So far, apart from Sinon's ongoing games, the qualifiers in Zone F are only a matter of finishing the finals. Time flies by so fast.

"Quick fart."

Suddenly, Yang Lei, who was sitting alone in the corner, turned his head and complained to the empty side: "It's been several hours since the game started at four o'clock, and I haven't even eaten dinner, that's enough. ."

"Fortunately, it's the last game."

Thinking of this, Yang Lei subconsciously raised his head and glanced at the big screen, and said to himself, "A competition with Sinon? Do you want to release water or something?"

"Don't, or she'll be angry? If I really cry, I won't coax people."

This guy's character is really bad enough.

What I'm referring to here is that he is already the father of several children, but it's too irresponsible to say that he can't coax people or anything?

It can only be said that their children are really good.

. . . . . .

It didn't take long for Sinon's match to end, and the result was that the heroine won. After all, she was the heroine of this world.

Moreover, Sinon's strength should not be underestimated. In this world, she is also a master who has achieved a great reputation. If she can't even pass the preliminaries, according to Sinon, she doesn't need to play.

Well... at least that's what she said in the original book.

"The final is really a fight with you."

After returning to the lounge, she didn't know what Sinon heard from her friend, but she walked over and said this while standing at the table where Yang Lei was.

"Yeah yeah."

Yang Lei nodded nonchalantly as he dealt with it, while complaining in his heart, "I already knew that my opponent would be you."


Sinon didn't expect Yang Lei's attitude to be so indifferent, she blushed a little at that time, which was angered.

Obviously, when he asked questions before, she was always ready to answer them, but when it was her turn to fight, he was so lazy to speak, which was really bad.


With a cold snort and turned her head, Sinon put down her harsh words: "You are not allowed to release water in the next game, because even if you try your best, you are not my opponent, I will let you taste what a failed bullet is like. ."


Yang Lei still looked like he was about to die. In fact, he was also struggling and didn't know how to deal with the next final battle.

After all, he had received Sinon's help, so he was embarrassed to knock him down with one shot.

But if he released water, not to mention that Sinon would definitely not accept it, and even his own psychology would not allow him to do so.

Don't forget that he has deliberately cultivated the belief of invincibility. After so many years, he will not deliberately lose even in the playful competition. He also made Asuna cry because of this. Since then, he has never lost. Don't talk to Asuna anymore...  

"It's really confusing."

The more he thought about it, the more entangled he felt. Yang Lei couldn't help but slammed his head on the table, causing the people around him to wonder what was wrong with him. Did his head hurt because he played for too long?


On the other side, her friend was standing beside Sinon. At this moment, she heard her friend say, "Be careful, that guy is very strong."

"I know."

Sinon nodded, indicating that she had long known that the other party was strong, otherwise she would not treat him differently.

"Do not."

That guy was still reminding: "Sino, be careful with his gun and lightsaber."

"Gun and lightsaber?"

Sinon was stunned for a moment, not sure what her friend was trying to say.

In fact, the guy also had some headaches and didn't know how to say what he knew.

It's not that he's too stupid, but he can't tell Sinon that 'that guy's optical gun can fire laser cannons, and he can also use a weird-shaped lightsaber to chop bullets', right?

Although these are true things, people who hear it for the first time still won't believe it.

"There is no way, only seeing is believing."

In the end, that person didn't say any of this, just told Sinon to be able to kill with one hit, otherwise she would be in danger.

Sinon frowned with a 4.8 frown, thinking, is it really that strong?Only one chance to snipe?This....

Before Sinon could find a way to confirm, the last match was about to begin.

"It's finally over."

In a burst of white light, Yang Lei was teleported away again, and before heading to the finals venue, he couldn't help complaining: "I can finally leave this broken world, I really want to never come back."

Some nearby players looked at each other, wondering, is this game so bad?Not so much, right?

Well, how did they know Yang Lei's pain.

"Finally I can fight him."

Sinon's side was also teleported away, and when she went to the competition venue, she couldn't help but muttered in her heart: "As long as I can kill Yang Lei, I can become stronger, in that case, in that case, In reality, I'll be stronger too... right?".

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