
Being seen through his mind, Cardo yelled again, as he said, if he is willing to give up the property of the country of waves, why should he be so worried now.

"No more cuts."

In the end, Cardo could only say ruthlessly: "Don't forget the conditions we agreed, as long as you can help me solve the trouble, I will support you to build a Ninja village in the country of waves. But if you If I can't complete my explanation, then I have no choice but to find someone else to cooperate."


At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and a group of more than a dozen people walked in. The leader was a middle-aged man with a pair of knives on his waist, and behind him was Bai Lu.

"No more cuts."

The person who came was the Black Hoe Lei Ya and his party, and Lei Ya looked at Zai Zai with a playful smile, and said, "I didn't expect your ambitions to be so big, and after the failed coup d'etat, you actually planned to build a forbearance by yourself. the village?"

"You came."

Then Buzhan Chong Lei Ya nodded and responded to what he just said, saying: "No way, I also have my own ideas, but unfortunately no one in Wuyin Village supports me, otherwise I won't let it be kept under the shadow of that bastard. Persecuted, Village of Blood Mist, tsk tsk."

Lei Ya shrugged noncommittally. He was much older than Zabuzhan, and he was at the same level as the previous owner of the beheading sword, so he had never experienced the tragic situation that Zabuzhan had experienced.

When it's not slashing or stubbornness, the graduation exam is not as gentle as Konoha Village, as long as you can successfully perform the clone technique, you will be considered qualified?It's too simple, it's like playing a house.

In Wuyin Village, known as the Village of Blood Mist, at that time, the graduation examination of Genin was to let the students of the same class fight against each other, and only those who killed the opponent could win and graduate.

In this bloody experience, it is not allowed to surrender and admit defeat, either win and graduate or die.

Why do you call it a ghost if you don't cut it again?It's because he showed his ruthlessness in this bloody graduation exam when he was very young. He once killed everyone except him by himself, leaving Wuyin Village to gain only in that session. A downfall.

After such an experience, the heart of not cutting it became distorted. At the same time, a question quietly emerged in the bottom of my heart, who issued this bastard rule?

After Zaibuzhan climbed to a high enough position, he finally figured out everything. The graduation examination of the genin was prescribed by Suiying, which means that his childhood misery was all thanks to Suiying.

In this way, with a trace of resentment towards Shuiying and his ambition to change Wuyin Village, Zabuzhan launched a coup d'état, but unfortunately, he failed.

"Are these the helpers you got?"

Cardo finally stopped clamoring, and he was somewhat discerning. He forced himself to calm down and said, "If you don't cut, the reward is not a problem, I just need to complete the task."

"Do not worry."

Zai Bu Zhan responded casually, then ignored the card too much, looked up at Lei Ya, and looked like he was hesitant to say anything.

"Don't look at me like that."

Lei Ya spread his hands and said, "My choice is the same as before, but I don't have time to help you, unless you want me to hold a grand funeral for your Ninja Village."

"forget it."

Then he waved his hand quickly, seeing that Kaduo knew the current affairs and left, and waved his hand to let Bai drive out the Chunin men, called Lei Ya to him, and explained: "This time the task is very difficult, it's Konoha Village. Among the two teams of ninjas, not only were two Shangnin leading the team, in addition to six of the seven little devils, there was one who actually possessed the strength of Shangnin, and even I was almost killed by him."

After being brought back by Bai Bai, I thought back to the previous battle, and finally came over from the standpoint of a bystander. He was a little over the top before. If he really continued to fight with Yang Lei, he would face an opponent without a weapon in his hand. With a powerful weapon capable of severing a beheading sword with two swords, he has no advantage at all.

Another, Yang Lei's speed and strength are faster than him, and if he really wants to fight again, he may be in danger of life.


Lei Ya raised his eyebrows (Nuo Li's), and with some interest he touched the hilt of the knife at his waist, and said, "I really want to hold a funeral for them, especially that kid, genius? Then there is more to hold a funeral. value."

"Don't be careless."

If you don't cut it, you don't dare to be careless, and arranged: "In order to be safe, you must go to the black market to recruit a team of people. At least you must have a Chunin level. If you can find a Shangin, you only need ten people."


Lei Ya looked at Zai Bu Zhan with a half-smile but reminded: "I'm here to help you, not to defect to you, I'm not your subordinate."

Without cutting it, he quickly promised: "That bastard Cardo is very rich. I'll rob him for you when things are done, how about it? I don't want to cooperate with such a person to form a Ninja Village."

"It's almost there!"

(PS: December [-]st, [-], the last month of [-], also starts from the first day of this month, is there any big brother who will take the lead to give a reward or something? Hahaha... ).

0098 Preparation of Konoha Ninja

Zai Bu Zhan is a hero with great ambition, if he is only a little humiliated, he will not be too small to bear and make big plans.

But the guy who called Cardo secretly recruited more than [-] rebels, even if he said hello to Zaibuzhan.

It's a pity, what Cardo doesn't know is that his own private actions violated the bottom line of never slashing. He no longer plans to cooperate with Cardo. At present, it is only because his injury has not recovered, and he doesn't know how to receive him. Otherwise, he would have been sent to the West for a long time.

Therefore, if he doesn't cut it, he promises to Lei Ya that as long as he helps himself wholeheartedly, he will help him rob Cardo when it is done.

As for why he would continue this mission if he didn't cut it again, some of them were unwilling to be defeated by the kid, so he wanted to take revenge, and the other was that he had not yet figured out how to embezzle the Cardo industry.

But don't worry, as long as he has the trust of Cardo, it will be easy to do.

. . . . . .

Because Cardo didn't want to trust the betrayal and forbearance, and he also got help if he didn't kill himself, he simply cancelled the mission of the black market, just thinking that if he couldn't complete his mission, he would have to go to Wuyin Village and The land of water has gone.

And if he doesn't cut it again, his body will be in a condition because of his previous suspended animation, not to mention fighting in a short period of time, and even self-care will be a problem.

In addition, he did not dare to underestimate the enemy again, and he had already entrusted Lei Ya to go outside to find helpers, so that the situation in the country of waves was temporarily in a stable and peaceful state.

But everyone knows that the short-lived peace is only the final calm. When the waves resurface, a decisive battle that is even more tragic than before will ring.

Therefore, on the side of Konoha Ninja, in addition to closely protecting Dazna, Kakashi and Asma started training like sharpening guns for their subordinates.

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