First of all, the passage is very narrow, which limits the space for dodging, and can only rush forward against the gunner's attack.

And because it's a level-breaking game, you can't carry weapons and defense equipment, and even defense skills are restricted.

And as long as you pass through the [-]-meter passage and touch the gunman's body, you will win, and the [-] G in the prize pool will all belong to the winning player.

The rules are simple and the winning mechanics are exciting.

"Come on then."

Standing at the entrance of the narrow passage, Yang Lei put his hand on a trap at the entrance, and after paying the last thousand G for the ticket, the game started.

It may be because this game is too difficult, and no one came to give away money for nothing.

But when they heard the sound of the game starting, many players who were still looking at various commodities turned their heads subconsciously.

"Huh? Is it a rookie player? I really don't know whether to live or die."

When many people saw that Yang Lei was only wearing a novice equipment and dared to go up to the challenge, they couldn't help but laugh a little jokingly.

After all, even these old players dare not peep at the [-] bonus, and even some players who have challenged and failed. At this time, when they meet a newcomer and dare to challenge, they will naturally feel a little uneasy. Taste, what you say will definitely be a little unpleasant.

Yang Lei didn't care about this either. Seeing that there was a countdown icon at the entrance that was counting down the last three seconds, he lowered his body a little and was ready to break through.

"Three, two, one."


Prompt sound, this is Yang Lei's challenge officially started.


With a little more force on his feet, Yang Lei shot, shot, and went out in an instant, as if the wind was blowing under his feet, but he had already jumped out a full three meters in an instant.

"So fast."

There was exclamation from all around, and the expressions of those who were planning to watch the joke all stiffened.

"That's it."

Only Sinon was mentally prepared at the scene. After all, she had roughly seen some of Yang Lei's attribute panels, and knew that this guy was just a rookie, but he was not inferior to the old players in terms of character attributes.

"Maybe he really can."

Seeing that Yang Lei passed the three-meter distance in less than a second, and after easily passing the gunman's first wave of attacks, he crossed the ten-meter line in just two steps, Sinon couldn't help thinking to herself. , maybe this guy can really win this gambling game.

. . . . . .

Not to mention the audience's reaction, let's look at Yang Lei here.

"It's really easy."

Thinking in his heart, Yang Lei seemed to be walking in a leisurely courtyard. He easily passed the five-meter distance, and after breaking into the ten-meter line, he stepped out and came within eight meters.

Here, ordinary people only need three or five steps to meet the gunman, but don't be careless because of this, the closer the distance, the more dangerous it is.

Sure enough, the gunman's attack came faster, and he was clearly holding a revolver, and as a result, the bullets seemed to be unrestricted and fired more than a dozen rounds.

If you were someone else, you would have already failed.

But in Yang Lei's view, the bullet is like a movie that has been slowed down countless times, and his pupil technique can easily infer the trajectory...  

"No pressure at all."

Thinking like this, Yang Lei continued to dash forward, doing a few random moves to avoid another round of attacks.

By this time, he had come to the three-meter line in front of the gunman.

"The last meter."

With another step, Yang Lei directly crossed the distance of two meters, and he was only one meter away from the robot gunman before he could touch it.

In fact, if it is now, Yang Lei can pounce on the shooter as long as he leans forward, and at worst can touch the opponent's body.

After all, Yang Lei's height can be [-] meters.

It's just that he didn't do that, not because of his bad image, although there are reasons for this, and the bigger relationship is that he doesn't need to be so embarrassed.

at this time.

"Boom bang bang..."

The robot gunner wouldn't hesitate because Yang Lei was too close now, and he fired a series of bullets.

According to the current distance between the two, for ordinary people, when they hear the gunshot, the bullet can already hit the person's body, and there is no possibility of escaping, not to mention the need to budget for the bullet line.

But Yang Lei was completely different. In his eyes, he could easily see how the bullet flew out of the muzzle and where the bullet line landed.

"Go three ways?"

Raising his eyebrows, Yang Lei found that most of the gunman's attacks were on his upper body, as if there was some conspiracy inside.

"never mind."

Feeling fearless, he leaned back on an iron bridge.


Suddenly, the robot gunner who was already in front of him gave a smug laugh, and then saw a little blue light appearing from the muzzle in his hand.

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