Damn, I just wanted to ask, how did you transform a rifle-type optical gun into a laser cannon?

Also, as you can tell from the name, the power of this thing must be extraordinary. Are you sure that this event really allows you to bring such a dangerous weapon into it?

Even if it's really all right, by the way, why did you take out the laser sword again?Hey, don't take it apart, don't remodel it indiscriminately...

"Laser swords? What a bad name. From today onwards, you are laser swords."

puff.... .

0864 bob qualifier game [-]

As the time approached four o'clock in the afternoon, Yang Lei was no longer the only one who was bored in the lounge in Area F, and more and more contestants had signed up.

Especially at around [-]:[-], all sixty-four players had arrived.

"You came very early."

Sinon naturally also came, and at this time sat opposite Yang Lei and chatted with him.

"Well, it's very early."

Yang Lei nodded in disbelief, and finally began to blame himself in his heart, what do you think he is doing here so early? Instead of staying here for an afternoon doing nothing, he might as well go back to accompany his wife.


Just as the time for the start of the BOB was getting closer, Sinon turned her head to look at Yang Lei and suddenly said, "Don't lose too early, I still want to beat you in the final."

It may be because they signed up at the same time period, resulting in the two being divided into the same area.

Fortunately, one of them is in the upper half and the other is in the lower half. If they want to meet, they can only make it to the finals.

And don't worry when they really join forces in the finals. There are two champions and runners-up in the competition. Even if one of them loses the game, they can participate in tomorrow's game.


Yang Lei chuckled: "It's a very bold idea, but I have to remind you that my strength is unfathomable. Don't cry because you lost the game."

"I'm not a child."

Sinon frowned and protested, and stood up: "Okay, let's talk about it here, the game is about to start, I'll go there first."

Sinon's departure was not because she was wary of Yang Lei, nor because the two were about to become rivals, but because she saw the figure of a friend on the other side, so she had to go to see it.

"Really strong."

Seeing the back of Sinon leaving, Yang Lei couldn't help shaking his head, and he couldn't tell what it was like in his heart.


Not so much, at most she felt worthless for her, because he accidentally killed a bad guy and took on the so-called blood debt. Fortunately, he is not so careful, otherwise.

"That's really impossible to live."

Shaking his head, Yang Lei said in his heart that he had killed countless people. If he was as entangled in this as Sinon was, he would have committed suicide long ago.

. . . . . .

"Please note to all the contestants who have registered, the first BOB qualifier knockout round is about to begin."

At the last minute of approaching four o'clock in the afternoon, a beep sounded throughout the restroom, and I believe this should be the case in restrooms in other regions as well.

Before the official start of the game, the prompt sound also briefly explained.

"After the countdown is over, all players participating in the game will be automatically teleported to the first game venue, please be prepared."

"It's finally started."

"Wa hahaha."

"Let everyone see how powerful I am."

The restroom in Zone F, which was already noisy due to the increase in personnel, became even more noisy when he heard that the qualifiers were about to start.

Many of them even took out their weapons and fired into the sky.

These guys are really impatient. The countdown hasn't started yet, and the game hasn't started yet. If you're so excited now, won't you be tired after a while?

And it's better to stay calm when fighting, haven't they forgotten?

"What a bunch of idiots."

Sinon couldn't help but scolded in a low voice, and then she subconsciously turned her head to look at the corner where she sat before, and saw that guy Yang Lei was lying on the table and was about to fall asleep after she left.

"And an idiot."

Sinon muttered again.

"what happened?"

Beside her, a handsome man with long hair looked at Sinon curiously, feeling that she was a little different from before.

"It's nothing."

Sinon shook her head, no longer looking at Yang Lei who still didn't look up, but looked up at the large screens above the lounge.

Those big screens are used to broadcast the pictures of the game, so that people in the lounge can clearly see the battle of the players.

At this time, before the game has started, the role of these screens is just a countdown.

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