Yang Lei didn't understand, but others could see that this was a sign that the 3.6 of the optical gun fired, and the bullets of all the optical guns were not the kind of live ammunition guns, but fired lasers.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

He heard a series of soft noises coming from the pistol held by the robot gunner, and then, a series of laser beams that could not be counted, enveloped Yang Lei's whole body.

"I guessed there was a fraud."

Yang Lei calmly snorted in his heart, countless solutions quickly flashed through his mind, and finally he chose the safest way.

"Crack, snap."

I saw that he jumped back with his feet off the ground, and put his hands on the ground again to complete a backflip, thus avoiding the attack of the robot gunner.

Then, at the moment when his feet landed, he slammed on the ground again, and charged forward again with all his strength.


"I won."

This time, it seemed that even the wind couldn't catch up with Yang Lei's speed. Everyone was in a flash before their eyes. When they took a closer look, they realized that Yang Lei had already grasped the shoulder of the robot gunner.

"He really won?".

0861 Sign up

"I didn't expect this guy to actually win."

When they came out of that big shopping mall, Yang Lei and Sinon were walking on the street. At this moment, Sinon was still sighing constantly, as if even she didn't think that Yang Lei could really win that gambling game.

The last-minute laser gun was too shameless, and it came so suddenly, Sinon felt that even if the old player with the fastest speed and reaction speed in this game came, it is estimated that he would not be able to pass.

Think about it, after all, this gambling game has existed for a long time, and its reputation has already been played. If you are sure, even if it is not for the [-] winnings, just the reputation you get is enough to make people rush.

"Speaking back."

Sinon turned her head to look around again, looking at Yang Lei who had been completely new, she couldn't help but muttered, "It's really people who depend on clothes."

At this time, Yang Lei had already changed into the equipment he bought in the mall.

First of all, the top is a large red trench coat with a small white shirt inside. The red and white combination is Asuna's classic style.

Then the trousers with 16 sides are very simple, just a pair of wear-resistant and convenient jeans, and the shoes are just a pair of sneakers in an inconspicuous color.

In other words, Sinon's recommendation was for him to buy military boots, but he himself felt that the thing was too covered with feet and not very good-looking, so he bought a pair of sneakers, but it turned out that his overall style became very weird. .

However, Yang Lei's appearance is still very good after all, even if the clothes match is not very good, he looks like a handsome guy, even Sinon couldn't help but praised that he could eat with his face.

In other words, after getting the [-] lottery bonus, Yang Lei also bought this suit, and then added two live ammunition pistols, and then he ran out of money.

It can only be said that the money was spent too fast.

However, Yang Lei felt that these were enough. The equipment on his body was very good, and the clothes were relatively comfortable. He was very satisfied.

As for weapons, in fact, as he said, just two lightsabers are really enough to kill the world.

Sinon didn't mention anything about borrowing money from him. Since he said so himself, that's fine.

So, after buying things and helping Yang Lei find a place to put on the equipment, the two left.

"Next, go to the Presidential Palace to register."

The next goal for the two of them should be to go to the Presidential Palace to sign up.

"That's right, Sinon."

Walking on the road, Yang Lei folded his arms and asked Sinon while playing handsome, "Because I'm a rookie, I don't know much about that BOB competition."

"And anyway, there is still a long way to go. Why don't you explain it to me? Anyway, I am idle, and I only need some simple information."

Sinon rolled her eyes angrily, thinking that you are really welcome.

Only she looked up again at a building in the distance.

"It's about three kilometers away from the Presidential Palace, in that case."

"never mind."

Looking back, Sinon nodded to Yang Lei: "Then let's chat with you while walking. No, it should be my unilateral briefing, right?"

"There's nothing wrong with that."

Yang Lei smiled a little embarrassedly, who called him too lazy, he hadn't been on this side quietly before, and he didn't even read the most basic information, it was enough.

"Then let's talk while walking."

Said, Sinon greeted Yang Lei and continued to walk forward, and indeed gave him some pointers along the way, although they were only the most basic, as long as you wanted to collect information that you can definitely get, but also let him. Yang Lei breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the first BOB event held, and the scale is not large. There are only two days in total. The first day will be the preliminaries, also known as the knockout, and then the second day will be the finals.

If it is a later BOB, there will definitely be a bigger event, and it will involve a world-class scope.

And now there is no need, just to compete for the so-called first shooter in the Japanese server.

Today is the registration time, which is said to last from [-]:[-] a.m. to [-]:[-] p.m. tomorrow, and then the first round of qualifiers will be held on time at [-]:[-] p.m. tomorrow.

Now, because Sinon herself doesn't know how many people will participate, she doesn't know how many players there will be.

However, she still knows some information that has already been made public.

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