Sure enough, no matter how the Skeleton Hunter attacked along the way, Yang Lei could easily block Asuna. In the end, he even quietly changed the two knives in his hand and took out two identical knives with stronger attributes to cut them off. The two longest claws of the Skeleton Hunter are also its strongest weapon.

"Flash Combo."

At this time, Asuna finally rushed in front of the Skeleton Hunter who had lost her weapon, namely the two front claws. When killing the killer, he quickly pulled it back and sent it in.

"Puff puff...."

A continuous light sound came from the Skeleton Hunter's body, and his blood volume began to decrease rapidly.


In the end, the Bone Hunter disappeared as a handful of fragments when the blood bar was emptied.


"It's opened up again."

"And it's a big win without attrition."


As usual, the supporting characters played their roles again, cheering lively around, this time even the old people seemed very happy, no longer deliberately pretending to be old in front of the new people as before. looks like it.


As the hero who killed the skeleton hunter, Asuna sighed softly and put away the long sword in her hand, then turned and walked quickly to Yang Lei, pouting into her husband's eyes.

"what happened?"

Yang Lei pretended not to understand and asked Asuna.

"Please explain to Yang Leijun."

Asuna untied the weapon she just put away from her waist and handed it to Yang Lei, asking, "Why was my weapon replaced by a novice weapon?"

In other words, it's no wonder that Bone Hunter can last so long. It's not that Asuna and Yang Lei are showing mercy on purpose, but that Asuna's weapon has been replaced by a novice weapon at some point.

I'll just say, with Asuna's current state, it's easy to kill the Bone Hunter in seconds, why is it taking so long.

"Uh, that."

Yang Lei knew that he couldn't hide it, and raised his head to avoid Asuna's probing gaze, thinking of some excuses and the like.

At least he thinks that if Asuna finds out the truth, he thinks this boss is very interesting and can bring tension to everyone. That's why he dropped Asuna's weapons and deliberately made this strategy fight like this. Dangerous, it is estimated that the wife will be very angry.

"Well, forget it."

Unexpectedly, before Yang Lei could think of an excuse, Asuna fluttered her long hair draped over her shoulders and said, "If you want to say something, just tell me yourself, I'm not the kind of woman who pushes every step of the way."

"Thank you so much for that."

Yang Lei shook his head amusingly, and then took out a thin sword from the personal space that was exactly the same as the weapon in Asuna's hand.

This weapon was built by Yang Lei according to the appearance of the novice weapon that Asuna created by herself when she created her character, so Asuna didn't notice anything unusual at first.

It wasn't until she hit the BOSS one after another that she couldn't cause much damage until she discovered the truth.

According to the previous experience when playing the seventy-fourth floor BOSS, the damage she can cause can completely kill the skeleton hunter in an instant, but the result is not, although the damage is still very high, but she still found the clue...  .

"Speak up."

Hanging the divine weapon-level 'novice rapier' around her waist again, Asuna tilted her head and looked at her husband up and down, and asked with a strange face, "So it turns out that Yang Lei-kun, like Mr. Kirito over there, is also a pair of knives. flow?"

Yang Lei lowered his head and glanced at the two swords hanging on his waist, and shrugged: "It's not just two swords, I can also have three swords, seven swords, and even ten thousand swords."


Asuna raised her eyebrows and asked him to show herself what the Three Swords Stream, the Seven Swords Stream, and the Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect.

"OK OK."

Yang Lei laughed and stopped his suddenly curious wife, hugged her waist and walked to the other side: "Don't get to the bottom of it, who said just now that he is not a woman who is pressing step by step?"

Although Asuna was a little unhappy, she didn't continue to ask, she just said that he had to show it to herself when he got home, otherwise he wouldn't be allowed to go to the chuang at night.

Well, very hostess-like.

. . . . . .

After the successful crusade against the [-]th floor guard BOSS skeleton hunter, the group rested here for a while, and then got up and went back when everyone's state was almost recovered.

It's just that the purpose of their returning to the town is not only to activate the teleportation point, but also to go directly to the next floor to continue the strategy.

That's right, as Yang Lei said before, their behavior is that they don't fight, and they have to defeat five bosses in a row to be satisfied.

The newcomers have some understanding of this. Although they are a little uneasy at this time, they also continue to follow up with 2.3.

Next, during the day, Yang Lei and Asuna led the [-]-odd members of the Fenglin Volcano Guild to clear another five levels, from the [-]th floor to the [-]th floor.

Although the guard boss on the [-]th floor has not yet been played, people can already reach the [-]th floor through the teleportation point.

"Okay, that's all for today's event, let's see you next month."

Finally, when everyone came to the [-]th floor for the first time, Yang Lei and Asuna said goodbye to everyone.

"Dear, don't forget to go home and show me the Ten Thousand Swords Guizong."

When she walked into the teleportation point, Asuna had not forgotten to remind Yang Lei that she still remembered the Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect that he said before.

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