Yang Lei said this, but he couldn't see any regret from his expression.

"Now, dear."

At this time, Asuna raised her head from Yang Lei's shoulder, turned to look at Yang Lei's eyes seriously, and asked a little less confidently, "You said, am I really pregnant?"

Huh?Asuna is pregnant?

"I can't feel wrong."

Yang Lei looked at Asuna's suspicious eyes seriously, and said how he felt: "In your stomach, there is indeed a little life that comes from my bloodline and is gradually taking shape."

Yes, on a recent day, Yang Lei's senses suddenly sensed a particularly close breath. After searching, he discovered that the breath came from his wife's stomach.

Then he confirmed after some deductions that it was Asuna who was pregnant.

As for the inaccuracy of the deduction results, there is no need to worry at all. He saw the future with the omnipotence of UF Habach, and used the power of time to evolve it on his wife's stomach. All signs show that, yes, he has another child.

In other words, doesn't it mean that the more powerful people are, the more difficult it is to reproduce?How can it be so easy on Yang Lei's body?This is his tenth child, right?

There is no way, I can only say that Yang Lei is too hardworking, not afraid of dying from exhaustion. He cultivates the 'land' very 'fertile' every day, and the probability of pregnancy will naturally be higher.

Just like a lion, during that period, it has to come a dozen times a day, in order to increase the pregnancy rate.

Even sometimes the lioness is clearly preying, and the prey has not been killed yet. As a result, the male lion not only does not help, but also rides up from the back. I have seen that video. . . .

"do not worry."

Yang Lei knew that Asuna was suspicious because she had never felt anything, so she could not help but hug her wife's waist and stomach with open arms, comforting: "Didn't I say, every child in our family is not simple. , so it will take at least five or six years to give birth."

"As for the pregnancy phase, it takes about a year to show pregnancy, which is normal."

where is normal?Ordinary people are pregnant and give birth in October. Even Nezha only has three and a half years, right?

As a result, it will take at least five or six years to reach you, which is a normal phenomenon of farts.

But if you think about it again, Ma Dan, the child of Yang Lei's family will have the strength of Beerus, the God of Destruction, since he emerges from his mother's womb.

In this way, five or six years will be five or six years.

Only then did Asuna feel relieved, she first gently patted her husband's hand away with her hand, then hugged her flat belly and sat there with a dazzling motherly face, whispering to the child in her belly.

Yang Lei is speechless. The child has not yet formed. It should still be in the state of a certain child and a certain child. What whispers can he understand?

"By the way, Asuna, I've already booked a plane ticket, we're going home tonight."

"Well, it's time to go back, my father and mother have called countless times to remind me. Besides, the BOB competition is already available for registration, right?"

(PS: The stalk of 'land' and 'cultivation' comes from 'no ploughed land, only exhausted cows', as for the lion's number, I don't have it, I just clicked on a video 'accidentally'... ).

0857 The world of guns, ggo

Originally, based on the strength of Yang Lei and Asuna, the two of them could fly back by themselves, and they could go home without even a second.

It's just that when you come out, you go through the normal procedures after all, and you have left the immigration procedures in other countries, and it is very scary that you suddenly disappear.

And this is all the fun of traveling. It doesn't mean that if there is a more convenient transportation method, you have to fly back and forth 'whoosh', what's the point of that.

Come out and play, this is what you want.

They arrived home that night, because it was late, so they went home to sleep first, and then went back to Yucheng's house to visit Yuuki and his wife after getting up the next day.

Asuna didn't dare to say that she was pregnant. After all, she was only seventeen years old, and she was not yet an adult. She was afraid that she would have sex with Yang Lei when her parents were excited.

And she also knew that her child would take five or six years of pregnancy to be born, and she was not in a hurry now, because she was afraid that she would scare her parents if she said it.

After staying at Yuuki's house for another day, the couple returned home the next day. In the afternoon, Yang Lei accompanied Asuna to visit his brother-in-law again.

It was not until the third day that they returned to calm, and then they put on the game equipment that can fully sneak in the morning, and entered the new ALO world for the first time.

By the way, Asuna was originally a student, and she was still a high school student.

Don't forget that she was trapped in SAO when she was fifteen years old, and her studies naturally have to come from before.

It stands to reason that she shouldn't have so much free time.

This is because Asuna obviously wanted to be with Yang Lei, so she gave full play to her memory (became unforgettable by Yang Lei?), and by rote memorization not only recovered the courses she had missed for several years, He also kept skipping grades and soon graduated from college. He became a homeless person, and he had a lot of time. . . .

In other words, Asuna had become an internet celebrity at that time. Not only was she young and beautiful, but she was still catching up after about two years of courses left behind. Not only did she recover the blank period of about two years, but it was even more so in a short period of time. It is too talented and too dazzling to complete the level of skipping grades to the level of college graduation within time, right?

It's a pity that she didn't cherish it herself, and Shang Jia's good hand was smashed by herself.

First, he refused the invitation of university professors to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and then he refused the active application of countless large companies. Finally, in some interviews, he directly stated the news that he was married.

Immediately, the hearts of countless men were shattered, and a fellow named Yang Lei was also hated by them.

By the way, it seems to be off topic...

Back to the topic.

The return of Yang Lei and his wife naturally attracted the attention of many people. They didn't have time to watch the environment of the new ALO that day, and were dragged by their friends to 'torture confessions'.

Especially the other two couples who were still together, Kirito Kazuyuki, and Klein and Lisbeth.

Their marriage relationship in SAO has continued to this day. Like Yang Lei and Asuna, I am afraid that they will also be together in reality.

So they want to get some inspiration from Yang Lei and Asuna, even if it's just some insignificant little experience, they will flock to them.

It can only be said that they really cherish each other, and they have developed into a realistic link, so they attach so much importance to the travel of Yang Lei and his wife.

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