"No way, let's talk about it again from the beginning."

"Ha~ ah? Say it again from the beginning?".

0868 Yang Lei, the incarnation of the song god

According to Asuna, after Yang Lei left, she met Yuuki and the Sleeping Knight not long after.

After that, the development of the plot is similar to that in the original novel. Yuuki used his original sword skills to fight with Asuna, expressing that he hoped to ask Asuna to do something after winning.

The gamble between the two was not unexpected, and Asuna would definitely win.

But she was so bored now that she thought it would be better to listen to what Yuuki wanted to ask her, after all she had worked so hard to find herself.

In this way, when one secretly released water and the other showed all his abilities, the result was predictable and Asuna lost.

After winning the game, Yuuki suggested that he wanted to ask Asuna, and it wasn't a big deal, he just wanted to bring her into the group to help them get through the bosses on the first floor of the Sleeping Knights Guild.

That's right, Yuuki and the others found out that Yang Lei and Asuna were able to get through the first level boss with just two people, and then they tried repeatedly but couldn't get through the latter bosses. Instead, other larger guilds kept going. Get through, and at this time, you have conquered several layers of BOSS.

In desperation, they had to temporarily leave Aincrad and went outside to inquire about Asuna's whereabouts.

In other words, why didn't they find Yang Lei?

Maybe Yuuki isn't very comfortable with men?perhaps....

"and then?"

Hearing that Asuna said it all over again, Yang Lei couldn't help rubbing his aching head on his temples. He said to my wife, what you said has nothing to do with the current situation.

He actually cared more about how Asuna and the others met with other guilds, rather than how she met the Sleeping Knight.

"And then we found out."

Asuna suddenly became angry, pointed her finger at the dozens of other guild players who were blocking the front, and condemned: "These people have been following behind us to steal teachers, and we will finally discuss what to do. When we beat the boss, they came to block the door and wouldn't let us in, and then they took the boss away, which is really abominable."

"Hey, the lady over there, don't talk nonsense, we..."

Among those people on the opposite side, someone laughed jokingly and opened his mouth to say something, or was he provoking?

"Shut up you guys."

Yang Lei was not polite to them, and scolded them directly: "What face do you have to talk about? A bunch of big men came over to do such opportunistic things. What do you think is the difference between you and the little thieves who steal chickens and dogs?"


The people on the opposite side didn't expect Yang Lei to be so rude, and they all glared at him angrily.

"Have they already entered the boss room?"

Yang Lei ignored the group of people, turned around and asked Asuna and the others, "What do you mean now? Do you still want to go in and fight the boss? I can help you open the way."

"Huh? Is it really possible?"

Yuuki's eyes lit up. There were too many people in front of them. They tried it just now, but when there were nurses and shield warriors on the opposite side, and magicians behind them, they really couldn't rush past, otherwise they wouldn't be able to. I've been standing here helplessly.

"No problem at all."

Yang Lei snorted lightly, and took out a stone microphone from his personal space. You shouldn't have forgotten it, right?That's right, it's an Amplified Stone microphone.

"Don't forget that I am a music elves."

Yang Lei said, turned his head and looked forward with malicious eyes, and said to the group of ultimatum: "Hey, you guys are dead and don't plan to let go, right?"


The group of people stood up and saw that they heard that Yang Lei was about to start again.

They didn't attack, but put up a defensive lineup, just to block it here and prevent others from passing by.

"Then don't blame me for being rude."

Yang Lei sneered, took a deep breath and was about to speak.

"Cover your ears now."

Behind, Asuna was hurriedly calling out to the Sleeping Knights to cover their ears.

Although Yuuki and the others didn't know what was going on, they still trusted Asuna to block their ears and listened immediately.

"Gold ~ hoop ~ ~ it's awesome..."

Well, another Divine Comedy came into being. At this time, it was sung by Yang Lei, and it was blessed by amplifying stone microphones.

Seeing that the guys who were still waiting for the battle were already in disarray at this time, weapons and armor were all thrown on the ground at this time, covering their ears with their hands, and their faces were full of pain.

Just doing this is useless. There are still pieces of considerable damage on their bodies that are constantly beating, and their blood volume is also plummeting.

Fortunately, Asuna and the Sleeping Knight Six were not Yang Lei's targets, and they were also separated by his ability to use his voice, otherwise they would be unable to move.

As for now.

"Come with me."

Under Asuna's signal, the group quickly broke through the enemy's formation, and when they came to the door of the boss's room, they pushed the door without hesitation and entered.

In the boss room (bgfg), there are already seven teams from that group of people's guild challenging the boss, but Asuna and the others are unceremonious and rushed up from behind, After the guys who had been harassed by the boss once died, they took over the boss who had only half blood left.

Don't blame them for being ruthless, after all, this guild first relied on a large number of people to engage in unfair competition, and it also ran here to steal teachers, which is simply too despicable and shameless.

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