Before, Yang Lei taught Naruto and Sasuke the practice of climbing trees. During the period, Sakura and Ino also tried to climb, but they were all right. They didn't get angry with Naruto.

And now, Kakashi has taught the seventh class the practice of treading water, and the tenth class has already completed the treading practice because of the previous task of cleaning up garbage on the water. Apart from Ino and Yang Lei, Shikamaru and Dingci are being taken by Asma. Supervising the practice of climbing trees.


During lunch, Asma patted his forehead and remembered something, raised his hand and took out a scroll from his jacket pocket and handed it to Yang Lei, explaining, "This is our Sarutobi clan's experience with fire escape ninjutsu. I taught you personally, and now the time is urgent, you can take it to self-study, and come back to me if you don’t understand anything.”

A lot of things happened along the way, which made Asma almost forget the three-generation purpose account, and it was only at this time that he remembered it again, but because there was no time, he had to explain according to the three-generation purpose, and it was impossible to give the scroll directly to Yang Lei.


Yang Lei's eyes lit up and grabbed the scroll. What he lacked most now was ordinary ninjutsu.

Most of the book of seals are forbidden techniques, and there are also a lot of secret techniques. Unfortunately, it is not easy for people to use them easily, even Yang Lei can’t. When you are big, sometimes it is really enough to be restrained.

On the other hand, who doesn't want to have more means of their own?

Yang Lei is not like Kakashi. Not only is the amount of chakra very sufficient, but also because chakra has the characteristics of nine-tailed chakra, the speed of self-recovery is greatly improved, and stamina and stamina can be leveraged, as long as it is not a one-time consumption. Too big, it's hard for him to worry about chakra.

In addition, Yang Lei already has all the basic five attributes, and even the yin and yang chakra attributes have awakened. As long as he continues to study, he may be able to develop wood chakra, ice chakra, etc. Blood follows the limit, so no matter what kind of ninjutsu it is, he can handle it with ease.

Unlike Kakashi, although he claims to have copied thousands of ninjutsu, he is troubled by the amount of chakra and attribute problems, and there are too many ninjutsus that cannot be used. So some.

("Who did I provoke?" This was Kakashi's angry protest.)

Mudun Chakra, this is the limit of blood so far only possessed by Senju Hashirama. Except for him, no one in the current ninja world can use it.

At least Yamato is not well known, and his Mudun is not a Mudun, it should be called a Mudun.

As for Danzo, I don't know if he has transplanted the first-generation target cells now, and Madara Uchiha is already dead.

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Originally, while Yang Lei possessed water and earth chakras, as long as he awakened yang chakras, he would be able to develop Mudun chakras, it was just a matter of time.

It's a pity that what he lacks most now is time. Now that he is hiding a powerful enemy, he has no time to carry out the research and development of Mudun Chakra. Even the weight-bearing training has not been carried out for a long time. Put it on again.

After all, this is a reality that can't be repeated, and he can't tolerate any carelessness. He doesn't dare to have a fluke mentality. What if he encounters an assassination while he is carrying a load?If you don't respond, you will have to be killed.

As for Bing Dun, in fact, even if Yang Lei didn't copy it from Bai, he could develop it by himself.

........ ...

With the support of the Yang Dun chakra attribute, the combination of the wind and water attributes can produce the ice escape chakra.

It's just that ordinary people don't have Yang Dun chakra, so even if there are countless ninjas with wind and water attributes at the same time, it is only the white family who may perform ice escape ninjutsu, which is the blood line of their family.

Speaking of which, someone may be able to discover one thing. After awakening the Yin-Yang attribute, Yang Lei can develop too many blood-based boundaries by himself, even if he doesn't copy other people's blood-based boundaries.

That's right, it's not just wood and ice, such as the combination of water and thunder, the fusion of fire and earth, or the explosion of earth and fire, such as the combination of fire and water, or The boiling escape of the combination of water and fire.

As long as Yang Lei has enough time to develop it, countless powerful blood-based boundaries are waiting for him to master.

It's just a pity, what he lacks most is the time for theoretical research and development and practical verification.

"Time waits for no one."

Yang Lei held the ninjutsu scroll and sighed softly in his heart: "After the Chunin exam, at most four years and at least three years, the fourth ninja war will begin, I don't have much time. ."

Thinking about the plot of the original novel, Yang Lei felt the urgency of time, and while eating lunch at a faster pace, he secretly decided: "Because of this mission, I have delayed my training in Huaguo Mountain."

"After you go back, you must hurry up and go to Huaguo Mountain for further study, hoping to learn all the basic attributes of ninjutsu!".

0099 Learning Fire Ninjutsu

For Yang Lei, with the eyes of seeing the ancients, he will be relaxed and happy no matter what he learns.

But he is not afraid of anything else, only that Huaguoshan does not have a complete reserve of ninjutsu.

"For now, let's learn the fire escape ninjutsu of the Sarutobi clan first."

Glancing at the ninjutsu scroll in his hand, Yang Lei's eyes quickly flashed a touch of gratitude, adding a few points to Asma's gratitude.

"I felt like it was going to be unclear before."

Yang Lei sighed in his heart and said to himself: "Now, I guess selling to Konoha Village is enough to pay off his favor."

"Let's not talk about that."

Shaking his head and shaking off the distracting thoughts in his heart, Yang Lei opened the scroll in his hand and looked down, only to see that the small scroll was full of curse marks, with a big 'seal' in the middle.

"Is it the most common sealing technique?"

Yang Lei recognized the spell on the scroll, and slapped "August [-]" with both hands and said softly, "Resolve."


A puff of white smoke spewed out, and a huge scroll with a length of one meter and a diameter of half a meter appeared in front of Yang Lei.

"What a big scroll."

Suddenly, an exclamation came from behind, which made Yang Lei startled.


Yang Lei turned his head to look and found that it was Xiao Ying who was hiding behind a big tree, but because he didn't open his eyes, he didn't know when she followed.

After having lunch with everyone before, Yang Lei went alone to the woods near the construction site. It wasn't because he was stingy and wanted to hide from others to study secretly. , Asma didn't speak, he was really embarrassed to share it with others.

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