was that they could be resurrected, but he did not say that they would be resurrected in good condition.

What to say.

It can only be said that Chinese characters are so broad and profound, and word games still have to be guarded against. .

0841 Murder in the circle (plus three!)

"Jun Yang Lei, please hurry up and come to the city on the [-]th floor. Something happened here, it's serious."

Not long after Asuna left, when Yang Lei pulled a chair to the balcony and wanted to bask in the sun and flip through the books he had collected in other worlds, Asuna suddenly sent such an urgent message.


Yang Lei stood up abruptly, since Asuna didn't explain it on the news, it meant that the matter was really serious.

And since Asuna's matter was involved, he definitely couldn't rush over in a leisurely manner.


With a thought, Yang Lei suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and when he reappeared, he was already by Asuna's side.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

As soon as Yang Lei appeared, he hurriedly checked back and forth on Asuna, and he was relieved until he found that Asuna was okay.

Even though he had already used Dragon Balls to strengthen Asuna's physical fitness "[-]", and even had super resilience, he still couldn't help but mess up.

It was only now that he finally regained his usual calm.


Asuna didn't have time to stop Yang Lei, she just let him touch and touch her body back and forth, and only then did she hold her husband's hand with an embarrassed expression, and whispered, "It's not me. Well, it's someone else, someone else."

Aside, Kirito's wife Yukio and Klein's wife Lisbeth looked at Yang Lei with strange eyes, and then glanced at Asuna with some envy before explaining: "Mr. Yang Lei, that's what happened. "

After the three women's explanations took turns, Yang Lei knew what Asuna meant when something happened.

It turned out that when the three girls were shopping together, they suddenly heard a scream coming from this side.

When they rushed here, they discovered that there was a person hanging on the wall of the building in front of them.

I don't know what's going on. It seems that the man is also very confused. He was strangled by a rope and fell there. He also had a sharp blade with a large barb on the blade.

If it's just a prank or a bullying incident, it's really nothing, just save the person and punish the person who did it.

However, just when the three girls were about to put the person down, the person hanging on the wall actually died.

"Murder inside the circle?"

Yang Lei raised his eyebrows with a smile on his face.

"Yang Leijun, you are going too far."

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