Didn't choose to open the door, Yang Lei stood outside the bus door and asked Sinon, "You know, we've all qualified to qualify after hitting here, so we don't have to fight so hard, right?"

Yang Lei didn't open the door, and Sinon didn't shoot, just like the door was very diao, even the bullets of the sniper rifle could be blocked.


When Sinon in the car heard Yang Lei's words, she shook her head and said decisively, "If I can, I want to defeat you here, not by you."

"Hey Hey hey."

Yang Lei is speechless, miss, I'm going down the stairs for you, okay?You are holding a sniper rifle, and mine is a lightsaber. Now that the distance is so close, isn't it obvious who has the advantage?

But Sinon didn't see it that way.

"The closer the distance, the higher the hit rate."

Sinon looked at Yang Lei, who was already in front of her, and said with a bit of smugness in her tone: "Now the distance between you and me is less than one meter. At this distance, in terms of Hecate's performance, , you'll be shot the moment I pull the trigger."

"This time even you can't dodge or cut my bullets with a lightsaber?"

Sinon is telling the truth, although for snipers and sniper rifles, the threat of letting the enemy close to her is too great, and it is the most stupid behavior. After all, sniper rifles can't be as fast as rifles or assault rifles. Continuous hair.

However, when it comes to close combat, if you accidentally get hit by a sniper rifle, you will be killed instantly. Unlike a rifle or an assault gun, you can use skills to resist damage. This thing is so unreasonable.

And the distance is so close, in general, there is no concept of being untouchable at all.

So Sinon was still very confident, and felt that when Yang Lei attacked her, she could kill him first.

"It's a little embarrassing."

Yang Lei shrugged silently: "You are waiting for me to open the door before shooting, and I don't want to open the door now, what should I do?"


Sinon was stunned, as if she hadn't thought about this issue.

"How about this."

Yang Lei raised his hand to show Sinon the gun in his right hand, and said, "I'll show you a good thing."

As he said that, he turned around generously, found a building nearby, without aiming, and pulled the trigger directly.

Before she could wait for Sinon to feel underestimated because of Yang Lei's actions with her back to her, before she could get angry, she heard a 'boom' and a nearby building was directly pierced by a laser cannon.


Looking at the big hole in that building, Sinon was completely dumbfounded.

If she read it right, Yang Lei bought the gun indiscriminately before, and she got angry because of it.

But is this gun so powerful?how come.

Immediately afterwards, Sinon became a little angry again.

"Are you really looking down on me?"

Hearing Sinon shouting, "Why don't you attack me with such a powerful weapon? What is this? Is it pitiful? You bastard, you hateful bastard."

The more she talked, the more angry she became, and she remembered the reason and reason why she had been fighting in this world, and Sinon was directly crying.

If it was in the real world, of course she could hold back her tears.

But this is in the game world. To use what Asuna said to her mother in the original book, tears cannot be hidden in this world, because if you want to cry, you will cry directly, and sometimes you don't even notice it. .

"of course not."

Yang Lei explained: "Sino, I want to..."


Sinon didn't give Yang Lei a chance to speak, and shouted, "I admit defeat."

And the first time a confirmation box appeared beside me, I pressed it down.


With Sinon being teleported away, the showdown ended with dramatic results.

"It's getting more and more complicated, it's really tangled."

0867 Sleeping Knight, Yuuki and Asuna

After the final BOB qualifier, Yang Lei came out and found that Sinon had left with her friend.

Shaking his head helplessly, Yang Lei said in his heart that he would meet again tomorrow anyway, and then he would better enlighten that girl.

Then he learned that tomorrow's game would start at one o'clock in the afternoon, and then went offline.

Back in the real world, Yang Lei turned his head and glanced at his wife, who was still lying in his arms, and found that the girl showed no sign of quitting the game at all, which means she didn't even eat dinner?

"It's crazy to play."

Shaking his head again speechlessly, Yang Lei put the GGO game device he just took off and put it on his head. He hasn't been in the real world for a minute before this guy enters again. game world.

In other words, since he came to this world, Yang Lei has become a game house. He basically spends his time in games every day. He obviously likes to read books before.

Returning to the world of the new ALO, Yang Lei looked around the game world's home but couldn't see Asuna.

After thinking about it, he was too lazy to look for it. Yang Lei directly called out the map and wanted to locate where she went.

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