Today will be the finals of the first BOB competition. Unlike yesterday's preliminaries, there will be only one competition. At that time, all [-] players from [-] divisions will be thrown into one competition map to fight and compete. The final champion.

Because there are [-] contestants, and the weapons are hot weapons, it is conceivable that the map of this game is definitely not small. It is said that a city and its surrounding environment will be simulated.

As for how long the game will last.

Because each player will get a spy satellite auxiliary tool, and can get map information updates every fifteen minutes, so there is no need to worry that the game will never be finished. ended.

With the coordinate tracking of spy satellites, even if someone hides, it is impossible to avoid the battle all the time. If you don't look for others, others will come to you.

"This time it was really fun."

Many people are waiting with anticipation, thinking that this will be a battle between dragons and tigers, and it will definitely be exciting.

Especially after the players in Zone F spread the news of Yang Lei, there are many people on the Internet now waiting for Yang Lei to appear, they want to see how he cuts bullets with swords.

Yang Lei didn't know that he was being watched. In fact, it didn't matter if he knew. At this time, he looked straight at Sinon on the other side.

At half past twelve at noon, Sinon appeared again, and she also appeared in the rest room in Area F.

As I said before, all contestants must stay in the designated area and wait, otherwise they will be regarded as abstaining.

So even if Sinon maintains a great opinion of Yang Lei now, she has to come here to prepare in the end.

In other words, she originally wanted to bring her friend to accompany her, and did not want to be alone with Yang Lei.

But what disappointed her was that because the finals were very important, there was a lounge where outsiders could come in yesterday, but today it was extra strict, and even the players from yesterday were not allowed to come in.

In other words, there are only Yang Lei and Sinon in the rest room in Area F right now.


At this moment, Yang Lei came over from the other side with a flattering smile on his face.


Sinon snorted softly, stood up, turned her head, and left.

"Sino is Sino."

Yang Lei continued to chase after him.

"Don't follow."

Sinon frowned and turned and walked in the other direction.


Yang Lei still followed closely behind her and continued to shout her name.

"Don't follow."

Sinon turned her head and continued walking, not wanting to stay with this hateful guy, let alone looking at him.

It means that she was really pissed off yesterday, what is that?Are you looking down on yourself?Even with such a powerful weapon, she didn't attack, did you want to say that she wasn't worth his wasting bullets?

Moreover, Sinon also went to buy an optical gun from Yang Lei, and found out that the optical gun is an optical gun, and it is impossible to shoot a laser cannon.

Not only Sinon, but others also tried it out, and as a result, many people have wasted [-] G and lost a lot of money.

How do they know that Yang Lei is the result of his own improvement, and the unmodified optical gun is naturally just an optical gun. Where can he fire a laser gun, his head is really broken.


It's not your fault?

"Sino, listen to my explanation."

Yang Lei continued to chase Sinon around the lounge and said, "I don't look down on you, but because I think we are friends, so I can't attack you."


Sinon stopped for a while, and the expression on her face softened a little.

"You said we were friends?"

Sinon asked without looking back.

"Of course."

Yang Lei nodded again and again: "Look, you helped me buy equipment again, and then you wanted to lend me money because I didn't have enough money, and then brought me to sign up, explained a lot of things to me on the way, and cared about me, of course I will take care of me. You are considered a friend."

"Who, who, who cares about you?"

Sinon's face suddenly turned red, and she turned her head in anger and shouted: "Don't be wrong, I said yesterday that you should not lose before the finals. I meant that I wanted to take care of you myself, that's not caring. , don't talk nonsense."


Yang Lei hurriedly agreed, and invited: "I've already woken up to myself, Sinon, let's start over in this game, this time I'll seriously let you see my true strength."

"Really? You're not going to release water anymore?"

Sinon looked at Yang Lei with suspicious eyes.


Yang Lei nodded: "Anyway, I also want to end this game quickly, so let me show you a real powerhouse."

0870 Finals begin

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