Originally, it was only a friendship that could locate each other's coordinates on the map, not to mention that the two were still husband and wife.

Soon, Yang Lei discovered that Asuna had gone to Aincrad, the city of steel with a hundred layers of labyrinths.

"Huh? How did she get there? And she's alone?"

Yang Lei found that there was no ID of someone he knew, but only herself, and she couldn't help feeling suspicious.

He didn't need to worry about Asuna. Judging from the power he wished for her, Asuna could be considered an invincible existence in this world, even if she boasted that she was a goddess.

So, there is no such thing as Asuna being murdered or bullied, she can walk sideways.

Some people may wonder, didn't Asuna come in without her body attached this time?Unlike before, this time there will be a lot of decline in strength, right?

Don't forget that when the account of a former SAO player is transferred to ALO, it will inherit many things from the original character, such as character attributes and the like.

So although Asuna originally wanted to become weaker with Yang Lei to experience the fun of the game, the fact is, her strength is still so strong that one person can get through the [-]th floor.

"It's better to go and have a look 〃々."

It's just that Yang Lei finally chose to find his wife, after all, he was still waiting to have dinner with her.

Even if she doesn't want to quit the game now, he still has to know what she wants to eat at night. Don't forget that Asuna is pregnant, so she can't be hungry.

Uh..., aren't you already hungry?

. . . . . .

After arriving in Aincrad, Yang Lei subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the swordsman's monument placed inside when he was passing by the Black Iron Palace on the first floor.


For a moment, Yang Lei stepped back and looked at the Swordsman's Monument again. He realized that he had read it right. In addition to the names of the two of them, other people had already appeared in the areas on the second, third and fourth floors. 's name, and it's still his very unfamiliar ID.

"Oh? Is someone finally conquering the labyrinth?"

Muttering in his mouth, Yang Lei didn't particularly care about such a trivial matter, he turned around and walked inside again.

On the map, Asuna should be on the fifth floor. Yang Lei walked directly to the teleportation point and went there. Then he followed the map to find it. Finally, he found his wife outside the boss room in the labyrinth area on the fifth floor.

"Dear, what are you doing?"

It's just that Yang Lei didn't have time to find his daughter-in-law to make out and make out, when he found out that Asuna was actually dating someone else.

Hey, Asuna actually met someone else?is this real?Will their little Virgin be against other players?Didn't she know that doing so would hurt someone.

Uh, is this guy hacking his daughter-in-law?

"Huh? Husband? Why are you here?"

Asuna didn't realize Yang Lei until then, she couldn't help but happily greeted him, and when she came to her, she gave him a generous hug.

"what happened?"

Yang Lei hugged his wife's waist and refused to let go. He looked up at the large group of people on the opposite side, and then glanced at the six men and women who followed Asuna to him. He couldn't help but move: "Huh? This is not the Sleeping Knight. Guild? Why are they here? And with Asuna?"

According to the plot of the original book, the Sleeping Knight will appear when Aincrad is attacked to the [-]th floor. This is the plot that Yang Lei remembers.

It's just that he forgot one thing, that before the official debut of the Sleeping Knight, he had actually been trying to attack Aincrad, but it was unknown, and it had never been successful.

And now, this is because of his own intrusion that caused the butterfly effect to appear in the plot, which made the Sleeping Knight appear so much earlier, and the only one to blame is him, the butterfly who instigated the plot.

".Is such that."

Asuna struggled and saw that Yang Lei was unwilling to let go, so she shook her head with a wry smile and let him hold her like this all the time, but after hearing Yang Lei's question, she couldn't help showing an angry expression and kept talking. Start telling.

It turned out that just after Yang Lei left the game and went to GGO in the afternoon, it was around [-]:[-] in the afternoon. Asuna, who did not want to level up with everyone, met a few people by chance and found that they were asking about her whereabouts. .

Out of curiosity, Asuna will definitely go up to ask who the other party is, and why she is looking for herself.

Well, this is the encounter between Asuna, the Sleeping Knight and Yuuki.

After that, Yuuki fought Asuna with the original sword skills she created just like in the original book, but Asuna lost.

"Huh? You lost?"

Yang Lei looked at Asuna with shocked eyes.


Asuna secretly twisted her husband's waist, and hurriedly gave Yang Lei a wink.

"Oh oh oh."

I don't know if it was painful or just to hide his shock, Yang Lei nodded again and again, twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "So you lost."

"Turn again~."

As a result, Asuna was dissatisfied and twisted another hand on his waist.


Yang Lei sucked in a breath of cold air, he didn't dare to resist, otherwise Asuna would definitely not be able to hurt him, and Asuna herself was in danger of being injured by the shock force.

It's just that Yang Lei is suffering this time, and even he can't help complaining to his wife in a low voice: "It's blue and green, don't screw it up."


Asuna snorted proudly and let go of her hand, and then she suddenly realized: "Huh? Where did I just say? Yang Lei-jun hates it, it's you who interrupted."

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