After all, in the eyes of Kirito and the others, the couple could already be considered a honeymoon.

And there are only two people in the whole process, which is really exciting to think about.

In other words, they have had a relationship in the game world, but they still respect each other in the real world. Yang Lei thinks this kind of relationship is weird, right?

Because of the commotion by a group of friends and partners, Yang Lei's original idea of ​​going to Aincrad, the city of steel, didn't work out.

"It's really noisy, these people ¨". "

In the end, Yang Lei couldn't help complaining about his wife after quitting the game.

"Pfft hahaha."

Asuna couldn't help laughing, it was the first time she saw her husband so entangled.

But there is no way, the guild is basically all male, and there are only a few female players.

So most of them went to make trouble with Yang Lei, and wanted to hear some topics that are not suitable for children.

As for Asuna's side, there wasn't such a fuss. The girls just ran to one side of the grass and sat down, chatting like a tea party for a day.

"Let's eat first."

It was almost night, Yang Lei hurried to the kitchen to get busy.

They have already agreed that he will go to the game GGO tonight, he must understand the most basic rules and so on, and he has to sign up, otherwise he will not be able to participate in the upcoming BOB tournament.

"Really don't accompany me to play in the world of guns?"

During the meal, Yang Lei also asked that he didn't want to be separated from his wife. If possible, of course, it would be better to go to GGO together.


Asuna shook her head, clutching her still flat stomach and said, "I'm afraid of scaring her. After all, it's a firearm and a rocket, so it must be scary."

Let's just say that the child hasn't formed yet, how could he be scared.

Then again, why does Asuna use 'her' to describe her child?

This is because Yang Lei said that if he wants a daughter who looks like Asuna, it will definitely be cute and beautiful.

Asuna also prefers her daughter. After all, her temperament is usually very gentle, and if it is a son, she will feel a headache.

That's why I said, the child has not yet formed, is it really good for you to unilaterally determine the gender of others?

The two couples were talking softly while eating delicious food. When they were almost finished, they picked up the game equipment and fell on the chuang while hugging each other.

It's just that the two of them landed in the same game world this time. Asuna's side is still a freshman ALO, while Yang Lei's side has become a gunfight-type GGO.

. . . . . .

".ˇDear players, welcome to join the GGO family, please build your character before you officially start the game."

"There are three (obtainable) types of specific character establishment methods. The first is to use one's own original appearance; the second is to use..."

As Yang Lei logged into the GGO game, a sweet and gentle voice sounded in his ears, and soon began to introduce the game flow.

"Choose the first one."

At this time, Yang Lei interrupted the tutorial guidance of the prompt tone, and directly chose the first method to build his character.

Well, after all, his appearance is very good, and he won't be ashamed at all, so he naturally doesn't need another way.

"The character is established successfully, please name your character."

"Name? Uh... Forget it, just keep using my real name. My name is Yang Lei."

Yang Lei thought about it for a while, and finally found that the name was difficult, so he simply continued to use his own name without being ashamed.

"The nickname is established, you can start the game now, I wish you a happy playing."

"The world of guns? Oh, I am invincible!".

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With a flash of white light, Yang Lei logged into the world of GGO.

Not in a hurry to move, Yang Lei called out the menu and looked at his panel, and saw that although his level was not high, his attributes in all aspects had directly reached the maximum value.

Because it is not a fantasy world game, the attributes that each person can enhance is limited.

As soon as Yang Lei appeared on the field, he directly reached the theoretical maximum value, and he did not use any cheating methods.

It can only be said that his physical fitness is really against the sky.

There is only one thing that still can't be compared with the high-level players in the game, that is, the lack of skill points.

There are also various skills in this gunfighting world, such as increasing the hit rate, gun proficiency, ballistic prediction line enhancement, first aid, stunts and other hundreds of skills.

For example, the accumulation of this aspect has to take a lot of time to hunt to obtain.

Don't look at this as a gunfighting game, but there are also monsters that can be hunted in this world. It's just that while hunting monsters, there is also a PVP type of battle mode.

"Say it."

Looking at his character attributes, Yang Lei rubbed his chin with his hand and whispered to himself, "I don't know if the skill point potion that originated from 'for a better world...' is effective here."

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