Besides, among the Konoha ninjas present, the new generation of pigs and deer butterflies have a secret technique that belongs to their own family. Naruto's attribute is Feng Dun, Sakura's attribute is unknown, only Kakashi and Sasuke Yulei, Fire properties.

Not to mention that Kakashi claims to have copied thousands of ninjutsu, but that Sasuke is a descendant of the Uchiha family. Will the Uchiha family lack the scrolls of fire escape ninjutsu?

Even if Danzo wanted to destroy the Uchiha family again, before Sasuke defected, at least on the surface he didn't dare to go too far.

Therefore, Yang Lei went to the side to steal the ninjutsu scroll given by Asma by himself, in fact, it was not too much anyway.

"How did you come?"

Yang Lei gracefully turned around to face Xiao Sakura, opened the ninjutsu scroll while asking a casual question, and didn't mean to carry Xiao Sakura at all.

In fact, he did this on purpose, not because of anything else, but he just didn't want Xiao Ying to think he was stingy. Since she's all followed, just watch it if you want.

But Xiao Ying didn't think so. Seeing Yang Lei so disregarded herself as an outsider, a touch of emotion flashed in her eyes. Thinking about the setbacks she suffered when she went to Sasuke just now, the balance in her heart collapsed instantly, and she no longer needed to weigh anything.


Sakura took out a water bottle from behind with a little twist, and explained, "I saw that you didn't bring a water bottle, so I sent it to you, didn't it bother you?"


Yang Lei smiled, took the water bottle that Xiao Ying handed over, and thanked him, "Not only did he not bother, but he helped a lot. Now there is no need to worry about it."


Xiao Ying gave a smirk, didn't look at the open scroll, turned to the tree root and sat down, holding her chin in her hands and looking at Yang Lei, she didn't know what she was thinking.


Yang Lei is not a second pillar, and his mental age is not young anymore. Even if he has not experienced this before, he can see something at this time, and he can't help but mutter in his heart: "Sakura looks a little weird. ?"

However, it should be said that his experience is still too little. He didn't see too much, and he didn't notice the tenderness in Sakura's eyes. He lowered his head and started flipping through the huge ninjutsu scroll, constantly grasping one after another. technique.

In Konoha Village, apart from the Uchiha clan, the Sarutobi clan who mastered the fire escape ninjutsu best.

You must know that the family emblem of the Uchiha clan is a fan, which means fire in its meaning. There is no objection to being placed in front of the Sarutobi clan, and any objection is rejected.

In fact, the Sarutobi family is not bad, but they don't have the bloodline boundary that belongs to their own family, so they can't compare to the Uchiha family. After all, there are black Amaterasu flames in Sharinyan, and it is even more controllable with the earth life. Flame, Sarutobi clan is really incomparable.

But it doesn't matter, what Yang Lei needs now is not Amaterasu flames or adding earth life, those are not in a hurry, what he needs now is ordinary fire ninjutsu, and this scroll is coming at the right time.

Of course, it is ordinary, but it is not ordinary. This scroll has everything from C-level fire escapes to A and A-level fire escapes, and even S-level fire escapes. How can it be called ordinary...  

It's just that these are ordinary ninjutsu compared to the limits of blood, forbidden arts and secret arts.

Speaking of which, I have to mention that many people have a misunderstanding about ninjutsu, thinking that B-level ninjutsu is more powerful than C-level ninjutsu, and S-level ninjutsu is the most powerful.

In fact, this is a wrong point of view. First of all, the reason why ninjutsu is divided into four levels: C, B, A, and S is not based on power, but the difficulty of mastering.

The higher the level of ninjutsu, the more difficult it is to learn, and the time it takes is exponentially increased.

For example, it may take a day to learn the C-level fire ninjutsu, Fengxian fire technique or arrogant fireball technique, so if it is changed to the B-level fire ninjutsu technique, it may take ten days or more. Time to master.

As for A, rank and S rank ninjutsu, it is even more difficult.

As for the power of ninjutsu, it has nothing to do with the so-called level, but depends on how much chakra the ninja consumes to determine the power.

For example, in a fight between Shangnin and Shiren, they also use fire escape ninjutsu.

. . . . . .


In the evening, Yang Lei looked down at one breath and saw the entire scroll of Sarutobi's house.

He now has more than 5.1 mental attributes. Although the number of mental attributes cannot determine his IQ, it can make his memory better by [-]. In addition to the cheating of the ancient eyes, he can't use it. Forgetting to describe him, I have to say that not only is he unforgettable, but he can also learn at a glance.

Because of his ancient eyes and excellent memory, Yang Lei only spent one afternoon learning all the fire escape ninjutsu of the Sarutobi family. At this time, he was sorting out his gains with his eyes closed.

"In this way, it seems that fire escape ninjutsu has been learned, right?"

After a while, Yang Lei opened his eyes again, with a satisfied look on his face, this time the harvest is really enough.


After taking a breath, Yang Lei began to tidy up. While rewinding the opened scroll, he turned his head to look behind him. When he was about to call Xiao Ying back, he found that Xiao Ying had already fallen asleep.

"Have you been with me until now? It seems...".

0100 Sakura's Change of Mind

After spending an afternoon, Yang Lei finally learned all the fire escape ninjutsu scrolls of the Sarutobi clan. Since the book of seals, he has gained a lot of improvement again.

Every new ninjutsu you learn is a new method, which can be used as a new trump card. If you can eat all over the sky with just one trick, why did the predecessors develop so many ninjutsu?

Just because it is not easy to master ninjutsu, it is a waste of time, so no one is willing to spend a lot of time and hard work, such as miscellaneous learning is not as good as specialization.

It's just that Yang Lei is different from others. He can be all-powerful and all-fine, because the eye of the ancients allows him to easily learn the characters, abilities, moves, blood succession limits and racial traits that he sees.

. . . . . .


After resealing the huge ninjutsu scroll into the small scroll, Yang Lei put the small scroll in the ninja bag behind him, turned around and came to Sakura, who was sleeping soundly.

"Have you been with me until now?"

Yang Lei sighed lightly, he was not an idiot, he just lacked experience in this area, but at this time it was not difficult to see Xiao Ying's attitude towards him, but he didn't know why Xiao Ying had a good impression of him.

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