0866 Dramatic ending

In the final final of the qualifiers, the randomly generated environment is the highway in the battlefield.

In a space of [-] cubic meters, Yang Lei and Sinon were transported to a road full of messes. The distance between them was at least [-] meters. There were many abandoned vehicles in front of them and behind them. Logically speaking, they could not see each other.

However, don't forget that Yang Lei has pupil skills. At this time, he looked straight at Sinon, and saw that she had found a nearby bus and hid in it, and set up a sniper rifle in front of the windshield.

According to Sinon herself, her sniper rifle is called Hecate, with a maximum range of more than two kilometers. It is a terrifying weapon.

"Is this waiting for me to show up and knock me out?"

Yang Lei sighed lightly, and in the end he had no choice but to get on it.

Originally, he was still hesitant, wondering if he would be disqualified from the next match if he missed the last match, and if Sinon would be angry.

But before he could make a decision on whether to leave the game, the game started.

"Since you have passively made a choice, you can only go up."

No longer escaping, Yang Lei reached out and picked up the 'Tera Stone Lightsaber' hanging on his left waist, and then held the 'Laser Rifle' on his back from behind.

"In grams."

Shouting to get on, Yang Lei leaned forward, put his feet on the ground a little harder, and rushed out.


And just when he rushed out of the back of a car at the birth point, a muffled sound came from a distance, and then 16, a car beside Yang Lei was penetrated.

"Did you make a mistake?"

In the bus opposite, Sinon frowned, then quickly re-adjusted the front sight, corrected the focus according to the first shot line, and fired another shot.


A splendid spark appeared in front of Yang Lei. Sinon aimed very accurately this time. If it was someone else, she would have been shot.

It's a pity that she met Yang Lei, who just smashed Hecate's big bullet with a casual swing of the Terra stone lightsaber.


Sinon widened her beautiful eyes and finally understood what her friend wanted her to be vigilant about.

"Can you hit my Hecate with a lightsaber? How is that possible?"

Sinon exclaimed in disbelief.

Not to mention her, even the players in the lounge were exclaiming again and again.

Among them, some people have seen Yang Lei's battle scene more than once, but at this time, they can't help but be amazed.

"That guy is simply not human."

In the end, I don't know who's slanderous remark made everyone nodded subconsciously.

Indeed, a guy who can cut bullets with a knife would not be an ordinary person no matter what, he is simply a monster.

"Clap clap."

Look at Sinon again.

She hadn't forgotten that she was still competing, she patted both cheeks with both hands, and readjusted the sight to aim at Yang Lei, who was already close to [-] meters.

"Death to me."


Another shot was fired.

"Have you lost your cool?"

On Yang Lei's side, he didn't use the Terra stone lightsaber to knock out Hecate's bullets, because Sinon's shot was too serious, even if he wanted to show off, he had to run a few steps in the other direction. to hit the bullet.


Sinon also found that her heart was already in chaos. When she was aiming at Yang Lei just now, the crosshair was constantly zooming in, which was proof of her unstable mentality.

As mentioned before, there is an assist system for aiming in GGO games. It sounds like the sword skill system in SAO. As long as you aim a gun at others, a circular scope will appear. The scope The smaller the hit rate, the higher the hit rate, and the larger the scope, the lower the hit rate.

If you want to improve your hit rate, in addition to upgrading the corresponding skills, it is also very important to maintain a calm attitude. The more unstable the attitude, the bigger the scope will be.

Just like Sinon's shot just now, it was obvious that Yang Lei was already close to [-] meters away, and her weapon was a sniper rifle, so she wouldn't be too far away from Yang Lei.

It can only be said that the shock Yang Lei brought her was too great.

"Sino, I'm here."

Yang Lei decided not to give Sinon another chance. He shouted and accelerated again, and in a blink of an eye, he passed the last [-] meters and came to the bus.


I heard a soft sound from inside the bus, and then Yang Lei saw that there was a black muzzle standing upright on the bus door, and Sinon behind him was staring at Yang Lei so stubbornly, as if he wanted to pull it. Open the door and she'll shoot.

"I still have a chance."

Sinon gritted her teeth hard, and there was something indescribable in her eyes. It was like despair and madness, but there was some relief and relief under despair and madness. It was very complicated, even Yang Lei had to watch it. I do not understand.

"Hey, isn't that so?"

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