
Finally, the countdown came to the last ten seconds, which made the atmosphere of the players in the lounge even higher, and involuntarily shouted along with the prompt sound.

"Nine, eight, seven..., one."

"Game start."


As the countdown to the last second fell, a dazzling light suddenly lit up in the lounge. All sixty-four contestants had been teleported away, and only some players who came with their friends remained here.

. . . . . .

"Oh? Is the playing field an ancient temple ruin?"

Yang Lei was also teleported away. At this time, he was standing on a rubble and looked around, and he saw abandoned buildings and overgrown bushes as far as he could see.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

"Boom, bang bang bang..."

Yang Lei exposed his figure so blatantly, and he was soon greeted by a shower of bullets.

"Is it there?"

Yang Lei didn't have time to search where his opponent was hiding, but the opponent jumped out on his own initiative.

"It's rude."

Shaking his head, Yang Lei put away his eyes as if he was watching an ordinary tourist attraction, and picked up one of the lightsabers from his waist with his left hand. The moment he turned on the switch, he heard a 'hum' sound, which should have been just a light saber. The blade of the laser sword in the shape of a rapier has now turned into a big sword.

Speaking of which, the image is like the Terrastone lightsaber in DNF, it's very beautiful.

"Ding ding ding dong."

The first time he turned on the lightsaber, Yang Lei swung it up, just casually holding the sword in front of him and slashing in a circle, all the flying bullets were chopped into sparks.


In the midst of this spark, Yang Lei calmly picked up a rifle with his right hand.

"Since I found you, then you should just leave."

Without the slightest intention to be polite, Yang Lei didn't need the system's auxiliary aiming function. He took a casual glance and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


He heard a rather frightening sound coming from the muzzle in Yang Lei's hand, and then, a huge beam of light as thick as one person hugged was fired.

"how come?"

The player hiding in the grass was terrified, but don't get me wrong, his current reaction was because he was frightened when he saw Yang Lei slashing bullets with his sword, and then waited for him to see an ordinary optics in Yang Lei's hand. When the gun fired a laser cannon attack, it was too late to react, and after a dazed look, he was teleported back to the lounge.

You think, this is an optical gun that can emit a laser. Does the speed of the laser need to be said?Ordinary people can't react at all, and players can only rely on defensive skills to resist.

In other words, since the laser gun is so powerful, why did Sinon say that the optical gun is only used when crusade against monsters, and when fighting against human players, the live gun is generally chosen?

That's because the attack power of the optical gun is too weak, and the players have defensive skills, and the optical gun alone can't penetrate other people's defenses.

It's just that Yang Lei's optical gun is no longer the original one, but has been transformed into a laser cannon by him. Naturally, the attack power is not the same, and then we just need to look forward to its performance. .

0865 Upcoming Finals

After easily winning his first victory, Yang Lei was also teleported back to the lounge, and he was still in the position he was sitting in before.


After putting the weapons in his hands back to their comfortable positions, Yang Lei continued to lie lazily on the table, quietly waiting for the start of the second game.

Unlike Yang Lei, the other players were still fighting fiercely. After all, it wasn't long since the match started, maybe less than five minutes. They didn't have the speed of Yang Lei to deal with their opponents.

From this we can see how quickly Yang Lei's battle is over.

It also has something to do with his blatant hatred when he came up. No matter who the opponent is, when he sees him standing on a rubble so brightly and looking around, he can't help but shoot him a few times.

It's just that the unlucky bastard didn't expect that Yang Lei not only blocked all his bullets with a weird laser sword, but also shot him with a backhand and a laser cannon that was as thick as "zero five zero" and killed him. , what a mistake.

Well, it's too late to say anything now.

. . . . . .

If the average person ended the game much earlier than others, he would definitely pay more attention to other people's battles at this time. This was the best time to gather information.

But Yang Lei was different from others, he just lay there lazily and didn't even bother to look up, and even the sounds coming from the screen were blocked by him.

There is no way, the strong have privileges. Since he feels that it doesn't matter, he can beat everyone else without any intelligence, and we can't blame others.

In this way, the great opportunity to gather intelligence was wasted by Yang Lei.

Then when he was finally willing to raise his head, the second game had already begun.

. . . . . .

The second game, the third game, the fourth game, and even the fifth game, Yang Lei won all the way easily.

At this point, he has been the first to qualify for the finals, and it is now confirmed that he will get one of the places to qualify from the F zone.

As for who the other place will end up with, it is still uncertain, because the battle between Sinon and the other person is not over yet.

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