"Okay, I'll show you the tentacle monster, don't worry."

"Huh? What is that? All of a sudden, the topic has become very ghostly...".

0847 Finally cleared to the [-]th floor

A few months have passed, and the specific timeline has completely collapsed, so don't worry about it.

Well, in the past few months, Yang Lei and Asuna have been leading the Fenglin Volcano Guild with great success.

First, it got through from the seventieth floor to the seventy-fourth floor, or the seventy-fifth floor is also correct.

Then started the battle from the seventy-fifth floor, and finally activated the teleportation point on the eightieth floor.

Until today, they not only got through to the [-]th floor last month, but they are also going to challenge the final boss of the [-]th floor today.

At nine o'clock this morning, the city on the [-]th floor was filled with all the people who were trapped in this death game.

Today is finally here, success or failure is a matter of one fell swoop, everyone spontaneously came to send their heartfelt blessings to the strategy team who are about to go to battle, and wanted to wait for first-hand news at the forefront.

"It must be passed smoothly."

"Please definitely defeat the last boss."

"Anyway, please do your best, we will stay here and sincerely pray for everyone."

Around the Fenglin Volcano Guild, players formed a circle to bless them 16 times.

"Please rest assured."

As the president, Klein made a loud oath: "We promise that we will lead everyone back to the real world today, we swear."

Although it sounded a bit like he wanted to poison himself, everyone didn't care anymore.

If you think about it, there is nothing wrong with Klein's words. If they can't go back to the real world today, it means that they must be defeated, and how many people will die by then.

So, instead of hesitantly thinking that there is a chance next time, it is better to break the boat once.

"It's time to go."

At this time, Yang Lei reminded Klein from the side, saying that it would be dark if he didn't leave.

"How can it get dark so soon?"

Klein, who had finally managed to be majestic, complained in dissatisfaction.

"That's it."

Agil and Kao also agreed. They were single, and they had always been at the forefront. They had a very hard life, and there were few people who were as popular as they are now.

"Mr. Agil."

Asuna put her hand over her mouth and smirked: "I heard that you are already married. After this incident is over, we will definitely hold an offline meeting from time to time, right? I really want to chat with your wife at that time. Let's talk about Yufu Sutra."

"Cough cough."

Yang Lei couldn't help but let out a dry cough, and wanted to ask what the sutra is?Do you want him to teach her first what is the Royal Wife Sutra?There's something like the Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl.

cough cough.

Because Asuna mentioned his wife, Agil became serious, and even scolded Kao unceremoniously, which made Kao look very depressed.

Obviously they are the same thing, why should he be reprimanded?And he hasn't had a chance to appear for so long, so he also needs to show up well, otherwise how can he get the performance fee.

"Everyone is here waiting for our good news."

After wasting some time, everyone in the strategy team said goodbye to the people who came to support them, and finally set off to kill in the wild.

All the boss rooms are in the labyrinth area, and if you want to go to the labyrinth area, you have to get out of the circle first, and then go through the wild area where you can go.

Just like at this time, they stopped and fought along the way, and they fought an unknown number of extremely powerful wild monsters, and finally came to the entrance of the labyrinth area.

"The [-]th floor is really extraordinary. Even those ordinary mobs are almost stronger than the guard bosses on the [-]th floor."

At the entrance of the labyrinth area, everyone planned to take a rest, and then they couldn't help but start complaining, it was really too strong on the road.

But the good thing is that they have been leveling on the [-]th floor for a month or so, and their overall strength has improved a lot. Otherwise, they may not be able to come here, let alone go to the labyrinth area to fight. Also challenge the final big BOSS in the whole game.

"By the way, what will the final boss look like?"

During the break, everyone couldn't help discussing curiously, wondering what form the final BOSS would appear in.

"It should be Kayaba Akihiko himself."

Kirito made his own guess and continued to reason: "Everyone knows that there is nothing more boring than watching others play RPG, so I think he will definitely participate in the final stage at least."

"Very fair guess."

Without waiting for others' approval, Yang Lei nodded first, and gave Kirito a thumbs up.

"Okay, let's move on."

After sitting for a while, everyone got up one after another, walked into the entrance of the labyrinth area and continued to kill.

On the way to the labyrinth area, they also encountered little monsters' obstruction. After all, this is the last level, and no effort must be spared in terms of difficulty. This setting is applicable no matter which RPG game is used. of.

Fortunately, Yang Lei and Asuna were always escorting them along the way. At least there was no downsizing. Even if someone was injured, they would quickly replenish their health with recovery items.

That said, after all, it is the last floor. Everyone still spares no effort in supplying. Those players outside are not only supporting, but also providing a large number of recovery crystals, which is of great help to the Raiders team. .

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